Thursday, October 31, 2019
Reading reflective paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Reading reflective paper - Essay Example I have examined several resources concluding very useful information about art the authors of which take up the main questions such as whether art is determined by the culture, its historical aspect and audience interpretation of works of art. I have observed some peculiarities of development of art while studying the materials about the museums of art, their remarkable uniformity and the origin of them. â€Å"The museum is an organizer of culture and, like all organizations, it has its quirks. Nationalism comes into play in the museums organization. However, it shows up in the subtle ways the museum celebrates national identity. Museums give a sense of historical continuity with moments of rupture. Such moments of rupture between periods are almost always defined as a reaction against what has preceded them.†(Diepeveen, Van Laar 10). It is important to mark out the problem of originality: â€Å"those who first do something are given pride of place. The emphasis on originality results in the inclusion of some kinds of works and the exclusion of others. Ideas of originality and progress devalue work that isn’t breaking new ground that is formally conservative.†(14). The history of art museums. The most complete picture of the art can be accessed in the museums which history is very informatively described in the work of Diepeveen and Van Laar: â€Å"The origins of the modern Western art museum date back to ancient Greece. In Greece the term â€Å"museion†meant a sacred place where under the inspirations of the Muses ceremonies and literary competitions took place. The great Museum of Alexandria, Egypt, was the earliest known use of the term as we recognize it today. The Museum of Alexandria created a comprehensive, encyclopedic collection of specimens and artifacts for classification, preservation and research. With the burning of the Museum of Alexandria, museums disappeared for a while from Western culture. The museum
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Healthcare Dilemma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Healthcare Dilemma - Essay Example Later on, the Supreme Court stated that the Obama care had forced the state to register illegally for a Medicaid expansion together with the federal money that is set aside for it, in addition to threats of cutting off of Medicaid funds if they do not adhere to that. Many people who had embraced this act have been affected tremendously. For instance, some have been forced to deploy some of their workers in their companies, hence counting losses. This was a result of the cuts made to Medicaid reimbursement, and even some people are now left with dilemmas on what to do. It is usually painful and disturbing for an individual to incur losses on something that he/she did not expect, but coming into terms with it and accepting the situation the way it is is usually the surest way to find peace. Finally, I would like to advice all people affected by this act that they should try to view everything positively. This is because I am also affected and I have lost a lot, but I usually keep the fire burning bearing in mind that I still have a long life to
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Leadership at Nestle
Leadership at Nestle Leadership: â€Å"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.†(Dwight D. Eisenhower).One more definition of leadership is getting things done by others. Leadership is an important phenomenon in the dimension of managing people because leadership is directly concerned with the styles, tools and techniques for getting things done through the other people. (Bass, 1991) Leadership can be meant different for different people in different environments and perspectives. Leadership may be political, religious, community or organizational, (DePree, 1990) the common thing among all of them is that leaders are responsible to provide guideline to whom they are charged with the responsibility to lead. The concept of leadership is emerged from the organized efforts and mostly related to the presence of organized and disciplined action (Kellerman, 2004). So the leadership is all about the presence of some organization. Without an organization t here is no concept of leadership. One thing Organization is basically collection of individuals who are working together to achieve some common purpose or purposes. Interaction and socially construction is the base of today’s leadership. Leadership in organizations and appropriate leadership style for different types of organizations is a hot topic of discussion among researchers for a long time. As leader is responsible to use his management skills in a way that his followers achieve their destinations in an easy and smooth manner so the way a leader adopt for leading has really a great importance. (Bolden, 2005) Today almost everyone knows about nestle and uses the products made by nestle in daily life. Nestle is a Swiss based company, having the edge of being a multinational it’s the world’s largest and ranked as no. 1 food company of world with more than 447 factories located in 194 countries of world and having more than 333,000 employees around the globe (nestleusa, 2015). Having such a huge work force demands from the company that it should have some appropriate leadership values and structures to guide its managers in decision making and to deal with the problems related to diverse culture and increased diversity within organization. Rather than maintaining the formal authorities given by organization, it’s the responsibility of managers at Nestle to inspire the people and add value for company and add value for society at large. Such a motivation and commitment results in increasing the value for organization. Due to rapid change in external environment and severe competition which was unpredictable in past and requires the managers to develop some enhanced capabilities which can be described in following principles formulated by Nestle. Principles of Leadership at Nestle: Lead for winning: Credibility development through proper leadership style, achievement and coherent action. Based on the nature of situation and culture of a particular environment proper leadership styles are applied by managers in their different work units. Managers at Nestle think about a phenomena from different perspectives in a way which leads toward innovation. Employees are provided with the opportunity of taking risk and openness to new experiences which many times leads to the mistakes but they are tolerate able if the mistakes are becoming the source of learning and employees are commited to learn from them. Innovation needs experiments and not every experiment brings favourable results, but some can entirely change the way the work was done and managed. So all these experiments are possible when the management is ready to tolerate the results of failures, which is the case of Nestle (Nestle-family, 2015). Management of expectations and alignment of every action with the overall or corporate strategy of company is the key factor of success for company and the importance of both of them is recognized on every level by Nestle. Balanced lifestyle, good level of general and professional education, responsible behaviour are the key characteristics of managers at Nestle which when they lead by example shifts toward the employees on every level. All of such actions and demonstrations make it possible to lead for winning. Management for results: Maintaining exposure in the situations of intense pressure while in the same time maintaining the temperament and capacity of taking initiatives and risks is most of the times very difficult for managers. Effectively and efficiently managing between these both extremes is the difference between being just a manager and being a leader. Managers at Nestle are trained for managing them. Business units at local level, regional level, corporate and global level requires synergy. Which is the result of deep level of proactive cooperation among all of them. Leaders at Nestle are trained for creating synergy on all levels. Change is inevitable and but managing the consequences of change is the responsibility of a leader and the effective management results in managing the change in a way that produces favourable results for organization like Nestle. All the above leadership practices results in achieving business objectives in a way that the compliance is maintained with sustainable practices. Grow teams and Talent: Nestle ensures personal commitment of its employees toward their work and achieving their individual goals so that the overall goals of organization become able to meet which results in promoting the organizational success. Company develop the leaders of tomorrow by addressing them and allowing them to progress in the area which provides them the opportunity to expand their capabilities on individual and group levels. For developing the leaders of tomorrow company understands the extent to which the continuous learning and sharing of ideas in a free manner is important. Employees can never know about their exact performance and until they are provided with the honest and fair feedback from their managers which includes performance appraisal in a way that respect of employee will never be shaken on any step. Doing all these leadership practices, management at Nestle is always conscious abut maintain the exact balance of diversity and gender prevails in the organization. Competing and connecting externally: Continuously looking toward the ways to satisfy the consumers in most innovative way and attracting the new customers in a compelling way is also the part of leadership practices at Nestle. Nestle believes in an outside in perspective for customers and inside in for the employees of organization and seeks good business relations with all the stakeholders. Diversity: Diversity is an important debate in organizational circles for a long period of time. Some organizations try their best to increase diversity in their work settings while others pose their every action against it. So think that the diversity can enhance the productivity because of many different ideas from different thinking while other claim that due to diversity there are conflicts among employees which results in low productivity and wastage of time. Through empirical analysis Researchers declared that the diversity is beneficial for an organization if the differences among the employee are managed properly (Williams, 1998). Approaches for managing differences: There are two common approaches for managing differences in the work place. 1. Avoidance 2. Repression. Avoidance is the strategy mostly used by risk adverse management and Repression approach is used when management wants to discourage the disagreement. The factors which must be uppermost in selecting most appropriate approach for managing differences are avoidance or avoiding the difference, conflict, tolerance and appreciation. (Carole G. Parker, 2009) Conflict is the top level of the differences, it is sometimes also names as war. On the initial level the individuals become aware of the differences among them, such differences afterwards results in discomfort which afterwards results in annoyance, then irritation, then tension, then frustration, disagreement, anger, hostility step by step and finally results in conflict or war (Guillaume, 2014). Through the use of emotional intelligence one can select the most appropriate way or action to manage conflict. In case of avoidance there is an opportunity to learn more about the difference before taking an action. In tolerance the participants actively engaged in the situation of difference rather than remaining silent and just observing the phenomenon. In conflict there is direct judgement of others action and declaring them good or bad. Appreciation of differences results in a good level of personal development of individual and growth. (Triana, 2014) The individuals tend to speak with freedom and without any kind of fear. In selecting the most appropriate approach for managing differences the manager should consider the appropriate action or combination of factors among avoidance, conflict, appreciation and tolerance according to the nature of situation. Why is it necessary to maintain a well-balanced work environment? It is necessary to maintain a well-balanced work environment in the term of diversity because diversity offers the organizations to face its difficulties through new and innovative ways. There are lot of opportunities for organizations to avail from the differences among the employees. When two or more varied thinkers think on a phenomenon, they can consider it in a more creative way than they can think individually. So a well-balanced work environment results in creativity. (Choi, 2014) Innovation is a result of thinking in new ways. When many of the diverse employees work together to achieve some common objective. For everyone the phenomenon appears in a different angle and different perspectives and at last everyone proposes his own solution to the problem which results in innovation. When different employees work in a different style in the work environment their diverse experience results in learning for the other employees which are working in traditional manners. Beside the advantages of diversity many disadvantages are also associated with diversity such as communication barriers, thinking style differences, which many times results in non-productive conflict in organization (Australian Govt, 2014). It is necessary therefore that the work environment should be well balanced in term of diversity to get the advantages of it and for avoiding its disadvantages. Diversity at Nestle: Nestle is always an equal opportunity employer and always appreciates diversity in organization. The management is of the opinion that diverse employees are the reason behind such a tremendous success of organization. Nestle has the slogan that â€Å"Our differences make us stronger†. Company is of the opinion that the unique people with unique backgrounds bring their unique perspectives and experiences with them. In Nestle the voice of every individual from every background is not only heard but also appreciated. The goal of company is to attract the best workforce from diverse backgrounds and retain them. The company believes that these employees can create such products which are liked by the customers all over the world. Having the diverse workforce like Nestle has not only benefits the company but also the employees and the societies from which they belong to. Nestle has its own recruiting system which is called as â€Å"Symposium for Diverse Leaders of Tomorrow†through which the recruitment and selection of employees from different background is done. Furthermore Nestle also actively participates in different MBA recruiting programs including Consortium for Graduate Study in Management Orientation Program (CGSM OP). Through these selection programs the fresh graduates of universities are selected on merit basis without considering the backgrounds, races from whom they belong to. For encouraging the diversity in organization and let the employees share their knowledge experiences and best practices Nestle has promoted many ethnic groups such as â€Å"Nestlà © Black Employees Association (NBEA)†, Nestlà © Women’s Network (NWN) for promoting the exact gender balance in the organization. Further Nestlà © Hispanic Employees Association (NHEA) is also working for the promotion of interests of Hispanic employees in organization. The purpose of making all these associations and organizations is to gather the employees from diverse backgrounds on a platform where they can share their experiences about how to make the company a better place to work (NestleUSA, 2015). The company is of the opinion that the employees from diverse backgrounds are asset for the organization and these employees are in fact the source of competitive advantage for the company. References: Australian Govt. (2014). The benefits of workforce diversity. Retrieved 4 26, 2015, from Bass, B. M. (1991). From transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to share the vision. Organizational dynamics,, 18(3), 19-31. Bolden, R. (2005). What is leadership development: purpose and practice?. . University of Exeter, Centre for Leadership Studies. Carole G. Parker. (2009). THE EMOTIONAL CONNECTION OF DISTINGUISHING DIFFERENCES AND CONFLICT. In Understanding and Managing Diversity (5th ed., pp. 41-45). Pearson. Choi, S. . (2014). Organizational Fairness and Diversity Management in Public Organizations Does Fairness Matter in Managing Diversity?. . Review of Public Personnel Administration,, 307-331. DePree, M. (1990). What is leadership? Planning Review,, 18(4), 14-41. Guillaume, Y. R. (2014). Managing diversity in organizations: An integrative model and agenda for future research. European journal of work and organizational psychology,, 23(5), 783-802. Kellerman, B. (2004). Thinking about leadership. Warts and all. Harvard Business Review,, 82(1), 40-45. Nestle-family. (2015, 6 22). Nestle-family. Retrieved from Nestle nestleusa. (2015, 6 20). Retrieved from NestleUSA. (2015, 4 20). Diversity. Retrieved from Triana, M. C. (2014, January 5). Organizational Diversity Efforts and Employee Discrimination Claims: Organizational Motives Matter. Academy of Management Proceedings, p. 10784. Williams, K. Y. (1998). Demography and diversity in organizations: A review of 40 years of research. Research in organizational behavior, , 77-140.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Warnings Against Gender Stereotypes in Early Twentieth-Century American
Many early twentieth-century American writers used conflicts based on female stereotypes as a central theme in their works. For example, the titular character from Mary E. Wilkins Freeman's short story A New England Nun lives a life of domestic solitude, happily sewing and cleaning while separated from her husband to be for nearly fifteen years. Freeman's nun uses her domesticity as an excuse to avoid marrying her fiancà ©, though she leads him on for most of the story and only avoids marriage after learning of her betrothed's love for another woman. Similarly, the much mentioned but never revealed central character in Susan Glaspell's play Trifles seems to embrace domesticity to escape the misery brought on by her marriage, even managing to escape both the guilt and suspicion of her husband's murder through her and her fellow characters’ embrace of her passive, domestic, and harmless feminine archetype. By focusing on the conflict arising from female stereotypes, these two stories reveal the dangers of stereotyping women as passive, subordinate, and domesticated, both to the adopter and the adoptee. Mary E. Wilkins Freeman's A New England Nun reveals the hazards of female stereotypes to their adoptees through the actions of Louisa Ellis. At the time of the story, Louisa has been engaged to marry her fiancà © Joe Dagget for fifteen years, fourteen of which he has spent away from Louisa (Freeman 1623). Though Louisa admits that "fifteen years ago she had been in love with him," she feels apprehensive about their inevitable marriage after his return (Freeman 1623). Louisa's apprehension towards Joe builds throughout the story, but because her embrace of the female stereotype prevents her from expressing her true feelings and breaking... ... escape their undesirable predicaments. The ease at which the problems in both stories could be solved by abandoning presumptions of how women should behave suggests that Susan Glaspell and Mary E. Wilkins Freeman want people to follow their own desires rather than the conventions of gender roles. Furthermore, this moral continues to be true today; modern readers can still benefit from relinquishing their assumptions about how others should behave based on their gender, religion, or ethnicity. Works Cited Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins. A New England Nun. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Shorter Seventh Edition. Ed. Nina Baym. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2008. 1620-1627. Print. Glaspell, Susan. Trifles. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Shorter Seventh Edition. Ed. Nina Baym. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2008. 1968-1976. Print.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Descartes vs Hume Essay
Rene Descartes and David Hume touched upon epistemology on the same question, â€Å"where does human knowledge come from? †They both came to very different conclusions. Descartes claimed that our knowledge came from human reasoning alone and this is an absolute certainty principle. This faculty of reasoning is innate tool that came with human species. He called this tool, â€Å"mind,†which is separated from our body. Hume on the other hand, claimed that human learned from observing the empirical world, and connecting ideas using, â€Å"cause and effect. Rene Descartes realized that many of the things that he have accepted as the truth was false opinions, and consequentially the principles that were built upon them. He wanted to start anew by try to find out â€Å"the truth†, and then build upon that, because the foundation of science requires absolute certainty. In his attempt to find â€Å"the truth,†he started to criticize all of the things he had formally believed: applying the method of doubts, and then remove from the foundation what he found to be doubtable or deducible. He did this as he believed as his doubt increase, certainty decrease and vice versa. By the end of Meditation I, he was in a state called â€Å"Abyss,†where he was skeptical of all things and decided that the empirical world was presented to him by an evil demon He then reasoned that for him to be deceived by the demon, he must exist as something, a mind or a thinking thing After stating that his mind is the sole certain thing, he used wax to illustrate that human cannot achieve knowledge through sense, or imagination alone. He stated that just from observing a piece of already melted wax, he would not be able to identify it as the same piece of wax he had seen earlier in its former form, if he had not been witnessing the melting process. So, sense alone is not the source of knowledge. If he then removed every qualities that a piece of wax can be without, what remain is â€Å"something extended, flexible and movable. †From this explanation, a piece of wax could take any shapes and volume, which would not help him at all in identifying the nature of this piece of wax. Thus, imagination alone also could not be the source of human knowledge. He concluded that the nature of a piece wax can only be perceived through the inspection of the mind (pure reason) as the other two, sense and imagination, were ruled out. Thus, knowledge is a priori, and Descartes was a Rationalist. However, how could Descartes deny sense data completely, if he had to acquire the appearance of a piece of wax or the knowledge of its nature through sense data in the first instance (before it was melted). So he started the wax argument by contradicting himself by explaining to us what he sensed of a piece of wax. His reply was that an ordinary language almost as well led him to an error that he saw the wax (from sense data), but in the reality his faculty of mind interpreted the appearance in front of him to be a wax. Another of my objection to his argument is why creating a new thing, a faculty of mind, instate of combining what he already mentioned and known, which are sense and imagination. In later Meditation, He also use a circular argument to prove the certainty of his reasoning and mind, as he prove God to assure that his reasoning is not fooled by the demon, but we cannot forget that he used his reason to prove God in the first place. His desperation to prove God, and separation of mind and body might be due to the fact that he wanted to serve both of his passions; science and religion. He might be bias in this sense as he doubted until he found want he wanted to seek. David Hume attempted to prove that human knowledge comes from the empirical data and experience. He started by clearly distinguished between â€Å"impression†and â€Å"thought and idea†to illustrate that human applies our creative abilities, such as combine, transpose, enlarge and shrink, on our impression to generate thoughts and ideas. He gave two arguments for this position. The first one is human’s ideas and concepts are always complex mixture of simple ideas which are copies of the human’s sensation of the empirical world. The second argument is if a man hasn’t had any experience with a certain object, he would not have any ideas associate with that object. He challenged oppositionists to prove him otherwise, by giving him an example of thought and idea that is built upon something that had not been seen or heard of before. However, Hume, himself, gave one example that answered to his challenge which was â€Å"a missing shade of blue. †A man would be able to indentify that a shade of missing color from a color scale, even though he hasn’t seen that shade before. Hume stated this example is so singular, it is not worth considering. Hume then distinguished between two object of human knowledge; relations of idea, which are thing which if were denied would be a contradiction to itself, and matter of fact which its contradiction would still be possible. Hume’s interest was on the later one as he thought the first one was merely a definition or a logical statement. He claimed that the connection between our ideas is cause and effect. For someone to believe that a person can drown in water (effect), he must had before witnessed a drowning incident or had firsthand experience (cause). For Hume this connection cannot be known by a priori reasoning but always come from experience. Thus, this is a posteriori. However, he was convinced that cause and effect is merely a product of custom and habit. We experience it so many times that we generalize our future on our past, with no certain ground that it will continue to be like the past. This suggests that human knowledge is contingent. Hume could not come up with more certain explanation or step between cause and effect, but he convinced that it was there. Most Descartes was a rationalist. His work shows that knowledge can only be derived from pure reasoning through innate ability or the faculty of mind, which is certain and proven in Meditation II. He separated this from the body. This leads to a belief that human is more special, as our mind has an ability to provide superior reasoning with give us knowledge. This was in line with Christian belief that men are created in God’s image, which makes us special. By adopting his view, we as a species can rest assures that we are rational being who separated from the rest. Hume argued that our knowledge which comprised of matter of fact is based on experience, which human connect it using cause and effect. Cause and effect is merely human’s custom and habit. This makes human no more special than any other species in acquiring knowledge. He also implied that human knowledge apart from the relation of idea is contingent. If one has adopted Hume so strictly, one would abandon any knowledge that is not base on mathematic or experience such as metaphysic. Why believe or study it, if it base on something that is contingent, and cannot be proven in any sense.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Investigatory Project Mosquito Repellent
I. IntroductionA. Background of the StudyMosquitoes are common pests in the tropics they have been known to cause many disease to most people. The real danger of mosquito lie their ability to transmit diseases like yellow fever, malaria, and dengue people have used various instruments control the mosquito problem in homes. The most commonly used chemical insecticides sprays. Most of these can destroy mosquitoes but they can also do serious damage to humans as well. So the researchers decide to make a new change into our lives researchers prefer a natural insecticide in is not only affordable but it is also a health caring not like in chemical it is toxic and it is not environmental friendly in this case our planet earth undergoes a global warming so instead using a chemicals we used a natural ones.B. Significance of the ProjectIt can prevent and use to kill mosquitoes in our house or anywhere it also prevent the insect borne disease like malaria, yellow fever, dengue and many more it is not hazard into our health because its ingredients is finely arranged to make this project in a good phase it has good basis to use for likewise chemical repellent is not good for our health because of the chemicals, chemical is toxic to our health. And it is environment friendly not like the chemical ones not only our health is affected when we use a chemical insect repellent but also our dear mother Earth its chemical release cfc gases (ChloroFluoroCarbon) that traps the heat in our planet and causes global warming.C. Statement of the ProblemIs a natural mosquito repellent as effective and safer to use, commercial mosquito repellents found in markets? Can it be used in long ranges?D. HypothesisThe natural mosquito repellent is more safe and effective than the commercial repellent found in markets because it doesn’t contain chemicals.E. Objectives1. To have an alternative for a chemical insecticides.2. To kill mosquitoes and to prevent diseases coming from mosquitoes tha t results in death.3. To protect your family in the real danger of mosquito like malaria and dengue.F. Scope and LimitationsThis product is not to be used in wide area because it cannot kill all mosquitoes for only one time spraying and of course it is not like the chemical ones in a trial it can kills some of those and the delimitations is it not harmful in our environment because it is an environmental friendly and it cannot affect our health because it is made up of natural ingredients made up of nature product so that it is not harmful.G. Definition of TermsMalaria- an intermittent and remittent fever caused by a protozoan parasite which invades the red blood cells and is transmitted by mosquitoes in many tropical and subtropical regions. Mosquito- a slender long-legged fly with aquatic larvae. The bite of the bloodsucking female can transmit a number of serious diseases including malaria and elephantiasis. Dengue- a debilitating viral disease of the tropics, transmitted by mosq uitoes, and causing sudden fever and acute pains in the joints. Insecticides- a substance used for killing insects.Chemicals- a distinct compound or substance, especially one which has been artificially prepared or purified. Toxic- substance means any chemical or mixture that may be harmful to the environment and to human health if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin. Organic- Any member of a large class of chemical compounds whose molecules compound carbon.II. Review of Related LiteratureA. Related LiteratureAccording to , an insect repellent is a substance applied to skin or clothing, other substance it may be in solid form or in liquid form which discourages insects from landing or climbing on that surface. Insect repellent help prevent and control the outbreak of insect borne diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever and other diseases. Pest animals commonly serving as vectors for disease include the insects flea fly and mosquito. Mosquito es have complex methods of detecting hosts and different types of mosquitoes react to different stimuli.Most mosquitoes are active at dawn and dusk but there are also mosquitoes that seek hosts during the day. You can avoid being bitten by making sure you aren’t attracting mosquitoes, using attractants to lure mosquitoes else where, using a repellent, and avoiding actions that diminish the effectiveness of the repellent. It has been claimed that it can be used as a home remedy to help speed recovery from throat or other minor ailments because of it antibiotic properties. Treatment, health benefits & side effects with Science Investigatory Project Review Related Literature About Mosquito Repellent products.Many of the sources come from our Encyclopedia of Natural Health and include relevant health topics. Uses vary, but may include Fighting Bacterial and Viral Infections, and Boost Mental Focus Utilizing Phospholipids and are non-FDA reviewed or approved, natural alternatives, to use for Chemotherapy, and Weakened Immune System. Science Investigatory Project Review Related Literature About Mosquito Repellent products are reviewed below.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
An Architectural Tour of Barcelona essays
An Architectural Tour of Barcelona essays La arquitectura de Barcelona es muy histrico y es escencial ver mientras en la ciudad. Este documento examina la arcitectura en Barcelona dentro de seis emplazamientos muy importantes y famosos. Todos los pedazos de arcitectura viene juntos crear la arcitectura à ºnico a Barcelona. Examino la historia y el origen breve de cada obra de arcitectura tambien. El primero emplazamiento de arcitectura que voy a examinar es La Seu. La Seu es el Catedral de Barcelona. Es muy grande y la arcitecura es muy magnà fico. La arcitectura es de gotà co y tiene un claustro muy à ºnico por el tiempo. Siguiente es la Casa Batll de Antonio Gaudà . Aquà examino la Manzana de la Discordia y la arcitectura modernista del tiempo. Es de 1904-1906 y muchas caracterà sticas à ºnicas. Despues la Casa Batll examinamos un otro pedazo de arcitectura por Gaudà . Es de los a El Palau de la Mà ºsica Catalana es un maravilloso edificio del tiempo porque es de la Renaixenca en Catalonia. El creador es Domnech I Montaner en 1908 y todavà a es un emplazamiento muy importante hoy. Los edificos finales son el Parc Gell y la Sagrada Familia. Los dos son por Gaudà y representan sus expresins mediante de mucho simbolismo. Parc Gell combina influencias por naturaleza y imaginacin mientras la Sagrada Familia combina influencias religios y de nacionalismos. Los dos son de el siglo de decimonoveno temprano. Los dos son las obras grandes de Gaudà . Todas las obras son muy famosas y da a Barcelona sus arcitecturas à ºnicas. Es la arcitectura de Barcelona que le da sus cultura grande y identidad à ºnica. Mientras en Barcelona todos tienen que ver especialmente la arcitectura de estes seis edificios grandes. SelecAn Architectural Tour of Barcelona La Seu, Barcelonas Cathedral represents ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Personal Application of Criminology
Personal Application of Criminology work together in their group and therefore he cannot deny being a friend to the boy. He explained that the boy is bright in class and helps him to improve on the things that he has not understood well from their teacher. For this reason, he decided to make him a school friend but he has nothing to do with him when it comes to home activities. Since I was not convinced I went further and asked my son to tell me what he know about his friend and if they participate in the same activities. I am not very sure about his lifestyle because most our activities are school centered, he said. From this information, I understood my son was uninformed. This made me to think of the second option of investigation. Getting more investigation from my sons friends After trying my best to gather information and failed, I requested my son to tell me some of his friends that could be more close to the boy so that I can get more information. My son did not hesitate this. He told me and even took his time to take me to where they were. Actually, this was great because it really helped me to gather more information. We got one of my sons friends Jimmy whom I had a talk with, in the talk I asked Jimmy if he knows that boy well and what they shared in common. Jimmy explained that they had known one another recently, and he therefore had little information about him. He went ahead and told me that in spite of the fact that they had known one another recently, he was able to observe that the boy was friendly. Besides this, his jovial face and good performance in class made them friendly. On the other hand, he had recently discovered that boy looked so secretive. He was not ready to open up to friends, and carried out most of his activities silently. This answer made me to be more inquisitive. I wanted to know what kind of secrets the boy had so that I can come up with better establishment of criminal activities. It forced me to ask Jimmy explain exactly what he meant by saying the boy is secretive, and what kind of secret did he keep. Jimmy told me that he sat next to him in class and he seemed to have too much money but on asking him, he was not ready to tell where he gets it. Jimmy also noted that the boy may sometimes look restless and he would say he is going to take some medicine. After sometime, he comes back to class relieved and with a jovial face but if Jimmy was to ask what kind of disease he suffered and medicine prescription from a doctor he could no tell. Jimmys statement pressed me had, that I could not hesitate digging deeper. I therefore, ask Jimmy to tell me any other friend that knows the boy better. Jimmy then decided to tell and show me one of the closest friends of the boy called Wayne. I got Wayne and discussed this issue. While discussing with Wayne he told me that apart from being friends they were also close neighbors. He added that even though he is a close neighbor he is not his close friend. I still did not get tired of my investigation, I therefore asked Wayne to tell me why the boy was not his close friend. He said that the boy hardily stayed at home, he would have his day spent out of his home and comes late in the evening. This character was contrary to what Waynes parents expected and therefore this made them have a distant friendship relationship. This was not enough to make my investigation. I therefore demanded that Wayne tells me if there is any other person who could give me more information about the boy. I could see Wayne trying to hesitate and pretended not to know any of the boys friends. I clearly saw from Waynes eyes that there was something fishy. This was something shocking because it led me to suspect Wayne too. I thought for a while, and got an idea. It was not good to give Wayne a chance over this. I decided to use issue a treat to him. I told Wayne that I had already known all their secrets and. Besides this, I had known all the activities they undertake, therefore it will be better if he clearly explain this. If he does not he will also be a victim of circumstance and he will land to the hands of law. The treat I issued to Wayne made him to tell me more about the boy. Ha said that the boy was rich and at one time, he had proposed to him that they engage in a certain business so that he also becomes rich. This statement stroke my head, I then become keen and inquired for more. Wayne went ahead and said that he actually did not know this business because the boy had a condition to this, He will only introduce him to the business if he was to agree the terms and condition of the business. Since Wayne was not ready to accept the terms and condition, he could not be introduced to the business. I pinned Wayne to the wall, but he insisted that he was not sure about the business. He said that he had noted something weird in that boy, Wayne had once sited on their balcony when he saw him snick out of their house with a bag on his back. He then moved a distance and made a transaction with a certain man. Before the end of that transaction, he saw the boy taking something like a cigarette from his pocket then lit it and smoked for a short time. He then went back to the house immediately after smoking. On the following day, Wayne asked him why he was engaging himself in the habit of smoking. The boy denied it completely and even demanded to know where Wayne saw him smoking. I met the parents of the boy for further investigation After gathering information to this point, without fulfilling my desire I now thought of moving to the next step. I took a step ahead to meet with the parents of the boy. I got his father then asked him to give me time to discuss over the issue. He was positive and allowed me a chance to discuss with him. I explained to him that I had noted something weird from his son. He was ready to listen to me. I now told him that I once come home and found my door ajar, only to find it was his son in my kitchen. Besides that, he had put aside my jewelry and he smelled marijuana. I told him that this scene was not pleasing and I decided to tell him to go away immediately and he did so. I explained to him that it was something annoying to find out that young boys engage in criminal activities. I therefore made an investigation in order to establish the criminal activity. He seemed to be afraid, but I went ahead and told him that I had carried an intensive investigation. From my investigation I had establish evidence that the boy was a criminal. I asked his father to make a decision on what to do in order to save him from crime. The fathers response was good. He said that he could not deny the fact that his son could be participating in criminal activities. He added that recently, he has been coming home too late and on asking him, he would say that he gone out to play with his friends. Another thing that he had noted was that his son took more time away from home. Lucky enough he was in when I came and he had not realized my presence in their house. His father called him. I questioned the boy concerning all the facts that I had established from the beginning of the investigation. The boy could not admit, I decided to use threats as a measure of identifying a criminal. I threatened to call a police, this was nothing to him and he still denied the charges of crime on him. His father and I come into an agreement; we agreed that we would make a search in his room. In the search, we got a bag containing marijuana and other types of drugs. Besides this, he also had dangerous weapons such as pistol and knife. His father was annoyed, because of his annoyance he decided to call the police. He said he was against crime and he would not tolerate it in his home. When the police come, we used the boy to carryout more investigation. We found out that there were other young boys participating in criminal activates. From the personal application of criminology, it is encouraged to learn about crime. This will help our society to grow physically, socially and morally upright. It helps people learn how to engage themselves in constructive activities instead of crime. Especially the youth, they are vulnerable and this becomes a basis of education to them.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Career Advice for the Baby-Boomer Job Seekers
Career Advice for the Baby-Boomer Job Seekers If you’re a baby-boomer executive who’s recently landed on the ripe side of 50, there’s probably less to worry about than there was a generation ago. Except for the economy, of course. Mark Jaffe, author of Let Me Give It To You Straight: An Outspoken Guide to Working with Headhunters, Advancing Your Career and Reaching Enlightenment†¦Without the Sugarcoating has some words of wisdom and reassurance for the over-50 job seeking generation. A veteran head-hunter, he recalls interviewing a candidate for a Silicon Valley Chief Technology Officer position; while both Jaffe and the client liked the candidate, he was into his 60s, and Jaffe had to check his references (and evaluate his abilities) by asking questions about â€Å"‘bandwidth’ and ‘energy level’ and ‘stamina’ and ‘ability to withstand constant pressure.'†Fortunately that candidate had a lot to offer on all fronts, and performed well once hired, leading Jaffe to realize the following:But if the current trend in CEO hiring is any indicator, boards of directors have become hugely risk-averse and appear to be more than willing than ever to sacrifice youthful edge and velocity for a few gray hairs.Although the stakes are higher for baby boomer employees, and starting in a new position can sometimes feel like a demotion, Jaffe urges workers, via sports metaphors, to keep your skills sharp, â€Å"play like you mean it†, and count on your expertise and mileage to outweigh the newest risky flash-in-the-pan who interviewed right before you.Career advice for the baby boomer: If Peyton Manning is old, then so are weRead More at The Business Journals
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Financial Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Financial Management - Essay Example Dividend relevance The relevance of dividends in the price movement of the shares will be very high in case there is a shift in the fundamental factors governing dividend policy. ‘Agency theory posits that dividend mechanism provides an incentive for managers to reduce the costs associated with the principal/agent relationship. Distributing resources in the form of cash dividends forces managers to seek outside capital, thus causing them to reduce agency costs as they subject themselves to the scrutiny of the capital marketplace’ (Moh’d et al., 2005, p.367) The fundamental factors in this regard are profitability of the companies, the investment opportunities available to the companies for plough back of profits for the growth and management policy. Therefore, any change in the continued practice or policy is reviewed critically by the investors. In could affect the value of the shares in the following ways. 1. The existing investors sell the stocks if the change in policy impacts future dividends and is inconsistent with their investment objectives. 2. The change in policy could attract new investors if it is consistent with their investment objectives. 3. The demand and supply of stocks due to change in dividend policy will influence the market prices. ... The process of price discovery in the market is greatly vitiated in general by the interplay of these factors. Though these factors do cause price movements, the impact is very unpredictable. This leads to speculation with regard to the motives of the management of a company relating to dividend decisions. The investor community would generally be affected by these dividend decisions due to lack of access to market information or inability to interpret the information and its impact on the stock prices. There would be violent fluctuations of the stock prices in the short run which are caused not due to information content in respect of dividends, but other considerations or perceptions. The fundamental factors influencing dividend policy Profitability of company, its growth over years, the opportunities available to company for investment within company and management policy are the important factors governing dividend policies of the companies. Earnings growth The consistency and gr owth in payment of dividends by a company over years are discounted in the stock prices under efficient market conditions. The companies with good track record in this respect command high price/earnings multiple in valuation of their companies’ stocks. Dividend policy is, therefore, relevant to the premium in price/earnings multiple attached to the stocks. But, the recurring dividend announcements in line with the expectation of the market are not the determinants of the value of the stocks. However, when the earnings beat the expectation of the market and company increases dividends substantially or the payout ratio is increased significantly, the investors expect that the increase in dividends will be maintained in the
Friday, October 18, 2019
Threads Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Threads - Essay Example According to Gary R Habermas, "applying apologetics to ministry can profitably be utilized in strengthening believers who have questions or even factual doubts and in laying a theological foundation on which to build (along with the application of additional, non-apologetic methods) for those who have certain emotional struggles concerning their beliefs. Such a strategy might also be useful in witnessing to unbelievers by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Habermas, 121). Similarly, the use of apologetics in ministry can tremendously help the believers in comprehending the realities of the Word of God and appreciate the authenticity of the Bible. Therefore, my views of the inclusion of apologetics to my ministry are supported by several scholars dealing with the topic. The most fundamental utility of applying apologetics as a part of my ministry is that it strengthens the believers in the contemporary world who are troubled by mounting blemishes of the other world views. There is also a tendency among the faithful to disregard the beliefs of the religion due to uncertainties and doubts. They are troubled by emotional struggles, factual doubts, and questions about essential elements of faith and they seem to look for confirmations of their beliefs. In this background, applying apologetics as a part of my ministry can strengthen the faith of my people.
Buddhism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 13
Buddhism - Essay Example Atman can be seen as a particle of the universal soul (Brahman), which lives in each person. In turn, Buddhism denies such understanding of the soul and its varieties. Unlike Hinduism, Buddhism does not regard the human soul as an unchanging essence, because for Buddhism the soul is a flow of human experiences, feelings and sensations. Such an understanding seriously affects the idea of ​​rebirth that is represented in Hinduism and Buddhism: in Hinduism, reincarnation implies that the constant soul changes its body, while Buddhism focuses on the fact that it is about the rebirth of the soul, the resumption of its existence. Despite the contradiction between the different versions of Hinduism, they all share certain fundamental ideas (Whitman 608). According to the general Hindu notions, beyond the volatile physical world there is a single universal, unchanging, and eternal spirit called Brahman. The soul (Atman) of each being in the universe, including the gods, is a part of that spirit. In fact, â€Å"Hinduism believe in the existence of Atman, that is the individual soul and Brahman, the Supreme Creator†(Nandan and Jangubhai 30). The soul is regarded as an eternal and immutable essence, which has the opportunity to live after human death. When the flesh dies, the soul does not die, for it passes into another body, in which it has a new life. The fate of the soul in each new life depends on its behavior in previous incarnations. The law of karma says that no sin is left without punishment and no virtue - without reward; if a person has not received the deserved punishment or reward in this lif e, he/she will get them in one of the following. Human behavior determines the higher or lower status of the later incarnation (Nandan and Jangubhai 27). Though Buddhism and Hinduism share the concept of rebirth, the Buddhist concept differs in details from the Hindu one. The doctrine of rebirth presented in Hinduism involves a permanent soul, the essence of
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Virginia and New Jersey Plans Presented at Essay
Compare and Contrast the Virginia and New Jersey Plans Presented at the Constitutional Convention - Essay Example According to the Virginia plan, there should be a national legislature consisting of two branches; the first house would consist of elected representatives of various USA states, and they would serve for a period of three years, and the second branch of legislature would consist of members elected by individual legislatures of the first house, and they would serve for seven years. On the contrary, the New Jersey plan does not address the legislative branch of government for it assumes that the USA national congress is the legislature of USA. For that reason, no details are given for the composition of the legislature, and the terms of service for its members. But the New Jersey plan supports giving more powers to the individual states, so as to be able to make legislation on internal affairs of the states. This, therefore, means that the New Jersey plan supports the creation of federal Congress. The details of how federal legislation was made are not given in the New Jersey plan. The main difference between the Virginian plan and the New Jersey plan on congressional representation is that, while the Virginian congress was composed of representatives of various states, who had equal voting rights, the federal congress supported by the New Jersey plan is composed only of members of the same state. For that reason, the national Congress supported by the Virginian plan had jurisdiction of the whole nation, while the federal congress supported by the New Jersey plan had jurisdiction only over the particular state, where the Congress was found. This was meant to ensure that the state and the nation related well, the federal congress was not supposed to deal with matters outside its power/jurisdiction. According to the Virginia plan, a national executive should be constituted, consisting of a single person, chosen by the members of the national legislature. The head of the executive would serve for a period of seven years.
Collapse of Communism in Poland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Collapse of Communism in Poland - Essay Example During the 60’s the economic decline was due to the country’s extravagance on the expenditure for heavy industry, armaments and its little concern for the consumer production. Although the lands were returned to the peasants, the farms were too small for agriculture production. The autocracy of Gomulka was all too helpful to worsen the economic crises. What resulted was a presence of a communist government strong in its regime, yet too weak in generating any reform. Price rise of the consumer goods and wage decline of the workers especially in the 1970’s would always invite wide spread demonstrations across streets of all polish towns almost always resulting into bloodshed due to the staunch retaliation of the communist soldiers. The Gierek era between 1970 and 1980 was only a replication of the Gomulka’s policies with promises of reforms never fulfilled. The recession of the mid-70’s increased oil prices, uplifted the prices of imported goods and declined the demand of Polish goods. Poland’s foreign debt showed no respite. What resulted was a natural price-hike that invited wide spread national demonstration with special prominence in Dlock and Radom. When a polish national, Karol Wojtyła became the pope, John Paul IInd, and subsequently visited Poland, it only added to the spirit of nationhood and a desire to overthrow the communist regime in Poland. The years of 1980’s too saw the presence of non-stop labor strikes. The August of the year 1980, however is attributed as one of the greatest contributors of what was to be ultimately the abolition of communism. An independent trade union called ‘Solidarity’ was formed, led by Lech Walesa, primarily to amend the economic difficulties. But it became a reason to uphold the anti-communist social movement. Staggering numbers of people became affiliated to the union including people form Catholic Church, the anti-communist leftists and the intellects. Solidarity adopted
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Waterlife Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Waterlife - Essay Example It depicts some of the most fascinating characters ever. They met various personalities from various places throughout the course of their research for the documentary and came up with this fascinating multimedia based site. The documentary shows its viewers the fascinating Great Lakes as it comes across to the seagulls, to the fish or to water molecules. It has shown a host of other amazing perspectives. It has been filmed during a period of one year, using state of art cameras and techniques. The project presents an epic view of the surrounding eco-system. It is a rare sight for most people living within the vicinity who make the majority of the population living there. The documentary moves from the fountains of Chicago to the clouds on the journey. It was made by one of the most innovative and renowned documentary film makers of all times, Kevin McMahon. The project has been expressed as a multi-media project. It is supported by intense animation, video, audio recordings sounds, flash imaging and a moving canvas. The website opens with a flash graph and a soft music playing in the background. The user on the other end is prompted to enter the site and explore the project further. This is the initial immediate view of the project when it is loading. There is global navigation on the bottom of the page. It is shown in the figure below. There are five options in the menu bar on the bottom left and five options on the bottom right. They are pertaining to Water life home, Resources/Community Action, About the Film, Directors Statement and News Screenings. On the bottom right, there is sharing of the page on various sites. On moving the cursor to the left side of the page after entering the site, the user is shown a huge flash menu carrying the list of things he can walk around and listen to on the site. As shown in the figure below, against â€Å"Water is†there is a list of items that has cropped
Collapse of Communism in Poland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Collapse of Communism in Poland - Essay Example During the 60’s the economic decline was due to the country’s extravagance on the expenditure for heavy industry, armaments and its little concern for the consumer production. Although the lands were returned to the peasants, the farms were too small for agriculture production. The autocracy of Gomulka was all too helpful to worsen the economic crises. What resulted was a presence of a communist government strong in its regime, yet too weak in generating any reform. Price rise of the consumer goods and wage decline of the workers especially in the 1970’s would always invite wide spread demonstrations across streets of all polish towns almost always resulting into bloodshed due to the staunch retaliation of the communist soldiers. The Gierek era between 1970 and 1980 was only a replication of the Gomulka’s policies with promises of reforms never fulfilled. The recession of the mid-70’s increased oil prices, uplifted the prices of imported goods and declined the demand of Polish goods. Poland’s foreign debt showed no respite. What resulted was a natural price-hike that invited wide spread national demonstration with special prominence in Dlock and Radom. When a polish national, Karol Wojtyła became the pope, John Paul IInd, and subsequently visited Poland, it only added to the spirit of nationhood and a desire to overthrow the communist regime in Poland. The years of 1980’s too saw the presence of non-stop labor strikes. The August of the year 1980, however is attributed as one of the greatest contributors of what was to be ultimately the abolition of communism. An independent trade union called ‘Solidarity’ was formed, led by Lech Walesa, primarily to amend the economic difficulties. But it became a reason to uphold the anti-communist social movement. Staggering numbers of people became affiliated to the union including people form Catholic Church, the anti-communist leftists and the intellects. Solidarity adopted
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Perfect Pizzeria Essay Example for Free
The Perfect Pizzeria Essay Please answer the following questions applying OB concepts and theories as appropriate. While the case primarily focuses on motivational approaches, you find that other OB concepts that we have covered are applicable. 1. Consider the situation where the manager changed the time period required to receive free food and drink from six to twelve hours of work. Apply the appropriate motivational approaches (theories) to explain what happened. 2. For the situation in which the manager worked beside the employees for a time and then later returned to his ofï ¬ ce, which motivational and/or learning approaches (you may refer to previous chapters) can be applied to explain what happened? 3. Establish and justify a motivational program based on one or a combination of motivation theories to more effectively deal with the situation as it exists at the end of the case.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Nursing Care Plan Assessment Health And Social Care Essay
Nursing Care Plan Assessment Health And Social Care Essay Gastroesophageal reflux is also referred to as GERD. It is caused by your esophagus becoming agitated by acidic substances coming from the stomach. It is a condition in which the stomach contents leak backwards from the stomach into the esophagus (referred to as reflux) which can cause inflammation and damage to the lining of the esophagus. This action can irritate the esophagus, causing heartburn as well as other symptoms. GERD is associated with failure of the lower esophageal sphincter to properly close. The outcome is reflux of acid into the unprotected lining of the esophagus which can be uncomfortable and painful to the patient. The pathophysiology of GERD indicates that the inner lining of the esophagus does not have the protection that is found in the stomach and therefore the acid could cause harm to the esophagus. The signs and symptoms a patient experiences are caused by the contact of unprotected lining of the tissue (esophageal) to acid. GERD is a chronic condition, once a patient has experienced the onset most likely they will deal with it the rest of their life. One major symptom experienced is acid reflux and heartburn,indigestion lasting up to two hours however; these two symptoms alone are not sole indicators of the diagnosis. GERD may also manifest as chest pain, tightness of the throat, difficulty swallowing, regurgitation, dysphagia, dry cough and a persistent cough. Other symptoms include feeling that food may be trapped behind breastbone, hiccups, regurgitation of food, and nausea after eating, and hoarseness in the voice. 3. Clinical manifestation from text: Gastroesophageal reflux occurs when food is passed from the pharynx into the esophagus (located behind the posterior trachea) by a peristalsis which is a propelling motion. The food is then carried from the esophagus to the stomach where acid production is created. What occurs next is that the esophagus produces bicarbonate and mucus that will from a protective barrier. This process creates a higher pH that the stomach. If the sphincter muscle does not close well, liquid, food and stomach acid can leak backward into the esophagus. The esophagus is divided into an upper and lower sphincter. The upper prevents air from entering during respirations and will open when food needs to pass. The lower sphincter opens while food is being passed to the stomach (i.e. LES). When the esophagus is in a healthy state, there are three mechanisms that keep acid out while swallowing. They include the following: Swallowed saliva which helps neutralize stomach acid. Next, sweeping muscles contractions w here the motion cleanses the lower esophagus stomach acid. Some main contributing factors that interfere with the LES working properly is obesity, pregnancy and asthma. Excess weight actually puts extra pressure on the diaphragm and stomach. In pregnancy the pressure on the stomach has a higher level of progesterone hormone which in turn relaxes the LES muscle as well as other muscle groups. It is unclear as to why asthma is a contributing factor to interference of the LES mechanisms but it is believed that coughing may lead to the pressure changes on the diaphragm. Some identified risk factors for reflux include hiatus hernia. This is a condition in which part of the stomach moves above the diaphragm (muscle separating the chest and abdominal cavities). Medications may cause or worsen GERD symptoms. They include the following medications: Anticholinergics, Beta-blockers (high blood pressure meds), Bronchodilators (asthma), Calcium channel blockers (BP medication), Dopamine-active d rug for Parkinsons disease, Progestin for abnormal menstrual bleeding, Sedatives used for insomnia or anxiety and finally Tricyclic antidepressants. . 4. Diagnostic Evaluation from text: 1. Review of History Obtain a detailed inquiry about the patients normal pattern of diet, and any other symptoms the patient may be experiencing. This is also a good time to question if they are taking any OTC medications. It is important to assess the duration of the problem. Next ask how long the patient has been experiencing reflux which will provide useful causative information. Determine what foods the patient is consuming, if they exercise, how much fluid intake daily, and most importantly if they are smoking -which inhibits saliva and may also increase acid production and weaken the LES. Certain exercise and bending may increase the abdominal pressure. Also wearing tight clothing (increase abdominal pressure) or lying flat after a meal may relax the muscles causing reflux. Ask about the patients diet and educate them on foods to avoid. For example, foods high in fat and greasy take longer to digest. Chocolate, peppermint, spearmint, weaken the LES. In addition, Carbonated and alcoholic beverages i ncrease the acidity in the stomach. Warn patient to consume smaller meal because large meals produce large acid levels. Other foods to avoid are citrus, onions and tomatoes. In general, all foods which contain a high acidic level may be irritating to the esophagus. Document any abnormal findings in patient record or MAR. Question the patients family history of disease and initial onset or exacerbation of episode. Finally, the evaluation should include the patients description of sensation of the symptoms. 2. Laboratory /Diagnostic Tests The most commonly used diagnostic tests include the following lab tests:-esophageal pH monitoring, esophageal manometry, the acid perfusion (Bernstein) test and the gastric analysis. A barium swallow and a Radionuclide scintigraphy may also be ordered by the MD. Specialty Lab tests CDSA 2.0 with parasitology, Detoxification Profile, Standard and Menopause Profile. Diagnostic tests use to diagnose GERD include: Barium swallow, Endoscopy, Esophageal motility studies, ambulatory pH monitoring and Esophageal manometry. 5. Therapeutic Management from text: Although GERD can be treated in several different ways most physicians will recommend antacids and changing the diet to a healthier one. Other methods of treatment include alternative medicines such as acupuncture and herbal tonics which promote proper function to the lower esophageal sphincter and acid production of the stomach. If recommended by a physician, surgery is an option for those with serious complication. The most common surgery is the Nissen Fundoplication. This surgery involves wrapping the fundus of the stomach around the lower esophagus and sutures the fundus to itself. Available therapies include a combination of the following types of medication: Benzodiazepines, Theophylline, and Narcotics containing codeine, Calcium channel blockers, Nitroglycerine, Anticholinergics, Potassium supplements, Iron supplements, NSAIDS, Fosamax, and Erythromycin. Patient Education: We want to educate the patient on how to prevent future flair ups. Because foods play an important role w e will educate the patient to avoid: chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, citrus fruits and vegetables, spicy or fatty foods, full fat dairy products, peppermint and spearmint Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. PubMed. Retrieved February 2011, from Other preventative measures we can encourage pts to do is to avoid bending over after eating and avoid tight fitting waist bands on clothing. Also instruct pt not to lie down with a full stomach. It is extremely important to encourage them not to smoke and if they are smokers educate them on smoking cessation. If a patient is overweight, encourage an exercise regimen designed and individualized specifically for the pt. Weight loss and eating smaller meals in key to their diet change. Also have patient refrain from eating 3 hours after bedtime and stay upright position two hours after each meal. Inform the patient that the head of the bed must be raised approximately 6 inches. It is important to let pt know about OTC and presription options. Some medications available are Proton pump inhibitors which are the most potent acid inhibitors. Prilosec, Prevacid, Zantac, Tigamet and Protonix Common Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions: Altered Nutrition: less than body requirements R/T vomiting: Educate patient on importance of eating healthy and increasing caloric intake as necessary. Nausea R/T gastric irritation food AEB vomiting after meals: Dietary changes to decrease frequency of nausea Risk for Aspiration: Assist in correcting factors that can lead to aspiration Deficit Fluid Volume: Encourage daily fluid intake of 2000 to 3000 ml/day, if not contraindicated medically. Assess V/S respirations, (temp pulse may be elevated). Note change in functional behavior (i.e. confusion, falling, lethargy, dizziness). PRIORTIZED FHP ASSESSMENT: Activity/Exercise Subjective: My energy level is very low recently and I dont exercise very often. Patient reports that she only exercise she gets lately is, while I am working on my hobbies, not much walking mostly standing, Patient denies any chest pain but does experience a shortness of breath upon exertion. Patient admits that she lives a very sedentary lifestyle. Patient states she is totally independent with activities of daily living ADLs and has no difficulty performing usual ADLs. Patient states her leisure activities include: taking photos and enjoying my art work of painting. Patient does not use any assisted devices for walking and does not exercise daily. Objective: 1.Patient has no VTE risk factors and can ambulate fully and independently with daily ADLs. No fall risk identified and pt reports she does not do any physical activity such as exercising while at home. Diet: Patient is on NPO for stress test ordered today. Abdomen is soft, non distended, and non tender, bowel sounds are present in all four quadrants. Patient activity order is full ambulation, full weight bearing and activity. Impairments include decreased mobility and experiences SOB on excretion. Energy level is described good but easily fatigued with high level of exertion 2. Hygiene: fully independent-sponge washed independently. Respiratory data indicates no SOB while speaking, patient able to carry long conversations without difficulty. MD ordered continuous O2 via nasal cannula; no fall precautions were ordered. Upon auscultation of lung sounds anterior and posterior were auscultated, on auscultation lung sounds clear bilaterally. Chest is non tender to the touch. R espiratory: No cough, no dyspnea noted (O2 2liters). Alert and oriented. Assessment Cardio Vascular: Regular rate rhythm, no chest pain, no palpations, pt denies SOB at resting; Chest: Lungs Clear bilaterally; Cardiac auscultation indicates regular rhythm, no murmurs, P 68. BP 154/84. RR 18, O2 SAT 94% on O2 2 liter via nasal cannula, T 97.1 (orally). Radial pulse is palpable on both sides, strong and equal bilaterally. Abdomen: bowel sounds present, soft, non distended, non tender upon palpation. Pt denies any pain in abdomen. ROM (active/passive) assessment revealed no signs of pain (0/0 pain scale) on when force applied during passive range of motion. Muscle strength RUE 5/5 and LUE 5/5 RLE 5/5 and LLE 5/5. Although no weakness noted in upper and lower extremities, patient states that stressing her muscles for a long period of time increases her fatigue. CSM: Color pink and even, full sensation and patient able to wiggle toes without difficulty. TEMP: warm to the touch. A Capillary refill test done on UE indicates normal blood return (less than 3 second return). Medications ordered: Acetaminophen 650 mg PO every 4 hours, Aspirin enteric coated 81 mg PO daily, Atorvastatin PO 10 QHS, Maalox-Alumina, Magnesia, S PRN PO every 6 hours, Pantoprazole 40mg PO twice daily, Metoprolol Tartate PO 25 mg twice daily, Ibuprofen PO 400mg ever 6 hours and Bactrim DS PO 1 tab twice daily. Nursing Diagnosis: Impaired physical mobility related to SOB with intense activity and inability to move purposefully within the environment. Outcome: Pt will verbalize understanding of importance of exercise activity to increase abdominal muscle strength to strengthen muscle groups and increase breathing ability. Cognition/Perceptual Subjective: Patient states, I was awoken by chest pain that went to the back of my jawà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I had very spicy food for dinner and thought it was heartburn or my GERD acting up Patient recalls why she was admitted to hospital, I got up and thought it would be best for my husband to bring me to the ER. At first I thought it was the usual reflux pain but it ended up getting a lot worse. Objective: Patient alert and oriented x3, speech is clear with no slur or stutter. Pt has no difficulty expressing ideas and feelings clearly and concisely. Patient is well oriented to place and time is and shows no signs of confusion or disorientation. Pt appears comfortable and verbalizes she does not currently have any level of pain. Patient PMH: Esophageal ulcers, High Cholesterol, high blood pressure, Fibromyalgia, Ulcers in esophagus,? MRSA in left leg when pt had cellulites in the past. Nursing Diagnosis: Sedentary lifestyle related to shortness of breath during activities AEB pt weight gain. Outcome: Patient will have full understanding of importance of increase activity and importance of low fat diet. Nutrition Metabolic Subjective: Patient Diet: on NPO due to scheduled Stress Test. Patient states that prior to patient being hospitalized she was totally dependent with feeding herself and states, I usually only eat lunch and dinner and usually skip breakfast. I love food so I pretty much eat anything. Patient reports burning in esophagus and can feel acid coming up in the past and take OTC drugs to control if necessary. Objective: Pt on NPO diet, no deficits noted, patient over weight (wt 211.6 lbs). Patient complains of not eating the right foods daily. Encouraged patient to increase fluids to 2,000 mLs everyday and choose beverages low in calorie (i.e. diet soda and water). Assessment of integumentary skin: no rashes, no lesions or broken skin or erythemia noted one bruise on left lower extremity. No fever, no chills, no sore throat. Gastro: the pt has history of GERD and esophageal ulcers. Genitourinary: no hematuria, no dysuria, no frequency, no urgency. Encourage a well balanced diet, and adequate fluid intake to promote peristalsis. Edema test done to ankles (no trace or pitting edema noted =normal). Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for deficient fluid volume related to inefficient H2O intake as evidenced by complaints of dry mouth and pt verbal cues. Outcome: Patient will increase fluid intake to 2,000 mLs to increase hydration prior to discharge. Coping and Stress Subjective: I want to get better and know that I need to work on my diet and make changes in my lifestyle. Patient states that she only slept a total of 5 hours. Objective: Pt denies and feeling of depression and is happy in home life with husband. Patients EMR indicated that her behavior was cooperative. Patient verbally expressed appreciation and gratitude when educating her on some relaxation techniques (i.e. deep meditative breathing). Nursing Diagnosis: Readiness for enhanced Outcome: Pt to demonstrate relaxation techniques prior to discharge. Health Perception/ Health Management Subjective: I try to take care of all my health needs but I dont always feel good about my food choices. I know that if I dont start watching my weight, I am going to get diabetes. Patient indicated that he regularly follows up with his PCP and dentist and all medical appointments as necessary. Objective: Pt is alert and oriented, has overall good hygiene and likes to be well groomed. She shows ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs) independently and was very cooperative, allowing me to take V/S and examine her feet which soft, pink and adequately maintained. Patient demonstrates full independence with hygiene activities such as bathing; dressing and toileting require no assistance. General foot appearance of patient is good, with her nails trimmed, hair is maintained. Patient wanted to wash her hair which indicates a healthy perception of hygiene and was appreciative when given a shampoo cap to use. Admission Labs: HGB:13.2 g/dL, HCT: 41.1%, WBC: 13.7 (elevated), RBC: 4.87, MCH: 27.0, MCV 84.4, MXHX 32.0, RDW 14.0, Plt count 211, MPV 7.5l , Neutrophils 70, Lymphocytes 26, Atypical Lymphs 14, Monocytes 1L, Eosinophils 3, Absolute neutrophil 4.5, Lymphocytes 8.3 (high), Monocytes 0.4, Eosinophils 0.2, Basophils 0.2, Platelet estimate adequate. Admission V/S BP 143/74, (T)97.8 orally, (P)69, R:19, SaO2 (96% on RA). Nursing Diagnosis: Readiness for enhanced therapeutic regimen Outcome: Patient will maintain responsibility for planning and achieving self care goals Self Perception/Self Concept Subjective: I am aware when I need medical attention and will get medical treatment and see my doctor when necessary. Patient expressed that she always follows up with her healthcare needs and does not ignore signs and symptoms of being ill. Objective: Pt exhibits positive self esteem and currently has no worries in life except the possibility of developing diabetes because of her weight gain. When I questioned her about her knowledge of the disease she stated that she knew it was a disease that occurred when people were overweight and ate junk food. She indicates a strong determination when discussing the willingness to change her eating habits and developing a healthier lifestyle (i.e. walking more and being more active). She shows some indications of embarrassment for letting herself gain weight over the years. Nursing Diagnosis: Readiness for enhanced self care. Outcome: Patient will maintain responsibility for planning and achieving self care goals Elimination Subjective: I had a bowel movement this morning. Objective: Bowel habits: soft, formed. Medium, brown BM x1 every day. Bladder habits: voids x3 -5 times a day. Patient denies any burning, pain, urgency, or dribbling during urination. Patient also states that she does not usually have issues with having bowel movement. Prior to hospital admission patient denies taking any laxatives. Patient is able to independently toilet self. No abdominal distention noted upon palpation. Bowel Sound: present in all 4 quadrants. Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for constipation Outcome: Patient will have a regular BM once daily Roles/Relationships Subjective: I have a wonderful husband and one son. Patients participation in group social activities has been relatively healthy most of her life. I love my artwork and previously had a shop which has been closed for several years nowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦I thought was time to retire. Objective: Patient lives with husband and son frequently visits and she speaks very highly of them both. Patient appears to be overall in good spirits and satisfied with home life. Patient did not have any visitors but received phone calls from family members. Pt also made phone call on two occasions to check up on husband during my interview. Nursing Diagnosis: Risk of caregiver role strain. Outcome: Pt will be able to provide clues to potential stressors and possible supportive interventions before discharge. Sleep Rest Subjective: Pt complains of sleep deprivation last night, I just couldnt fall asleep, probably because Im not in my own bed. I think I only slept a total of 4 hours. Objective: Patient complains that she sometimes does not sleep at night and her MAR indicates poor sleep habits. Pt could benefit with sleep aid to help her sleep through the night. Pt complains of pain and discomfort while trying to sleep (Fibromyalgiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦skin sometimes hurts). Patient describes sleep pattern at home usually only needing six hours of sleep daily. Patient denies taking any sleep aide medications while at home. Nursing Diagnosis: Risk of sleep deprivation related to bilateral lower extremity pain. Outcome: Patient to practice healthy sleep patterns while in hospital within 1 day. Value Belief Subjective: I go to church, but not as often as I use to especially in the cold Objective: Pt declined discussing spirituality and value system. Sexuality Subjective: I dont see how these questions relate to my health. Objective: Pt declined to discuss this topic with me during the interview. Nursing Care Plan Nursing Diagnosis: Sedentary lifestyle R/T lack of training for accomplishment of physical exercise AEB by patient verbal cues and demonstrating physical deconditioning. Goal: Patient will verbally understand the importance of regular exercise to general well being by discharge. INTERVENTIONS SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE 1. Abdomen inspection, auscultation, percussion, palpation and measurement of abdominal girth. 1. Will provide objective data on the patients bowel elimination status. (Craven 1126) 2. Encourage daily exercise regimen 2. Will provide education on importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 3. Encourage daily fluid intake of 2000 to 3000 ml/day, if not contraindicated medically. 3.Will assist in peristalsis and segmentation of stool Patients, (Craven 1122) 4. Encourage increased activity and patient to exercise or increase daily activity. 4. Ambulation and/or abdominal exercises strengthen abdominal muscles help facilitate defecation and will help increase peristalsis. ( 5. Position bed in lowest position, with side rails up 5. Low position of bed minimizes distance to the floor so if client falls, side rails maintain patient safety (Craven, 675) 6. Place client call light within reach and explain the call system as assess the ability to use it. 6. A call light allows the patient to call for help if needed (Craven, 675). 7. Promote normal bowel health Assess usual pattern of elimination; compare with present pattern. Include size, frequency, color, and quality. 7. Normal frequency of passing stool varies from twice daily to once every third or fourth day. It is important to ascertain what is normal for each individual. (Craven, p. 1117) 8. Encourage a regular time for elimination. Many persons defecate following first daily meal or coffee, as a result of the gastrocolic reflex; depending on the persons usual schedule, any regular time is fine. 8. Many persons defecate following first daily meal or coffee, as a result of the gastrocolic reflex; depending on the persons usual schedule, any time, as long as it is regular, is fine. (Craven, 1117) 9. Assess orthostatic hypotension before taking the client OOB to chair, if any signs of dizziness or lightheadedness. 9. Rationale: allows nurse to be aware of orthostatic hypotension upon standing which may result in a fall. (Craven, 457) 10. Place patient call light with reach, and explain the system and assess the ability to use it 10. Promotes safety and decreases stress for patient allows pt to call for help If needs assistance to toilet after given stool softener or enema. (Craven 675)
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Comparing Henry David Thoreau And Herman Melvilles Writings :: essays research papers
Comparing Henry David Thoreau and Herman Melville's Writings Henry David Thoreau and Herman Melville focused their writings on how man was affected by nature. They translated their philosophies though both the portrayal of their protagonist and their own self exploration. In Moby Dick, Melville writes about Ahab's physical and metaphysical struggle over the great white whale, Moby Dick, symbolic of man's struggle against the overwhelming forces of nature. Ahab's quest is reported and experienced through the eyes of Ishmael. Melville's use of the third person's biographical standpoint exposes conflicting viewpoints that were both in agreement and disagreement with Ahab's quest, creatively allowing Melville to transcend the story line and expostulate his own philosophies. In contrast, Thoreau, wrote from an autobiographical standpoint revealing his own internal conflicts with mans struggle against nature. In, Walden - A life in the Woods, Thoreau reveals his mental and spiritual beliefs through a personal journey in which he strives to become in tune with n ature, working not to be victorious over these universal forces, but rather to participate in harmony with nature, in tern exposing love and truth. Both authors attempt to analyze all aspects of nature and its relevance to human life. They explore the powers and influences of nature over mankind. However, Melville centers his point of view upon mankind in conflict with nature's forces, while Thoreau believes that if mankind experiences nature, we will envelope ideas which will teach mankind to live harmoniously in our natural environment; in turn, allowing individuals to reach the highest levels of achievement synergistically with nature. In Moby Dick, Herman Melville illustrates man's quest to attain the supreme power of God through the monomaniacal Captain Ahab. Captain Ahab is obsessed with the desire to destroy Moby Dick, his nemesis, which is truly symbolic of man's overwhelming quest to control and conquer nature. Melville depicts Ahab as an evil, egotistical human whose willingness to combat the forces of nature represents man's failure to understand his place in the universe. Melville uses Ishmael to voice his philosophies which portray Ahab as a crazy captain who fails to realize that he's up an unconquerable force. Melville utilizes Ishmael further voice his life philosophies through grossly symbolic statements like, "No, when I go to sea, I go as a simple sailor†¦ I have the satisfaction that all is right; that everybody else is one way or other served in much the same way - either in a physical or metaphysical point of view." (pg. 14 - 15). Through, Ishmael, Melville expresses his longing, for beauty and nature, and a t the same time he contrasts his desires against
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Rate of Reaction Of Metals with Acids :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation
The Rate of Reaction Of Metals with Acids Introduction In this investigation I will be looking at the rate of reaction between a metal, which will be magnesium ribbon, and an acid. The acids will either be hydrochloric, ethanoic, sulphuric or phosphoric acid. I will be finding out if the activation energy changes depending on whether a strong or weak acid is used. I will also be investigating whether or not there is a change in the order of reaction if a dibasic acid is used instead of a monobasic acid. Planning This investigation is therefore split up into separate experiments. Experiment 1 is to find the activation energy for the reactions between hydrochloric acid and magnesium ribbon, then ethanoic acid and magnesium ribbon. The only way to find the activation energy is to time how long it takes for the reaction to complete at different temperatures. Experiment 2 is to find the order of reaction between magnesium ribbon and hydrochloric acid, then sulphuric acid. There are several methods that can be used to find the order of reaction:  · I could use an excess of magnesium ribbon and note down how much gas has evolved every 10 seconds until the reaction has finished.  · I could repeat the same procedure as above, but with an excess of acid instead of magnesium ribbon.  · I could use an excess of acid and change the concentration, this would not require the reaction to be completed so I would have to time how long it takes for a set amount of hydrogen gas to form. There are several chemical equations that are relevant to this investigation:- Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g) Mg(s) + H2SO4(aq) MgSO4 + H2(g) Mg(s) + 2CH3CO2H(aq) Mg(CH3CO2)2(aq) + H2(g) 3Mg(s) + 2H3PO4(aq) Mg3(PO4)2(aq) + 3H2(g) In my experiments I will not be using phosphoric acid due to time restrictions and it is not relevant to the problems I am discussing, because it is a tribasic acid and I am comparing monobasic and dibasic acids. The equation needed to find the activation energy in a reaction is called the Arrhenius equation. In k = constant – EA/R (1/T) Where k = rate constant EA = activation energy (J mol ¹) R = gas constant, 8.31 J K ¹ mol ¹ T = temperature in Kelvin Initial Problems - The time restriction makes it extremely hard to find the order of reaction by timing how long it takes for all the magnesium to disappear. - I do not want to directly heat acid as this is dangerous when only
Friday, October 11, 2019
Cognitive Psychology: a Meeting of the Mind and Education
Cognitive psychology: a meeting of the mind and education To John Bruer, cognitive psychology is the critical bridge between brain science and education. A true understanding of how the brain handles learning tasks will only be reached with the help of cognitive psychologists, says John Bruer, PhD, president of the James S. McDonnell Foundation. Over the last decade, Bruer has seen the rise of a â€Å"brain-based†education movement with the media, educational consultants and researchers trying to apply basic brain research to the education of the nation's children.In a much cited 1997 article, â€Å"Education and the brain: a bridge too far,†published in the Educational Researcher (Vol. 26, No. 8, p. 416), he criticized a trend to overinterpret the findings of this kind of research and apply it in schools. Holding more immediate promise for application in schools, he believes, are imaging technologies that examine the human brain's processing of math, reading and othe r specific learning tasks. But even imaging research, he says, must stem from quality cognitive science.Cognitive psychology, says Bruer, can serve as the â€Å"bridge†between this type of hard neuroscience and the schools. In a conversation with the Monitor, Bruer, whose background is in philosophy and physics and whose foundation funds mainly biomedical and behavioral sc iences research, called on psychologists to collaborate more closely with educators as they structure studies of the brain and attempt to apply their findings to education. Q. What have been some of the most dangerous myths that have been spread through brain-based education?A. One is the idea that there's a critical period for school-type learning, an optimal period during brain development that ends at around 11 or 12 years and after which learning becomes much more difficult. There's absolutely no basis in neuroscience for that claim. What a lot of brain-based consultants don't appreciate is that to tur n basic psychological research into effective learning practices you have to develop interventions based on cognitive science in math, reading and other subject areas and test them in classrooms. Q.Who do you think is in a position to do that kind of work? A. Cognitive psychologists. What a lot of people do not realize is that better understanding of brain function relies on improved understanding of learning and behavior. Our understanding of how mental tasks are executed by neural structures in the brain is crucially dependent on cognitive and behavioral research by psychologists. Q. Are imaging studies relying on this kind of behavioral research? A. Totally. To have an interpretable imaging study depends on very careful behavioral study of the experimental task.Our imaging technologies have limited temporal and spatial resolution, so we want to design studies that optimize our ability to look at the smallest parts of the brain that we possibly can. The way to do that is to analyz e mental arithmetic, for example, down to its subcomponents–retrieving a number fact, trying to decide which of two numbers is larger. You can begin to see where those subcomponents might be located in the brain, and from there you can begin to see the circuitry involved in doing these tasks. Q.Do you think that findings from brain research on learning disability–in math and reading, for example–might apply more generally to educating children? A. The attempt to understand learning and our mental capacities in terms of brain structures is such a new discipline that if they make advances over the next 50 years as they have over the last 15, who knows? It could be very exciting. But until 10 years ago, most cognitive psychologists did not take any interest in the brain. Brain imaging helped change that.But still, this hybrid discipline, cognitive neuroscience, that attempts to map cognitive mental functions onto brain areas and circuits, is in its infancy. We all have great expectations, but it's hard to make specific predictions about what the ultimate applications might be. Q. Do you think that, at this point, enough cognitive psychologists are involved in bridging brain research with education? A. Because of the interest in brain imaging and cognitive neuroscience, there are people doing it. But one of the problems is that there aren't enough experimental psychologists thinking about applications of psychology to education.Part of that is a funding problem. But it's been our experience at the foundation that if you make resources available for psychologists to work with educators to do that kind of work, you can elicit some very good proposals. Q. Are you looking more at funding that kind of work? A. Yes. I see an opportunity to work with some cognitive neuroscientists to ask, â€Å"What educational problems do you think you might be able to solve because of what you know? †I would like to see the foundation's interest moving more in that direction over the next five to 10 years. Q. Is t a problem that most cognitive psychologists don't have as much experience with education as with science? A. Yes. In most areas there's some friction between researchers and practitioners. It happens to be pretty evident in education. One way to address that is to encourage long-term collaborations between researchers and practitioners, where they're working together as peers rather than with the scientists going into schools and acting as master and educators as their servants. Two things have to happen. The researchers have to become a bit more aware of and sensitive to the problems teachers confront in the classroom.And teachers need to begin to think like researchers–to at least understand the importance of experimental controls, evidence, this kind of thing. Q. And how do you get that collaboration going? A. One thing we have found is if you send out a request for proposals that requires the teachers, the practit ioners and the researchers to come in together on a project, they do it. You want to structure funding programs for research and for improving instruction that incorporate the best research thinking and the best practical classroom knowledge.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Land of the Aryans: The Persian Culture Essay
Iran is formerly known as Persia until 1935. It is a country in Central Eurasia located in the northeastern shore of the Persian Gulf. Iran is the cognate of the name Aryan, which means â€Å"Land of the Aryans†. Iran is home to one of the world’s oldest continuous major civilizations, with historical and urban settlements dating back to 4000 BC. The Culture of Iran is a mix of ancient pre-Islamic culture and Islamic culture. Iranian culture probably originated in Central Asia and is strongly suggested as the predecessor of Iranian culture ca. 2000 BC. Iranian culture has long been a predominant culture of the Middle East and Central Asia, with Persian considered the language of intellectuals during much of the 2nd millennium, and the language of religion and the populace before that. Persian Philosophy to Major Religions The Iranian plateau has contributed ideas and techniques for sixty known centuries which have helped to continue and civilize mankind. Writing, numbers, the arts of agriculture and of working metals, the sciences of astronomy and mathematics, and the beginnings of religious and philosophical thinking  these all come from the Near East, and the fountain head of much of Near Eastern culture was on the Iranian plateau (Nasr & Razavi, 1999, p. 3). The three Wise Men from the East whom at the birth of Jesus brought gold, frankincense and myrrh were probably Zoroastrian priests from Persia. Their gifts symbolized essential beliefs which wee contributed by Zoroastrianism to Christianity, such as: the concepts of the Evil One as a positive force; the notion of the angels, of the Last judgment, or paradise, of the resurrection of the dead; and of the ultimate victory of good over evil (Pope, Ackerman & Schroeder, 1945, p. 2). There are also two other influential religions that came out of Persia. One is Mithraism, which unsuccessfully competed with Christianity for the first three centuries of our era. And the other is Manichaeism of which St. Augustine was a devotee before he converted to Christianity (Pope, Ackerman & Schroeder, 1945, p. 2). Moreover, according to Pope, Ackerman & Schroeder (1945): Buddhism was also partially influenced by Persian philosophy when Buddha passed through the Far East on its mission of enlightenment. (p. 2) No important religion would now be what it is were the Persian contributions to be taken from it (Nasr & Razavi, 1999, p. ). Persian Pottery Early ancient painted pottery, which had begun in Western Asia by 4000 B. C. , was man’s first â€Å"manuscript†; for the blueprints, useful though they be as ornament, were much more than that to those who made and used the vessels. Persian potteries were the expressions and evidences of fears and hopes, symbols for evoking supernatural forces to aid in the constantly anxious struggle of living (Pope, Ackerman & Schroeder, 1945, p. 7). All of the images in Persian pots symbolize the harmonious relationships of man to nature and the divine aid of a god watching over and guiding them. Metal Arts Western civilizations considered pottery, ceramics or paintings as major work of art. But for Persian and Middle Eastern civilizations, it is the metal works that is considered as the prime of the art works. Bronze is considered as a most important medium on metal arts, even comparable to silver and gold in terms of its value, because it is far more durable than the said metals. The artistic talents of the smiths were preserved and learned for thousand of years for the Persian, and adds to the artistic value of the metal arts (Ghirshman, 1962, p. 12). Simplicity and strength were the artistic ideals. Tradition dictated symbolic shapes like the bull’s head ewer and other animals to present the vitality of these animals such as lions and birds, believing that it will be passed on the metal arts (Ghirshman, 1962, p. 14) All sorts of handsome objects were fashioned by the Seljuq metal workers. A mirror back illustrates the famous and much loved story of Bahram Gur and his sweetheart Azada, whom in a rage he was fated to slay. Pictorially it is unimpressive; as a work of decoration and judged by the modeling of its animals it is superb (Pope, Ackerman & Schroeder, 1945, p. 64). The active figures in the center evenly and ingeniously fill the space between the cusped arches of the framing zone which, with the intervening spaces, almost forms a reciprocal. Within this are falcons, foxes, and peacocks that repay careful examination. Carpets According to Pope (1931), it is by her carpets that the art of Persia has been most widely known (p120). Their fame has been abroad in the world these many centuries. The most priced Persian carpets are those made for the kings and princes of the Persian society. They are usually made from fabrics and other raw materials especially and exclusively for the royalty’s use (Pope, 1931, p. 121). They also commission the best painters and architects in town to make a unique and personalized design. The brilliant and sophisticated Persian color sense finds its perfect embodiment in the carpets. Their size permits of a far greater variety of colors than is appropriate in the smaller, lighter textiles or than is possible in a painted page. There is practically no limit to the range of colors the Persian dyers could command, and yet with all this wealth available, the rug designers chose a relatively limited number; twelve to fourteen tones is the average for the great sixteenth century carpets (Pope, 1931, p. 23). The Death of the Persian Culture The decline of the Persian art started in the rise of Europe. Because of various social problems such as societal depression, poverty, Afghan invasion and governmental incompetence are fatal to the preservation and development of the Persian culture. Yet, even if the Persian culture is considered stagnant nowadays, but the Iranian movies and contemporary music and literature, the influence and appreciation of humankind on Persian culture can no longer be disregarded.
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