Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Human Genome Project essays
The Human Genome Project essays At the beginning of the project, the Human Genome Project was compared to the Manhattan Project or the mission to put men on the moon. It was considered so broad and so complex that the funding could only come from the government. The Human Genome project is now in the hands of private labs. Those labs have forced the Human Genome Project into a rush to finish first. The Human Genome Project is a task that wishes to document all of the genes (over 100,000 of them) in the human body. From these genes, scientists want to find out specifically what their function is and they want to find out what malfunctions in the genes may trigger diseases such as cancer or heart disease. Scientists began the project about 10 years ago and they hope to finish around 2003 with a rough draft around 2001 instead of the 2005 predication several years ago. The reason for moving up the date is the rapid competition of the private labs. The problem with the competition is that these labs want to patent the genes that they have discovered. It is not as if they want to patent the process to sift flour, they want to patent the flour! Did the guy who first found the gallbladder in a human, patent the gallbladder? No, he did not! No one person should be able to have ownership over some information that every single human being has, nor should he/she be able to make money by selling it. If a lab were to own part of a gene, no independent scientist could use the information if he did not have sufficient funds to buy the information. All future control in anything dealing with genes would go to large research teams at labs. Until recently, most scientists were independent and they contributed to the whole, bringing in different ideas and theories from everyone. If only a few laboratories could control the information in genes, the basis of science as we know it will be gone. When the Human Genome Project gets to a point where every person c...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Earning a Health Care Management Degree
Earning a Health Care Management Degree A health care management degree is a type of business degree awarded to students who have finished a college, university, or business school program with a focus on health care management. This program of study is designed for individuals who want to manage aspects of healthcare organizations. Some examples of management tasks in healthcare organizations include hiring and training staff members, making finance related decisions, meeting stakeholder demands, acquiring appropriate technology to provide effective health care services, and developing new services to serve patients. Although curriculum can vary depending on the program and level of study most health care management degree programs include courses in health care policy and delivery systems, health insurance, health care economics, health care information management, human resources management, and operations management. You may also take courses in health care statistics, ethics in health care management, health care marketing, and legal aspects of health care management. In this article, well explore types of health care management degrees by a level of study and identify some of the things you can do with a health care management degree after graduation. Types of Health Care Management Degrees There are four basic types of health care management degrees that can be earned from a college, university, or business school: Associate Degree in Health Care Management - An associate degree program in health care management typically focuses more on general education courses but will also include several classes devoted specifically to health care management. These programs usually take two years to complete. After earning an associate degree, you could seek entry-level employment in the health care management field or go on to pursue a bachelor degree in health care management or a related area.Bachelor Degree in Health Care Management - A bachelor degree in health care management will take approximately four years to complete. While enrolled in the program, you will take a core set of general education courses in addition to courses focused on health care management topics.Master Degree in Health Care Management - A master degree in health care management focuses specifically on health care management topics. Depending on the program you attend, you may have the opportunity to choose your electives so th at you can specialize in a particular area of health care management. Most master programs take two years to complete. However, there are accelerated MBA programs available through some business schools. Doctorate Degree in Health Care Management - A doctorate degree program in health care management involves intense study, a great deal of research, and a thesis. These programs usually take three to five years to complete. However, program length can vary. Which Degree Should I Earn? A degree of some kind is almost always required to work in the health care management field. There are some entry-level positions that can be obtained with a diploma, certificate, on-the-job training, or work experience. However, it will be much easier to pursue and secure most management, supervisory, and executive positions with some type of degree in health care, business, or health care management.A bachelor degree is the most common requirement for a health care manager, health services manager, or medical manager. However, many people in this field also hold a master degree. Associate degree and Ph.D. degree holders are less common but can be found working in many different positions. What Can I Do With a Healthcare Management Degree? There are many different types of careers that can be pursued with a health care management degree. Every health care operation needs someone in supervisory positions to handle administrative tasks and other employees. You could choose to become a general health care manager. You may also decide to specialize in managing specific types of health care organizations, such as hospitals, senior care facilities, physicians offices, or community health centers. Some other career options may include working in health care consulting or education. Common Job Titles A few common job titles for people who hold a health care management degree include: Medical Office Manager - Medical office managers, also known as medical practice managers and medical office administrators, oversee daily operations in medical practice. They may be responsible for scheduling, staffing, supervising employees, supply ordering and inventory, and accounts receivable and payable.Health Services Manager - Health services managers, also known as health care managers and medical managers, oversee operations and employees at health care facilities. Depending on the size of the facility, responsibilities may include employee supervision, financial management, risk management, record management, and communications management.Health Information Manager - Health information managers oversee the maintenance and security of patient records. Their responsibilities may include securing databases, maintaining confidentiality, and communicating changes in health care laws and regulations.Health Care Project Manager - Health care project managers are increasingly in d emand. These professionals are charged with overseeing specific projects and teams. They may be responsible for project planning, scheduling, budgeting, risk management, and much more.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Multiple Regression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Multiple Regression - Essay Example We use a State-wide data set that includes a record of property crimes rates (CRIMES) as well as a record on per capita income (PINCOME), school dropout rates (DROPOUT), precipitation amounts (PRECIP), percentage of public aid recipients (PUBAID), population density (DENSITY), public aid for families with kids in terms of dollars received (KIDS), percentage of unemployed workers (UNEMPLOY), percentage of population living in urban areas. The methodology that we use is that of multiple regression analysis to obtain the magnitude and signs of the coefficients and t and F-tests obtain whether the respective coefficients are significant, individually, or jointly. The regression equation we estimate is the following: (1) Results In this section we present the results of the analysis. Table 1 presents the results of the estimation of equation (1). Table 1: Results of simple OLS regression, all variables included Before interpreting the coefficients we look at the individual and joint signi ficances of the estimated coefficients. From the upper right hand panel we find that F(8, 41) = 11.43 and prob>F =0.000. Recall that the null hypothesis of the f-test is that all coefficients are jointly zero. From the computed statistic and the associated p-value we reject the null hypothesis. Thus, at least one of the parameters is non-zero. Now, from the lower panel in table 1 looking at the 3rd column (t-values) and the 4th column (p values) we can identify which coefficients are significantly different from zero. The null hypothesis of the t-test is that the coefficient in question is equal to zero while the alternative hypothesis is that it is non-zero. Recall that the 5% critical value for the two-sided t-test is 1.96. Looking at the elements from column 3 and 4, we find that only the variables DROPOUT, DENSITY and and URBAN are associated with coefficients that are statistically significantly different from zero. We fail to find evidence in the data that suggests that the nu ll hypothesis is false for the rest of the coefficients as well as the intercept. The upper right hand corner also presents the R-squared and the adjusted R-squared values which show that the fit is decent (anything greater than 50% on these scales is considered decent). In table 2 below, we take a look at whether our results may have been affected by the presence of multi-collnearity. The t-tests of significance showed that there were two significant coefficients and this was further confirmed by the f-test. If multicollinearity is present to any worrisome degree, typically, although the f-test rejects the null, we fail to identify any statistically significant coefficients in the t-test. Thus, there is little evidence of multi-collinearity. Additionally, we also look at the VIFs in table 2 below. Observe that the mean VIF is only 2.46 and the VIF for PINCOME is a bit large (although significantly smaller than 10, the standard indicator of severe and worrisome multicollinearity). T able 2: Testing for presence of multi-colinearity, VIFs Now, we rerun the regression incorporating only the significant variables in the specification. The model is specified as follows: The results of this regression are presented in table 3. Table 3: Results of OLS estimation including only the significant variables Observe first from the table above that the signs and the significances of the included variables remain the same. That is
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Improving Operations Management at British Airways plc in the current Essay
Improving Operations Management at British Airways plc in the current economic climate - Essay Example h Airways is still in an open competition with several other airlines, this is to assure its realistic, practical and superior efforts to keep its name high amongst other counterparts. British Airways (BA) contains a formalised composition with a number of predefined policies and measures, and it’s because of its magnitude and the global range of its movement. The objective of this assignment is to analyse the practices and to outline British Airways approach to managing change in its organisation according to the current economic climate all over the world. (Vrana, V, 2006, 510) This issue assumes a particular relevance in an increasingly competitive environment in the service industry. The report is divided in two parts. The first part analyses the strategic approach to the market and the corporate culture of the airline. The second part includes some recommendations to help the current standing of the air line as a result of worldwide economic disaster. British Airways plc (BA) is amongst worlds major international airlines, that carries greater number of passengers from one destination to another than its other competitors. British Airways is a scheduled international passenger airline. (Law, Leung and Wong, 2004, 105) The Companys main activity is the operation of international and domestic scheduled traveler airline services. The Company also gives other services to other parties, for example aircraft maintenance. British Airways have a board and a leadership team. Whilst the structure would lend itself to a hierarchical one, British Airways encourage employee participation, suggesting a top down and bottom up approach. (Lewis, 2008, 960) British Airways are set up as a traditional hierarchical structure; however management is moving into collective decision making, involving all employees. (Strategic Direction, 2006, 26) BA operates from many airports, but its main base is at London Heathrow. BA has improved the range of services it can offer customers
Saturday, November 16, 2019
George Mead Theory Essay Example for Free
George Mead Theory Essay â€Å"the self is something which has a development; it is not initially there, at birth, but arises in the process of social experience and activity, that is, develops in the given individual as a result of his relations to that process as a whole and to other individuals within that process.†* was an American philosopher, sociologist and psychologist, primarily affiliated with the University of Chicago, where he was one of several distinguished pragmatists * He is regarded as one of the founders of social psychology and the American sociological tradition in general. * Mead is well-known for his theory of the social self, which is based on the central argument that the self is a social emergent. * Mead’s most widely read work, Mind, Self and Society, gives priority to society over the mind and highlights the idea that the social leads to the development of mental states. * Mind is a process, not a thing, and it is found in social phenomena rather than within individuals. * The self occupies a central place in Mead’s theory. * Self is essentially a social structure and it arises in social experience. It is the unique combination of the roles and individual play in relation to others – the complex blending of individual motivations and socially desirable responses. * The self consists of an â€Å"I†which the active side and as object, called â€Å"me†. * Infants begin with no self. As they learn to use the language and other symbols, the self emerges through play which involves taking the roles of significant others. * Gradually children move from simpler games to more complex ones involving others such as team sports. Mead called this generalized others to refer to the general cultural norms and values people use as references in evaluating others. * Mead defines self as the ability to take oneself as an object and identifies basic mechanism of the development of the self as reflexivity the ability to put ourselves into the place of others and acts as they act. * Self can arise only through social experiences, and the traces its development to two stages in childhood: the play stage and game stage. * Play stage – children learn how to take the attitude of particular others themselves. * Game stage – children learn how to take the role of many others and the attitude of the generalized other. * I – is the immediate response of an individual to others; it is unpredictable and creative aspect of the self. * Me – is the organized set of attitudes of others that an individual assumes; it is how society dominates the individual and is a source of social control. Mead’s theory on social self * The social conception of the self entails that individual selves are the product of social interaction and not the logical or biological preconditions of that interaction. It is not initially there at birth but arises in the process of social experience and activity. * Language – allows individuals to take on the â€Å"role of the other†and allows people to respond to his or her own gestures in terms of symbolized attitudes of others. * Is communication via â€Å"significant symbols†and it is through significant communication that the individual is able to take the attitudes of others toward his/herself. Language is not only a â€Å"necessary mechanism†of the mind, but also the primary social foundation of self. * Play – individuals take on the roles of other people and pretend to be those other people in order to express the expectation of significant others. * This process of role-playing is the key to generation of self-consciousness and to the general development of the self. * In the play, the child takes the role of another and acts as though he/she were the other. This form of role-playing involves a single role at a time. Thus, the other which comes into the child’s experience in play is a â€Å"specific other†* Game – individual is required to internalize the roles of all others who are involved with him or her in the game and must comprehend the rules of the game. * Is the stage of social process at which * Generalized other- organized and generalized attitude of a social group. * consists of a composite of all those who contribute and participate in ones society * The individual defines his or her own behavior with reference to the generalized attitude of the social group(s) they occupy. When an individual can view him/herself from the standpoint of the generalized other, self-consciousness in the full sense of the terms is attained. * Me – represents the expectations and the attitudes of others (generalized others). It is the organized set of attitudes others that the individual assumes. * Is the social self * The organized set of attitudes of others which one himself assumes * is that part of the self which comes about as a result of the individuals internalization of societys values and behavior expectations * I – is the response to the â€Å"me†, or the person’s individuality. * Response of the organism to the attitudes of others * is that part of the self which is spontaneous * Self – develops by internalizing the norms of one’s society * Significant other are those with whom the individual has an important relationship
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Frado in Harriet E. Wilsons, Our Nig Essay examples -- Harriet E. Wil
Frado in Harriet E. Wilson's, Our Nig In Harriet E. Wilson’s only known work, Our Nig; Or, Sketches from the Life of a Free Black, I read about a young black girl who grows up as an indentured servant to a large Bellmont family. In the readings I read, the young girl has three names: Alfrado, Frado and Nig. In this essay, I’ll refer to her as Frado. Although Our Nig is an actual fictitious novel, our literature book only gives us three chapters. Each of these small chapters tells us a great story. In Chapter IV â€Å"A Friend for Nig†, we learn what Bellmont family members are Frado’s friends and what member despises her. Our readings didn’t start from the beginning of the novel, we didn’t get a proper introduction to the characters. Instead, you have to catch on as you read. Mrs. Bellmont is married to Mr. John Bellmont. They have four children: James, Jack, Jane, and Mary. Aunt Abby is Mr. Bellmont’s sister, but Mrs. Bellmont calls her Nab. Finally, the family dog is Fido. Confused? Well, I hope I got it right. Fido, the dog we know is a friend to Frado. He may not say anyt...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Compare the ways the two editorials have used language devices Essay
This essay is written about two newspaper editorials from two very different newspapers one from the â€Å"Sun†and one from the â€Å"Times†they are both about the terrorist crisis in America that has deeply shocked the world. The first thing that you come across in both articles is the use of headings and subheadings. Firstly in the ‘Times’ editorial there is a statement â€Å"terror for all†with another bold subheading saying â€Å"the day that changed the modern world†both of these statements grabs the attention of the reader and this applies to everybody because there is no-one that isn’t involved as it is an attack on modern civilisation, this proves effective and sets a good base for the editorial to be started on The ‘Sun’ takes quite a different approach by having a large centred text box with large white underlined font saying â€Å"all the world must unite to defeat these evil cowards†this shows a plan of action straight from the mark†where as the ‘Times’ seems to set the scene firstly and is quite laid back but firm but the ‘Sun’ jumps straight into the mark suggesting attack. Below this is an emotive picture of New York workers fleeing the devastation. This is very emotive and used to give people a better insight and to show how serious the situation is I find this Heading and subheading when linked are quite effective and would easily grab the attention of the reader. The next point I am going to talk about is quite vital as to me this point is where both editorials come into they’re own and separate. Ill use the example from the ‘Sun’ firstly the poem is laid out in easy to read columns with a bold underlined text making a point at the start of each mini section, there are five of these little sections in all each making a very good point and then backing it up very successfully this proves for an easy consistent read using a little background information and then going forward to discuss some very good points. I think this layout and structure works perfectly with the article. I now move onto the ‘Times’ to me this layout is incredibly poor as I do not think that it will be able to hold the attention of the reader long enough to finish the article, the editorial is based upon very long columns of small flowing typical newspaper text the editorial contains no pictures and uses a very mature language that in places is very hard to understand. One thing that I find better in the ‘Times’ is that the article goes through several stages firstly it starts out with giving quite a detailed basis of background information that informs the reader of exactly what has happened it then goes on to give its own views on the disaster and how it thinks the situation should be dealt with. The editorial looks through many angles of the situation and makes good well thought out comments I don’t entirely agree with most of them but in general they are quite good, but all in all the article is not presented in its full potential and this must have a great effect on the reader. The tone in both poems is fairly similar they are both quite formal and both reactionary and both reason to the problem I fell that the attitude in the ‘Sun’ is more of action and overall sadness, and is more of a report into the happenings and the †Times†comes across as more of a story although expressing sadness it is presented far differently. The use of language is far different within the two poems the ‘Times’ uses highly sophisticated mature language that could prove very hard to understand but keeps with the highly sophisticated reputation of the times and the class it is aimed at. The ‘Sun’ uses fairly common but intellectual (in places) language that is appropriate and easy to understand, which is effective. The use of supporting evidence is of a high quality in both editorials especially in the ‘Sun’ as the point is made and then backed up that is shown very well in the layout also in the ‘Times’ I feel all the points have been backed up well. I think that both poems have represented the situation brilliantly.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Duopoly Coles vs Woolworths
Australian Business Environment A Duopolistic Market Structure: Who Wins? For most of us its Just part of everyday life decisions. Where to shop for the week, Coles or Woolworths? Should I drink Pepsi or Coke today? Do I go to MYER or David Jones to buy new make up from? We take in consideration a few prices, how convenient it will be to get there, what would we rather do, and that's it. But there's something bigger behind this. What is the impact on such big rivals, for us and the economy? It's not Just about personal choices.Living and studying in Australia for the ast 11 months, going to do my grocery shopping at Coles or at Woolworths has become part of my routine. And because it is such an ordinary thing to do, we tend to forget that we make part of a much bigger picture, and are contributing to several factors regarding the Australian economy. However, this race for the best has its advantages and disadvantages, and of course, this is affecting us as well. The Price War One of the advantages of this never ending battle for us customers, are the low prices.Because there is such a big competition for prices, each of the supermarket rands will try to make it as affordable as possible to the consumer, as a reaction to get competitive advantage. One big example of this war is the milk price. Both supermarkets can sell milk for $1 . It is very difficult to make any profit if you're selling products at such a low price, as Rob Murray, the chiet executive tor the t beverage group Lion stated. However this issue does not affect us consumers on a day-to-day basis, and the low prices keep us happy and of course, keep us shopping at these big supermarkets.Everyone wins with the Rewards Programs Another good thing for the shoppers at these two big chains is the rewards systems hey have. And we win again. Despite the cheaper price war having been leaded by Coles the majority of times, Woolworths seems to have another way of fghting. Their CEO Grant O'Brien came out wit h a new strategy: the Everyday Rewards. The more the customer shops, the more discount they get. Users of the cards get exclusive offers, discount on fuel and can even earn Qantas flyer points.And not only in Woolworths, they have retail partners like Big W, Dick Smith and Cellarmasters that will also benefit the customer. Coles also has their rewards system, the Flybuys. With his card, apart from the exclusive offers on Coles and affiliated firms products, the customer collects points at every purchase, which can later be changed by different prizes. But this is not only good for the consumers. Its basically the company saying that they will give us prizes, in exchange for our information.A Rewards system allows the firm to collect data about their customers, which they can use in their favour, to create loyalty and promote trust. With the Everyday Rewards, Woolworths has been able to collect a good amount of information, while Flybuys is still in the process of build its strength. Easy and Simple Another very good thing for the customer about these two big brands is the convenience. Everywhere we go, every big shopping center and busy area in a suburb will have at least one of the two, if not both.Coles and Woolworths have very strong analysts that will know where to place their shops, and if there is an area lacking one, it's probably not because they are still to build one, but because that are would not be so profitable yet. So for us, wherever we want to shop, we can always find one of these, and do not have to travel any long distance to get to one of these tores, as they are located almost everywhere too. Even for the most loyal customer from the small shops, sometimes it's a lot more convenient to visit one of the big supermarkets, and they will end up buying something from there.Someone might be losing Unfortunately it's not all flowers. For us to be paying such low prices, someone is losing money somewhere, and it's not the big supermarkets. Because they are such big brands, suppliers need to have their products in their shelf. Coles and Woolworths claim they have built very strong relationships with their suppliers, and it ight be true, but a lot of the smaller suppliers are getting ripped off. They â€Å"bully' the suppliers to sell their products at really low prices, and they know they have this power, otherwise they won't sell enough.They will also charge more to have the products placed in good positions on their shelves. A lot of the times the prices suppliers are charging are so small, that they are struggling to survive with these sales, and it generates another whole big problem. Creating Enemies The ones losing with the big duopoly from Coles and Woolworths are the smaller suppliers, and the smaller shops too. But not every customer is Just happy in paying small prices, they want to make sure everyone involved is protected.For this reason, there is a big pressure on ACCC from suppliers and the smaller businesses wh ich don't nave a chance to compete. There is a party called Australian Green, and they fght strong against the practices these two supermarkets have againg farmers and small suppliers. Their objective, as they state on the website, is to â€Å"tackle the supermarket duopoly', and the measures they are willing to take are strong. For example, put a temporary ban on expansion from Coles and Woolworths, or stopping his duopoly to purchase agricultural land, so they can't control the whole supply chain.The ACCC is also holding an investigation about the bullying of suppliers. While most of us will not care that much about the situation these suppliers are in, or will not have option to shop somewhere else, there is a big group who does care. These are customers who are willing to pay more, but do their groceries in a small shop so they can help that business, and also do not buy the products from exploited suppliers. No more competition Unfortunately, the group of very unhappy customer s mentioned before is not large nough to make sure the small businesses will survive.With such low prices and big chains, the two major supermarkets will not give a chance for a smaller business to survive in the middle of this war. It is Just impossible to compete with the two major supermarkets prices and their powerful middlemen, and the small shops start disappearing. Without competition, a lot of the products that do not have space on Coles or Woolworths shelves may also disappear, and this will also have a big impact on the economy as there is unemployment rising. This process will damage Australia ood's industry, and with the lack of new firms it might mean a lack of new products, and the whole market can go stale.Tricking the customers To have products at such low prices, as it was mentioned before, the suppliers will end up losing. But the customers might also lose sometimes. For example, the free range eggs case. Both Coles and Woolworths claim that they want to help custo mers switch from industrialised to free range eggs, by cutting the prices on the second one. However, the suppliers pay for the price that we are not, as it is impossible to have a free range egg production at such low prices.The customer will end up buying free range eggs thinking they are contributing to improve the animal welfare standards from the supermarkets, however, they do not know that they are still purchasing the â€Å"industrialised†free range eggs, the free range version of these two big supermarkets. Even though it seems there are more disadvantages to small businesses and suppliers than there are advantages for us customers, it is not the number, but the quality of these advantages that count. This battle is far from the end, because it is not likely that the masses will stop shopping at Coles or Woolworths anytime soon.However, the ones that are more conscious about it can only expect that it will make a difference in the future, when the ACCC take strong me asures or the political inaction ends, and someone who genuinely cares and is strong enough to change this is put in charge. In the meanwhile, we will keep enjoying the convenience to Just walk for 10 minutes and find a shop, or receive rewards and discount on products and even fuel, and keep ignoring all the ones losing from this. In the end, it is a battle and someone will lose. If not the big duopolistic market, a part of the population will pay.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Suggested Attire for an Immigration Interview
Suggested Attire for an Immigration Interview It is rare to find a person who is not the least bit nervous about an immigration interview. This is the face-to-face meeting with an immigration officer who will evaluate an applicants credibility and eligibility for entrance into the United States for as long or as short a stay as is requested. As with any meeting, first impressions do matter. A persons presentation, demeanor, and appearance play into that impression. Does Appearance Matter Officially? Officially, what you wear should have no bearing on the interviewing officers adjudication of your case. When conducting an interview, immigration officers must be nonjudgmental and nonmoralistic, setting aside any personal biases. Even if the immigration officer feels personally offended by your attire, he or she must put personal feelings aside and not allow them to have any bearing on the final determinations. That said, remaining completely neutral is very difficult. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) immigration officers are trained to avoid letting their personal judgments affect a case, but interviewees can ease the process by dressing in a professional, respectful manner. Suggested Attire A good rule of thumb is to dress as if you were going to a job interview for an office job or meeting your partners family for the first time. In other words, wear something clean, comfortable, moderately conservative, and presentable that makes a good impression. Clothing does not have to be expensive, but it should be clean and pressed. Polishing shoes so they shine brilliantly is not necessary, but do give them a quick wipe if they need it. Attire can include clothing that is business casual, such as a clean, pressed outfit- a less formal version of classic business attire. If an applicant feels comfortable wearing a suit, then that would be a good choice. If the applicant feels a suit would be uncomfortable, then a pair of pants, a nice shirt, a skirt, or a dress is suitable as well. What Not to Wear Do not wear anything that might be considered offensive or controversial. This includes political slogans or pictures. Use perfume or cologne sparingly. Some people have allergies and sensitivities to scents. Since waiting rooms have a tendency to get cramped at times, competing scents may overwhelm the room and bother an interviewer. Other suggestions of what not to wear include gym clothes, such as sweatpants, tank tops, or shorts. Use your own discretion with makeup and hairstyles; choosing a look that is not too distracting for the interviewer would be best. Attire for the Naturalization Ceremony Taking the oath to become a U.S. citizen is an important ceremony. People will be bringing guests, and some ceremonies may have famous people, such as dignitaries or other newsmakers, in attendance, so at least business casual is recommended. Expect that lots of pictures will be taken, too. According to the USCIS Guide to Naturalization web page for the naturalization ceremony, The naturalization ceremony is a solemn and meaningful event. USCIS asks that you dress in proper attire to respect the dignity of this event.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Five Misleading Names
Five Misleading Names Five Misleading Names Five Misleading Names By Maeve Maddox For most people, the word greyhound probably triggers the idea of a skinny gray dog, while the word nightmare conjures up the image of a horse galloping through the night. Here are five words whose names suggest meanings that arent there. catgut: The dried and twisted intestines of sheep, also of the horse and ass; used for the strings of musical instruments; also as bands in lathes, clocks, etc. The word in English probably originated as kitgut, from kit, small fiddle used by dancing teachers. This kit probably derives from OE cythere, from Latin cithara, from Greek kithara. The OED notes that the Dutch word kattedarm does mean guts or intestines of the cat, but adds that theres no evidence that catgut was ever used for the purpose of stringing a musical instrument. greyhound: A variety of dog used in the chase, characterized by its long slender body, and long legs, by the keenness of its sight, and by its great speed in running. Old English had the word grighund. Hund, of course, meant dog. The grig part comes from an Old Norse word for bitch. nightmare: Now usually: a bad dream producing feelings of distress. Originally (usu. with the): a feeling of suffocation or great distress experienced during sleep. A nightmare was a female spirit or monster supposed to settle on and produce a feeling of suffocation in a sleeping person or animal. This kind of mare has cognates in several languages. Its the mar in French cauchemar (nightmare), and is related to Irish morrigain, queen of the elves. It is not related to the mare that means female horse. mustard gas: A colorless oily liquid whose vapor is a powerful irritant and vesicant acting directly on the skin, used in chemical warfare, originally at Ypres during the First World War (1914-18). Mustard gas isnt made from mustard, and its not a gas. It was yellow and those unfortunate enough to get a whiff of it thought it resembled the smell of mustard, garlic, or horseradish. Its an atomized liquid. heartburn: An uneasy burning sensation in the lower part of the chest, due to putrefactive fermentation of the food in the stomach Greek kardia could mean both heart and stomach. Greek kardiakos meant pertaining to the heart. Latin cardiacus could mean pertaining to the stomach. The term heartburn arose from confusion between the areas of heart and stomach. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About NumbersUse a Dash for Number RangesDealing With A Character's Internal Thoughts
Saturday, November 2, 2019
La-Z-Boy Incorporated India and Philippines Subsidiaries Essay
La-Z-Boy Incorporated India and Philippines Subsidiaries - Essay Example The company’s economic outlook is expected to increase in FY2012. Globalization has made La-Z-Boy’s transition in India seamless. India’s sophisticated banking system attracts profitable organizations like La-Z-Boy towards India. La-Z-Boy has strengthened India’s economy by employing local workforce. La-Z-Boy’s business in India can be more beneficial with due assistance of the Association of Furniture Manufactures and Traders (AFMT). In order to escape risks while working in India, it is recommendable for La-Z-Boy to be well-aware of the various languages, business etiquettes, norms and religious values in India. Mumbai is the most suitable city for La-Z-Boy to establish business in India because of its cultural richness, population and good environment. USA and Philippines are trading partners and USA is a very strong financial provider of Philippines. Since Philippines resembles USA in culture, La-Z-Boy’s working style is consistent with t he indigenous culture of Philippines, though the organization may have to tackle the risk of investment in
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