Friday, September 4, 2020
South African Investment Essay Example for Free
South African Investment Essay In the late 1970’s and mid 1980’s, Caltex (a member petroleum treatment facility of Texaco and SoCal) began their tasks in South Africa. In this paper, I will recognize and clarify the advantages and the negatives with regards to why Caltex should work there plant in South Africa. I will likewise examine how I would decide on three of the goals made by the stockholder’s just as talk about how the administrators of Texaco and SoCal ought to have reacted. At long last, I will address the administration obligations as it identifies with this case. Utilitarian advantages of building the Caltex plant in 1977 When Texaco and SoCal chose to work there processing plant, Caltex, in South Africa in 1977, there was a lot to consider. As a matter of first importance, the South Africa was controlled by government maintained politically-sanctioned racial segregation enactment. As indicated by the course book, Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases, the politically-sanctioned racial segregation framework, â€Å"deprived the whole Black populace of all political and social equality: They couldn't cast a ballot, couldn't hold political office, couldn't unionize, and reserved no option to opportunity of assembly,†(Velasquez, p. 8). In spite of this obstruction, Caltex was assembled and started activities. Caltex accepted that by opening activities in South Africa they could furnish the individuals with some financial open doors that they couldn't have in the event that they didn't. As indicated by the contextual investigation, â€Å"th e administrations of both Texaco and SoCal contended that Caltex was focused on improving the monetary working states of its dark representatives and their proceeded with nearness in South Africa didn't establish and ‘endorsement’ of South Africa’s ‘policies’,†(para. 5). By proclaiming that there nearness in South Africa was not the slightest bit clear in help with the administration arrangements, Caltex gave the impression of an utilitarianism approach. As per the course reading, utilitarianism is â€Å"a general term for any view that holds that activities and approaches ought to be assessed based on the advantages and costs they will force on society,†(Velasquez, p. 61). Caltex maintained the conviction that the advantages they give to its representatives exceed the way that they are directing business in a mistreated country. As I would see it, I imagine that that the advantages exceeded the negatives. Despite the fact that the South African government was ethically off-base for mistreating most of its residents, Caltex carried a chance to the district that had the guarantee of financial guarantee for the association, yet in addition the chance to show the individuals of South Africa what it resembles to be equivalent and not segregated. Additionally, there nearness no uncertainty welcomed on political change and opened the eyes to different countries of the world with regards to the mistreatment present in South Africa. In the event that I were an investor in Texaco or Standard Oil In spite of the considerable number of advantages and the guarantees that Caltex could have given to the individuals in South Africa, the investors despite everything urged the board to pull back their tasks from South Africa. Therefore, the investors proposed three goals to which they would decide on and choose the eventual fate of Caltex’s activities in South Africa. The main goals (A) was asking Caltex to end its activities in South Africa. The second (B) asked Caltex not to offer to the military or police of South Africa. The last goals (C) asked Caltex to actualize the Tutu standards. I accept that as an investor put resources into my organization, I would need to depict us as a mindful association that will work with the host nation to locate a shared belief as opposed to be accused of a genuine wrongdoing. C. FAVOR. Tutu’s standards are something that I would be in favor for. As indicated by the contextual analysis, Bishop Tutu’s standards â€Å"outlined a few states of the speculation which would empower Caltex and other U. S. organizations to make such a ‘positive commitment to improving financial and social opportunities’,†(para. 4). These standards would be actually what I might want my organization to depict in light of the fact that they add to human rights and equivalent chances to all races. Manager’s reactions concerning the goals proposed by the investors, I accept the manager’s reactions ought to be as per the following: A. The manager’s ought to have likewise not been supportive of this goals. F or this situation, the administration needs to consider that the utilitarian advantages do really exceed the negatives and persecution the South African government has over its residents. B. The manager’s reactions to this goals ought to be weighed cautiously. Despite the fact that they may not concur with the acts of the legislature and may think they are a guide to undesirable practices, they despite everything need to consider there notoriety and the outcomes that can result from not being helpful. As I would like to think, the manager’s ought to have reacted by conveying the need to work with the administration to their partners just as discover some sort of goals with the legislature. C. The administration should grasp the Tutu standards. In the event that the administration is truly devoted to the beliefs and standards of their organization then they should realize that these standards are about the individuals and their prosperity. They should make any alterations important to ensure the standards are maintained. The executives duties (I. e. , obligations) In my sentiment, I accept the administration of an organization has the duty past guaranteeing an exceptional yield for its investors. For this situation, the obligation of the administration is to ensure that the standards and business morals that they have created as an association is maintained no matter what. Because the investors needed to see their organization disassociate themselves from a nation that they didn't see as perfect, it is as yet basic that the administration stick to there own standards and standards paying little mind to where they are. Then again, I don't accept that the administration of an organization should look fundamentally to the law and to the pace of profit for its speculation as a definitive models for choosing what ventures it should make. Organizations ought to consistently consider the affordable and social conditions in the district to which they choose to contribute their organization. End This paper sketched out why I accept the utilitarian advantages exceeded the negative conditions for the structure of Caltex in South Africa. I have additionally given my own perspectives regarding what I would do on the off chance that I were an investor in the organization just as what the manager’s ought to have done because of the goals. At last, I gave my perspective regarding what the manager’s obligations are when managing investors and ventures. Caltex was in a troublesome spot as they needed to manage their investors and the legislature of South Africa so as to lead their business, however the most significant thing they had was the chance to show the abused individuals of South Africa what it resembled to be an equivalent individual from an establishment.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Fathers need to be as involved in their children's lives as mother are Essay
Fathers should be as engaged with their kids' lives as mother are - Essay Example Fathers ought to be associated with their children’s lives the same amount of as their moms are on the grounds that fathers offer distinctive ranges of abilities than moms, youngsters get a significantly better youth, and fathers great set a genuine model for their kids. One motivation behind why fathers need to assume an equivalent job, related to their spouses, in their children’s lives is that they have certain qualities that can't be imitated by moms. In single-parent families, moms are commonly left to get a move on left behind by a missing dad. Saying this doesn't imply that that a mother can't fill the hole of a missing dad, however each parent has explicit jobs that must be performed by them. While moms are commonly left to uphold the guidelines that kids should live by, it is the duty of fathers to set these principles and afterward meter out the fitting discipline if these standards happened to be broken. For a mother to play out each of the three of these act ivities is maybe excessively. Youngsters would feel like they were getting singled out in vain. It is therefore that fathers frequently deserve more admiration that moms do. This is on the grounds that youngsters naturally realize that fathers are the ones in control and that the buck stops with them. It is alright for fathers and moms to have various situations on the most proficient method to bring up their youngsters on the grounds that each would have a thought on the best way to bring up their children. As the old buzzword goes, â€Å"Two heads are better than one.†This isn't to put moms down; it’s simply that fathers fill a spot that can assist with upgrading a family’s relationship. Another motivation behind why fathers must include themselves in their children’s lives the same amount of as moms is that the youngsters are better for it. It is continually consoling for a kid growing up to see two guardians that are completely dedicated to one anoth er. Youngsters decipher this as the two guardians being committed to the wellbeing and prosperity of their posterity. This can proceed into different territories of a child’s life, for example, training and in social settings. Numerous examinations show that youngsters perform better when a father’s is keen on their homework. Regarding a child’s public activity, they are better ready to make kinships and trust others in the event that they have just encountered this in their family life. The last motivation behind why fathers should be associated with their children’s lives as much as moms is that fathers are in a situation to be a genuine model for their kids. Fathers have fundamental abilities that they can instruct to their youngsters that moms would have no clue about. The job of a dad in his son’s life is critical. The manner in which a dad is associated with his son’s life influences how the son’s sees his dad as well as influen ces his practices later on throughout everyday life. Fathers who are drunkards and harsh spouses will in general have children grow up to do exactly the same thing. Then again, a dad who is a caring spouse and has discovered accomplishment in his life will probably have a child who is very much grounded and concentrated on his life objectives. In another manner, fathers can demonstrate a genuine guide to their little girls as well. Fathers who love and care about their girls will probably find that they grow up to turning out to be fruitful young ladies. Fathers have a significant task to carry out in the lives of their youngsters since they have consistently been idea of as the leader of the family.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Contributing Factors of The American Revolution essays
Contributing Factors of The American Revolution papers The variables which contributed towards the American resistance in 1776 which at last prompted the American Revolution and autonomy, can be requested from the moderately generally significant, to the generally not all that significant. The most significant contributing element was the limitations of the homesteaders common freedoms by the British. Less significant was the tax collection actualized by the British Parliament. Lower despite everything was the British military estimates that the British took so as to attempt to stifle the American nationalists. Also, the least significant factor was the heritage of pioneer strict and political thoughts. The most significant factor adding to the American defiance in 1776 was the limitations of the settlers common freedoms by the British. Not at all like every single other factor this by itself removed the settlers opportunities. By holding onto our unavoidable rights (life, freedom, quest for bliss) the British made us rebel. The British were not just taking our legislatures cash through the route demonstrations implemented in 1763, however they started to take our employments, homes and food also. The quartering demonstration of 1765 expressed that settlers needed to give safe house, food and supplies to British soldiers. The holiness of the homesteaders homes was disregarded. In specific cases these British fighters would take everything from the homesteaders houses. Potentially the most exceedingly terrible infringement of common freedoms accompanied the Intolerable Acts of 1774. The demonstrations removed the administration of Boston, and removed the privileges of the individuals from Boston. One of these rights was preliminary by jury. More terrible still, if a British officer executed a pioneer, he wouldnt have preliminary in America, yet he would be sent back to Britain where his odds of vindication were better. As the Declaration of Independence says, ... Invested by their maker with certain unavoidable rights; that among these are life, freedom and the quest for bliss... that at whatever point any governmen... <!
Wrecking Ball (Music Video) Interpretation by Miley Cyrus free essay sample
From the second Miley mounted the dark sphere of annihilation, the destroying ball turned out to be in excess of a development apparatus; it turned into an image of the froth finger queen’s heritage. â€Å"Wrecking Ball†opens with the ground-breaking verses â€Å"we ripped at, we binded, our hearts futile. We hopped, never asking why†. A solitary tear moves down Ms. Cyrus’ left cheek. This is an image of how her separation with Liam Hemsworth left her: a passionate wreck. Could her absence of garments perhaps speak to the crude emotions the track copies? Next, Ms. Cyrus, in her messy maroon Doc Martens, gets another device of pulverization: the mallet. Miley licks the sledge. She can taste the harsh kind of the passionate thrashing managed by Liam, the greatest apparatus of all. The camera container as the destroying ball crushes the encompassing structures. The verses â€Å"all I needed was to break your dividers, yet all you could possibly do was wreck me†propose that maybe, Miley’s dividers of soundness have additionally fallen. We will compose a custom paper test on Destroying Ball (Music Video) Interpretation by Miley Cyrus or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The video reaches a conclusion as scenes streak by indicating Miley lying in the destruction sobbing; nonetheless, she anticipates that the destroying ball will swing again with the last lines â€Å"don’t you ever state I just left. I will consistently need you†.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Salient features of Martin Luther King Jr’s famous speech, “I have a dreamâ€Â
This exposition portrays the notable highlights of Martin Luther King Jrs celebrated discourse, Å" I have a dream . It focuses on reasons which added to making it so acclaimed. This discourse had numerous notable highlights which have made it so acclaimed and satisfactory to the crowd. These are : Structure : The discourse is very much organized. Lord first forms a base for his contentions, by saying that the requests that follow in his discourse were ensured to the dark Negroes long back.He then claims that the American government nd the white individuals have not agreed to these rights given to blacks. He at that point infuses mental fortitude into the brains of the dark crowd, by utilizing an uncommon power known as Ëœ reiteration. He rehashes, Å" It is my fantasy that , commonly, and really prevails with regards to compelling the brains of dark crowd to Ëœ see that fantasy with him. Power : One increasingly successful component in this discourse is the undetectable power behin d it. The words are solid, and the style is immediate. An immediate assault is propelled on the American government.The hopeless torment that the blacks were experiencing is accounted for in an immediate, face to certainty style. Nothing is aberrant or inferred. This power is progressively obvious when he paints the image of his vision of life of the Negroes in future. There is no talk, no mockery. This includes the important power in the discourse, which enthralls the crowd. Congruity : This is the third great element. The three principle parts of the discourse, specifically, the infringement of guarantee, current state of Negroes and his uture dream for the Negroes, are interlaced immediately in the middle. The switch-over starting with one section then onto the next part is exceptionally common and programmed. This aides in restricting the crowd to the discourse, till the end.Good utilization of semantic devices : This discourse utilizes instruments offered by English language in a magnificent manner. Numerous perspectives are introduced in an allegorical manner, to make the importance exceptionally understood and leave no uncertainty in the brains of crowd. The most unmistakable similitude is contrasting the disappointment of American government with keep ts guarantee towards the dark Negroes, to a check returned by a bank, refering to inadequate assets as an explanation. Another noteworthy representation is his looking at the current status of Mississippi as Ëœ boiling with the warmth of foul play, while his fantasy thinks about similar Mississippi to a Ëœ Oasis of opportunity and equity . His etymological style is beautiful, and that is the thing that intrigues the audience.For model, Å" On the red slopes of Georgia, the children of previous slaves and the children of previous slave proprietors will have the option to plunk down together on the table of rotherhood . He conveys an excessive number of things in sentences which attract an image the brai ns of the crowd. The sentences of this discourse are only from time to time long, and never, extremely long. It is brimming with short, significant sentences. This is another case of amazing utilization of language. Peacefulness : Martin Luther King has unequivocally upheld peacefulness implies as a device for the battle towards opportunity. Recollections of the brutalities of world war II ( world war II ) and the achievement of peacefulness ( Mahatma Gandhi ) as an instrument to ring political changes in India, were still over again in the brains of people.This idea was quickly grasped in America too. Incorporation of explicit guidance to battle in a peaceful manner, delivered his discourse increasingly powerful and progressively worthy. National flavor : Martin Luther King discusses every single corner of the country, by naming it. This adds a national measurement to his discourse. There is not really any area which he has excluded from his discourse. This aides in making an extre mely wide, national impact.The TV crowd : The TV crowd must have likewise been hypnotized by the tremendous number of individuals which had assembled at Lincoln Memorial grounds on that day. It bargained of whites too. Incorporation of white individuals more likely than not had a beneficial outcome for Kings requests, in the psyches of TV crowd. The erect stance of King, combined with overflowing fearlessness more likely than not supported the spirits all things considered and observers. Å" I have a fantasy Å", is an incredible discourse in any event, for all occasions in future !!
Thursday, August 6, 2020
When to Sell Your Business
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Thursday, June 25, 2020
Implementing Change Coursework - 1375 Words
Implementing Change (Coursework Sample) Content: IMPLEMENTING CHANGENovember, 2015IntroductionAccording to Daft (1983), organizational change is the "adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organizationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . Similarly, Hodge and Anthony (1988) define organizational change as an alteration in the status quo. Change occurs mainly because organizations as open systems, must frequently cope with shifts in key environmental domains. By adapting to new conditions, they can continue to grow and prosper. Thus organizations must change to cope with changes generated by changes in their external environment, which are continuously changing.British American Tobacco is the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s most international cigarette company, selling over 240 brands in 180 markets. The Company has a global market share of over 16% and their mission is to champion informed consumer choice and deliver their commitments to society (/strategy).Organizations face a continuously changing environment for example competitors introduce ne w products, new production technologies one developed, political environments change, economic environment changes. The organizationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s internal environment also changes eg employees retire or resign, or inter group conflicts arise. These changes and others give managers daily challenges. Therefore for British American Tobacco Company to achieve its goals we must constantly respond to those challenges and we will meet the challenges by implementing one or more of the organizational change and development techniques. 1 The type of change neededBritish American Tobacco has been facing challenges in some countries concerning their products and health implications. Therefore the change that British American Tobacco Company needs is the culture or people changes; these changes refer to the changes in the attitudes, skills, expectations and behavior of employees. 2 Steps to implement the changeKurt Lewinà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s three phase process proposes that every human grouping has some forces within it which help keep it in balance and provide it with stability. On the one hand there are forces that force it to maintain stability and others which provide it with a reason to change (the force à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ field theory). Field Force Theory states that, all behavior is the result of equilibrium between the two sets of opposing forces (driving forces and restraining forces) 1 Step 1: Unfreezing existing behaviorWe will do this by persuading and convincing those with restraining force 2 Step 2 Changing behaviorThis will be done by adopting new attitudes 3 Step 3: RefreezingWe will reinforce and continuously convincing the organizational members that change is not only necessary and desirable, but inevitable. This will be consolidated by various support mechanisms such as encouragement, participative management styles etc. 3 How to avoid resistance to change 1 Education and CommunicationThis will involves securing relevant facts, eliminating misunderstanding due to incor rect or incomplete information and resolving difficult viewpoints through discussion. 2 Participation and Invol... Implementing Change Coursework - 1375 Words Implementing Change (Coursework Sample) Content: IMPLEMENTING CHANGENovember, 2015IntroductionAccording to Daft (1983), organizational change is the "adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organizationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . Similarly, Hodge and Anthony (1988) define organizational change as an alteration in the status quo. Change occurs mainly because organizations as open systems, must frequently cope with shifts in key environmental domains. By adapting to new conditions, they can continue to grow and prosper. Thus organizations must change to cope with changes generated by changes in their external environment, which are continuously changing.British American Tobacco is the worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s most international cigarette company, selling over 240 brands in 180 markets. The Company has a global market share of over 16% and their mission is to champion informed consumer choice and deliver their commitments to society (/strategy).Organizations face a continuously changing environment for example competitors introduce ne w products, new production technologies one developed, political environments change, economic environment changes. The organizationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s internal environment also changes eg employees retire or resign, or inter group conflicts arise. These changes and others give managers daily challenges. Therefore for British American Tobacco Company to achieve its goals we must constantly respond to those challenges and we will meet the challenges by implementing one or more of the organizational change and development techniques. 1 The type of change neededBritish American Tobacco has been facing challenges in some countries concerning their products and health implications. Therefore the change that British American Tobacco Company needs is the culture or people changes; these changes refer to the changes in the attitudes, skills, expectations and behavior of employees. 2 Steps to implement the changeKurt Lewinà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s three phase process proposes that every human grouping has some forces within it which help keep it in balance and provide it with stability. On the one hand there are forces that force it to maintain stability and others which provide it with a reason to change (the force à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ field theory). Field Force Theory states that, all behavior is the result of equilibrium between the two sets of opposing forces (driving forces and restraining forces) 1 Step 1: Unfreezing existing behaviorWe will do this by persuading and convincing those with restraining force 2 Step 2 Changing behaviorThis will be done by adopting new attitudes 3 Step 3: RefreezingWe will reinforce and continuously convincing the organizational members that change is not only necessary and desirable, but inevitable. This will be consolidated by various support mechanisms such as encouragement, participative management styles etc. 3 How to avoid resistance to change 1 Education and CommunicationThis will involves securing relevant facts, eliminating misunderstanding due to incor rect or incomplete information and resolving difficult viewpoints through discussion. 2 Participation and Invol...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Health Care and Communication Essay - 879 Words
It is important that peers communicate effectively with one another in the health care environment. Parvis (2001) discusses the importance of effective communication practices that promote peer-to-peer collaboration among colleagues, and advocates open sharing of thoughts, ideas. The willingness to actively participate in events that encourage open discussions is equally important. The definition of public speaking (as cited in the American Heritage College Dictionary) is â€Å"the expression of oneself..,†or â€Å"the state of being connected, one with another.†Public speech should be detailed, organized, anticipated, and spoken loudly for the receiver to get the point. More importantly, both group and mass communication falls in the†¦show more content†¦(As cited by Atkins, R., associate professor of business admin. At the University of Pittsburgh’s Katz Graduate School of Business) effective communicators are skilled in the â€Å"art of connec ting and getting in touch with others. More importantly, to establish a connection health care providers should understand what the message the receiver is willing (and not willing) to accept. Effective communicators do not have to be experts in their respective field, however, they need to know and understand their audience well. Conflict rises from communication barriers that are both not recognized or addressed. Addressing conflict among employees can be a difficult task, especially if that conflict arises from petty differences. Managers and supervisors need to remain objective through the deliberation process, and not view the conflict as an automatic negative, since good things could potentially come of it. Conflict resolution strategy involves giving each involved party a chance to tell the other without any interruptions what they consider the problem to be (as cited by Maddock). This important step allows all involved parties to openly lay on the table their perceive d grievances. Furthermore, mediation, which is the next step, could begin where shared incentives for project completion can be offered as an incentive to all involved parties. Marshall and Robson (2005) cite that unresolved conflict in the health care field is pervasive. Conflict is a normalShow MoreRelatedHealth Care Communication1357 Words  | 6 PagesPersonal and Professional Health Care Communication Paper HCS/350 Health Care Communication University of Phoenix Personal Professional Healthcare Communication Paper Professional and effective communication is a vital ingredient to safe and high quality nursing practice. Proper communication with other co-workers, physicians, ancillary staff, patients, and their families is a required skill necessary for all practicing, professional healthcare professionals. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
An Athletes Salary - 776 Words
As a sports fan I have always looked at athletes as well paid entertainers. These individuals are lucky enough to make millions playing a game that they would probably play for free. With the acquired wealth and visibility these professional athletes have it all. It has been suggested by many that these athletes should serve as role models. Charles Barkley former Nation Basketball Association all-star player disagreed vehemently with that sentiment. Mr. Barkley believed that athlete should not be role models for the sport that they play but should be role models as goodwill ambassadors in aiding the less fortunate. Adrian Peterson (All Day) is one of my favorite athletes. He is currently a running back with the Minnesota Vikings of the National Football League. Mr. Peterson setup a foundation in 2008 (the All Day Foundation) to raise awareness and funds for projects that will help build a more prosperous future for at risk children. â€Å"Adrian Peterson established the All Day Foundation to raise awareness and funds for programs that inspire hope and build a better future for at-risk-children†(All day foundation, 2011). What caught my eye about his foundation is that one of his corner stones of the foundation is girls empowerment. The foundation has a goal of empowering young children with the skillsets and values that will enable them to have the opportunity to become leaders. Adrian Peterson professes to be a Christian and has dedicated his lifeShow MoreRelated Sports Agents Essay1738 Words  | 7 Pagesbecame internationally recognized, athletes began to realize their need for professional representation. Thus, sports agents were born. The field of sports agents has grown since then into an enormous field. 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Major League Baseball may be responsible for the rising salaries of athletes. If all 30 teams’ salaries were combined, the total price tag of every big league player would be in excess of $2.02 billion. That translates to $67.6 million per team, and $2.7 million per player (Lefebvre).These athletes are paid for jobs that they onlyRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid For Their Athletic Participation?1663 Words  | 7 Pagescompensated via scholarships. Scholarships are payments that are pla ced towards a student’s education. These provide athlete’s food, board, and cover all education expenses. The NCAA provides approximately 1380,000 scholarships to Division I and II sports each year (US News).The majority of athletic scholarships must be renewed each year. In other words, colleges can drop an athlete’s scholarship after the academic year. This puts pressure on students to not only perform well in their sport, but alsoRead More Athletes Essay1124 Words  | 5 PagesMoreover, Schingle compared sports with other field which is Hollywood where he stated that actors are also overpaid in their industry (2008). Bate stressed that most people are jealous that they keep complaining about athlete’s pays (2008). Some people claimed that they pay the athlete’s wages through the ticket money but they did not realize that the endless demand for the tickets and the thirst for the game is what created the high wages (Bate 2008). An athlete has to sacrifice a lot to reach theRead MoreAthletes Understand The Danger Of Using Performance Enhancing Drugs1061 Words  | 5 Pageswhom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.†(NIV, 1 Cor. 6:19-20.) Most athletes understand the danger of using Performance enhancing drugs (PED). Average length of athlete’s career is about five years; they only have a short time to perform their best. However, some of them still use PED to cheat their way to improve their strength and athleticism. From the article about How Performance-enhancing Drugs Work, Dr. GabeRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1223 Words  | 5 PagesThere is no doubt some of the highest salaries in America belong to professional athletes. Whether it’s LeBron James’s $19.3 million dollar salary with the Cleveland Cavaliers or Matt Ryan’s $42 million dollar deal with the Atlanta Falcons, professional athl ete’s salaries prove just how valuable the players are to whatever organization they are a part of. ( In 2014 the average professional football franchise was valued at $1.4 billion and the average professional basketball franchise wasRead MoreNba General Manager Of A Nba Team1206 Words  | 5 Pagesand wants are met. General Managers are also the public face of the team. Some great general managers include Danny Aigne, R.C. Buford, Sam Presti, and Mitch Kupchack. General Managers also draft players and handle free agents and contracts. The salary for a GM varies around $1-3 million. A general manager’s hours varies as it takes up most of their time. General Managers typically work all types of seasons. Effective General Managers surround themselves with a good strong staff to help make allRead MoreBuilding Up Their Savings Over The Years1316 Words  | 6 Pagesbudgeted and don’t have enough money for all of your expenses be it for the month or any length of time. With higher pays, comes more things to be taxed on. It is crucial for athletes to investigate all options that will help them to save money. Their salaries are high, but with many people after their money, such as family, friends, and investors, it is important to know the facts and exercise safe money saving strategies. â€Å"There are a host of strategies for reducing your tax bill from tax free muni binds
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Anne Bradstreets Puritan Viewpoint in Her Poetry Essay
Anne Bradstreet’s poetry resembles a quiet pond. Her quiet puritan thinking acts as the calm surface that bears a resemblance to her natural values and religious beliefs. Underneath the pond there is an abundance of activity comparable to her becoming the first notable poet in American Literature. Anne Bradstreet did not obtain the first notable poet’s title very easily; she endured sickness, lack of food, and primitive living conditions during her time in the New World. Despite these misfortunes she used her emotions and strong educational background to write extraordinarily well for a woman in that time. In all of Bradstreet’s works she is constantly expressing herself through her figurative language that whoever reads the poetry†¦show more content†¦Taking a closer look at the piece one can pick out that these three lines could be a hyperbole. As a puritan Bradstreet had no use for mines of gold or riches, so in fact this is an obvious exaggeration. Another poem titled â€Å"The Author to Her Book†gives the reader the image of a baby being born. Bradstreet critics her works again and again seemingly portraying her works are not good enough. She refers to the â€Å"child†having blemishes and crippling handicaps that represents the deep faults and shortcomings in her work. Washing the child, rubbing off a blemish, and stretching its joints but failing to improve his imperfections all contribute to an image of Bradstreet rewriting her book. Dreadfully trying to increase the quality and standards in her work, the more imperfections she found. Towards the end of the poem Bradstreet talks about how she would give her ugly â€Å"child†new clothes and it just appears that her real life actions contradict her poem. She is actually very poor in life and could not afford new clothes thus sending her children away from the house. Anne Bradstreet’s first collections of poems are titled â€Å"The Tenth Museâ⠂¬ referring to the mythological Greek goddesses who inspires mortals in specific art. It is clear to see that Annes faith remained strong during her hardships, and so was her love for children and her husband. A Puritan in thought and lifestyle but also a woman, herShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Anne Bradstreet s Writing1105 Words  | 5 PagesAnne Bradstreet is a poet of the seventeenth century who has an extremely solid Puritan voice. The Puritans were an assembly of English Protestants that formed in the sixteenth century. The Puritans wanted to purify the church by following powerful, strict religious philosophies which later on earned them the name Puritans. They assumed that they were God’s chosen people and that they are an admirable example for the rest of the world, attempting to create a model for America. Bradstreet is one ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Anne Bradstreet : The Voice Of Puritan Poetry871 Words  | 4 Pages In the 17th century, Puritan literary works were biased because of it’s purpose it has on moral instruction. Anne Bradstreet found a way of encountering her personal feelings into moralistic poetry. Therefore, Anne was the voice of Puritan faith. She often conflicted her faith, personal experiences and perceptions. In, Norms and Criticism in Anne Bradstreets poetry, the author, Misty Jones, states, Bradstreets writing depicts and respects Puritan standards but also includes discussions ofRead MoreElizabeth Fuller And Anne Bradstreet1235 Words  | 5 Pagesthey’ve overcome in a male dominated literary career. Despite the two-hundred-year gap between the lives of Margaret Fuller and Anne Bradstreet, they both face issues regarding the static stereotype that women are literarily inferior and subservient handmaids to men. During the seventeenth century, when Puritan society had migrated to what is now Massachusetts, Puritans were proud of the patriarchal society they established; they believed themselves to be â€Å"Old Testament patriarchs (Westerkamp 573)Read MoreEarly American Literature Vs Modern United States1538 Words  | 7 PagesAnglo-Saxton Puritans. Once the text was read, it started to make more sense to me about the way of puritan life; as well as being more relevant on the views of America. The Puritan way of life was a man’s world. Women had separate roles in Puritan society; women served as secondary subjects their husbands. The roles were limited only to mothering and controlling household functions. Women were only able to read scriptures from the bible not publicly allowed to interpret them; although Anne BradstreetRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pagesproducts and services is becoming an enormously powerful influence on the continuing strength of customer spending, especially when times are tight. Study of the current economy indicates that when today’s consumer is completely satisfied with his or her product or service purchase, he or she tells six other potential buyers. In contrast, a dissatisfied consumer informs 25 other potential buyers. That is the leverage of quality in shaping consumer sentiment, which is vital in powering the two-thirds
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Advantages of Public Shame in the Scarlet Letter Essay
Benjamin Lewis American Lit/AP Comp Lit Heidkamp 2 December 2010 The Advantages of Public Shame in The Scarlet Letter Imagine a world in which everyone believes it is in their best interest to suppress their feelings. Most people in the modern world would undoubtedly find this prospect awful and depressing. After all, our phenomenon of instantaneous communication was conceived with the belief that humans desperately want and need to share their emotions and ideas. The widespread popularity of Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking websites seem to affirm this assumption. If one was to compare the Puritan setting of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter with this hypothetical world, they would soon realize the two†¦show more content†¦Dimmesdale is virtually bound for ruin. Hester Prynne’s ability to sustain her stability and strength of spirit is the express result of her public guilt and penance. She was Arthur Dimmesdale’s partner in adultery, but she is used by Hawthorne as a complete foil to his situat ion. Unlike Dimmesdale, Hester is both strong and honest. Walking out of prison at the beginning of the novel, she decides that she must â€Å"sustain and carry†her burden forward â€Å"by the ordinary resources of her nature, or sink with it. She could no longer borrow from the future to help her through the present grief†(54). Hester openly acknowledges her sin to the public, and always wears her scarlet letter A. In the forest scene, she explains to Dimmesdale that she has been truthful in all things except in revealing his part in her pregnancy. â€Å"A lie is never good, even though death threaten on the other side†(133). Even Dimmesdale himself realizes that Hester’s situation is much healthier than his own when he states, â€Å"It must needs be better for the sufferer to be free to show his pain, as this poor woman Hester is, than to cover it all up in his heart†(92-93). This life of public shame and repentance, although bitter, lonely, and difficult, helps Hester retain her true identity while Dimmesdale seems to be losing his. The final scaffold scene, in which DimmesdaleShow MoreRelatedFeminism in the Scarlet Letter1297 Words  | 6 Pagesto establish the whole relation between man and woman on a surer ground of mutual happiness†(ch.24).The definition of feminism would be women are inherently equal to men and deserve equal rights and opportunities. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne is the key example for feminism in the novel. In Puritan times, women were thought of as lesser than men. Women’s purposes were to raise children and give them good morals and values. Women did not have jobs; they wore the plainestRead MoreSymbolism From The Scarlet Letter867 Words  | 4 PagesEmalee McCracken Mrs. Voshell Honors English 10 21 December 2016 Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter There are many forms of symbolism found in The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne, the author uses his many forms of symbolism to project a lesson or moral created throughout the story. Even each of the main characters has a different moral representation. Guilt, repentance, purity, and strength each are shown through the eyes of a different character. Pear, Hester Prynne, Chillingworth, and Reverend DimmesdaleRead MoreThe Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorne1153 Words  | 5 Pages i. 1. The Scarlet Letter, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a romantic novel that takes place in sixteenth century Boston, Massachusetts. 2. As a romantic novel, it focuses on the various relationships between the characters and the drastic experiences caused by the scarlet letter between the four main characters being Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, Roger Chillingsworth, and Pearl Prynne, with the condemnation of the Puritan society 3. The unknown narrator follows the novel’s main antagonistRead MoreShame And The Consequences Of The Scarlet Letter Essay1702 Words  | 7 Pagesinternal portrayals of shame and the consequences of both, by using the characters of Hester Prynne and the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. By examining Hester and Dimmesdale’s way of dealing with the repercussions of their indiscretion and analyzing Benjamin Kilborne’s critique Shame Conflicts and Tragedies in The Scarlet Letter, one can see if, or by what measure, if either Hester’s or Dimmesdale’s shame is worse than the other. I believe Dimmesdale’s internal battle with his shame is far worse than Hester’sRead MoreLetter Essay : The Scarlet Letter, By Nathaniel Hawthorne820 Words  | 4 PagesCecilia Wang English 11 10/30/2017 Scarlet Letter Essay Scarlet Letter Essay Set in Boston, Massachusetts, a Puritan society, the Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a story about a love triangle between a young woman, who is condemned for adultery and wears a letter â€Å"A†on her bosom, a well respectable clergyman and an old physician who lives with the clergyman as a friend and sucks his soul bit by bit. Initially, Dimmesdale, the clergyman, struggles to live with his sin and this agonizedRead MoreThe Scaffold in Nathaniel Hawthrone ´s The Scarlet Letter 789 Words  | 3 Pages The symbol of the scaffold evolves in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet letter is build around the symbolic scaffold. The main characters transform the scaffold from the exposition to resolution. Next the traits of the scaffold itself deteriorate throughout the novel. Finally, the scaffold is applied symbolically throughout Hawthorne’s novel. The scaffold transforms throughout the book because they are there for different reasons. In the beginningRead MorePublic Shaming In Hawthornes The Price Of Shame By Nathaniel Hawthorne1092 Words  | 5 Pageswhole life and reputation. Public shaming is the act of mocking someone for committing a sin or doing something wrong, but now people shame others online with no motive behind it as an act of hate or disagreement. The impact of getting shamed publicly is very harsh and negative. The three sources related to this topic are The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, â€Å"The Price of Shame†by Monica Lewinsky, and â€Å"Is the internet a mob without consequence?†by Nick Bilton. Public Shaming has been aroundRead MoreEssay about The Scarlet Letter Critical Analysis1251 Words  | 6 PagesThe Scarlet Letter Critical Analysis Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts, the direct descendant of John Hawthorne, and a judge at the infamous Salemwitchcraft trials. The guilt that Hawthorne felt over the actions of his ancestor had an enormous impact on his writings. In his introduction of The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne accepts the guilt from his forefathers and offers to repent for their crimes (Waggoner, 5). This unusual way of viewingRead MoreAnalysis Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter 1606 Words  | 7 PagesSin in the The Scarlet Letter The story of The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is one with many twists and turns. A young woman moves to Boston, Massachusetts while her husband takes care of affairs in England. After two years pass she secretly has an affair with the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. When she becomes pregnant and gives birth to her daughter Pearl, the town punishes her for committing the act of adultery. She is sentenced to stand on the town scaffold for public embarrassment andRead MoreHester As A Heroine, By Nathaniel Hawthorne1513 Words  | 7 Pagescruelty of the townspeople and the shame they place on Hester. Hawthornes message is that a mind free from guilt can overcome any obstacles, while those who hide in the shadows with their guilt condemns to gods fate/judgment. This is shown when Dimmesdale kept his sin from the public and later on could not handle it anymore which drove him to his death, since Hester had already revealed her sin she didnt have anything to hide, she even wore th e Scarlet letter with grace and elegance. Historically
Professional Research Alchemist Inc Free Essays
Specifically, it says that the existence dad et of the termination plan (I. E. The communication date) occurs when the following critic aria have been met and communicated to employees: (1) management have committed to the term nomination plan, (2) the plan identifies which employees will be terminated and the expected com lotion date, (3) the plan establishes the benefits arrangement in sufficient detail, and (4) it is unlike Ely that the plan will be withdrawn. We will write a custom essay sample on Professional Research Alchemist Inc or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this case, termination plans exist for Plant A and B noon management employees on August 15, 2004 because on this date, each termination plan (1 ) has been approved by the board, (2) identifies the employees to be terminated, (3) identifies the b infinite paid per employee, and (4) is unlikely to change. In other words, August 1 5, 2004 is the communication date for the management termination plans for both Plant A and Plant B. FAST ASS 42010258 then indicates that if employees will not be retained to r ender service beyond the minimum retention period (I. E. The legal notification period d), then a liability for the termination benefits shall be recognized at the communication date. I n accordance with 42010305, this liability should be measured at its fair value at the communicate ion date. Thus, the termination benefits for Plant A management employees, who will not be retained past the day notification period, should be recorded as a liability on August 15, 2 004, measured at the fair value of the benefits as of August 15 Using the example from FAST ASS 42010553, We find that we can multiply the $5,000 per employee by the number Of term anted employees who are expected to remain at the termination date in order to estimate fair v alee. The expected transaction could be as follows: Termination Benefit Loss Termination Benefit Liability FAST ASS 42010259 States that if employees are required to provide service u until they are terminated in order to receive termination benefits and will be retain De to provide service beyond the minimum retention period, then a liability for the terminate ion benefits should e measured at the communication date. According to FAST ASS 42010306, t his liability should be measured based on the fair value of the liability as of the terminate on date and should be recognized ratable over the future service period. This applies to the term nation plan at Plant B, where management desires to retain the management employees past the day notification period. Thus, Alchemist should measure a liability for the Plant B management termination benefits on August 15, 2004 and this liability will be measured at TTS fair value as of December 30, 2004 (the termination date). Using the example in FAST ASS 42010555, we find that the fair value of the liability for the termination plan at Plant B can b e found by using an expected present value technique. Furthermore, the liability should be recognized ratable by Alchemist in each month during the future service period (the daddy period ended 12/30/2004). Now that we have addressed the termination benefits to management e employees, we need to address the severance benefits to management employees at Plant A and B. For the severance benefits paid to management, FAST ASS 71210052 indicates that the benefits fall under the â€Å"contractual termination benefits†literature because the benefits a re required if a specified event, such as a plant closing, causes employees to be involuntarily t ruminated. FAST ASS 71210252 then indicates that an employer who provides contractual term nomination benefits should recognize a liability and a loss when it is probable that employees will be entitled to benefits and the amount can be reasonably estimated. In this case, It is probe blew that the liability has been incurred on August 15, 2004 because the termination Of the plant m management is almost retain and the board has stated that the severance benefits will be provided. In addition, the loss can be reasonably estimated because the benefits are outlined by the employ e benefit website. Thus, Alchemist should recognize a loss and a liability for the management Severna CE benefits on August 15, 2004. In accordance with FAST ASS 71210252, the liability and loss shall include the amount of any lumps payments and the present value of any e expected future payments. The general transaction is shown below: Severance Benefit Loss Severance Benefit Liability Early Termination of the Lease We were then asked to address the appropriate accounting treatment for the early termination of the lease. FAST ASS 42010251 1 indicates that costs to terminate e an operating lease can include costs that will continue to be incurred under the lease control act when there is no economic benefit to the entity of the lease. This applies in the case of Alchemy SST, who is terminating the use of the plant, but is unable to cancel the operating lease. F CAB ASS 42010308 then states that a liability for these incalculable operating lease co SST should be recognized at the causes date. Furthermore, FAST ASS 42010308 and 4201 309 indicate that the fair value of the liability at the causes date should be deter mined based on the remaining lease rental payments, adjusted for any prepaid or deferred items, and reduced by estimated sublease rental payments that could be reasonably obtained (whet her or not the entity enters the sublease). For Alchemist, the causes date is December 30, 2004. Thus, on December 30, 2004, Alchemist would recognize a liability equal to the fair value e of the remaining lease payments ($4 million per year) reduced by the estimated subs ease payments ($1 million per year) as of December 30th. The transaction would be as follows: Rental Expense Rental Liability Other Costs (Plant Security Cost) Lastly, we were asked to address the appropriate accounting treatment for the e security costs associated with protecting plant B premises. FAST ASS 420102514 and 4 20102515 give us a guideline for the recognition of other costs (e. G. Plant security costs) associated with an exit or disposal activity. Since Alchemist anticipates hiring plant securities fate r plant Bi’s termination, the estimation of the cost is regarded as a liability and should be recognized in the period when the guarding service is received. In addition, FAST ASS 4201030 10 indicates that such liability shall be measured at its fair value in the period it is incurred . That is, Alchemist should recognized the incremental cost of $1 after December ere 30, 2014 when the plant B is closed. Disclosure As stated in FAST ASS 42010501, all events related to exit or disposal activities shall be disclosed in notes to financial statements. Therefore, the amount expected to be incurred in connection with employee termination benefits, contract termination costs, a ND other associated costs should be disclosed accordingly. To be more specific, the total amount e expected to be incurred, the amount incurred in this period, and the cumulative amount incur red to date associated with contractual termination benefits, the operating lease costs, as well as the plan t securities cost, should be disclosed in notes to financial statements. Literature Appendix: Employee Termination Literature 420 Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations 10 overall General 42010051 The Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations Topic addresses financial accounting an reporting for costs associated with exit or disposal activities. An exit activity in eludes but is not limited to a restructuring 42010052 Those costs include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Involuntary employee termination benefits pursuant to a onetime benefit arrangement that, in substance, is not an ongoing benefit arrangement or an individual deferred compensation contract b. Costs to terminate a contract that is not a capital lease c. Other associated costs, including costs to consolidate or close facilities and relocate employees. Transactions 42010153 The guidance in the Exit or Disposal Cost Obligations Topic applies to the following transactions and activities: a. Termination benefits provided to current employees that are involuntarily terminated under the terms of a benefit arrangement that, in substance, is not an ongoing been fit arrangement or an individual deferred compensation contract (referred to as onetime employee termination benefits b. Costs to terminate a contract that is not a capital lease (see paragraphs 420102511 through 251 3 for further description of contract termination costs and paragraph 84030401 for terminations of a capital lease) c. Costs to consolidate facilities or relocate employees d. Costs associated with a disposal activity covered by Subtopic 20520 . Costs associated with an exit activity, including exit activities associated wit h an entity newly acquired in a business combination or an acquisition by a interoffice entity OneTime Employee Termination Benefits 42010254 An arrangement for onetime employee termination benefits exists at the date the plan of termination meets all Of the following criteria and has been com enunciated to employees (referred to as the communication date a. Management, having the authority to approve the action, commits to a plan n of termination. How to cite Professional Research Alchemist Inc, Essays
Decision Making Power Among Married and Unmarried Women free essay sample
The present study is undertaken to analyse the Decision-Making Power among married and unmarried women. Scale regarding ‘Decision Making Power among Women’ constructed by Jan (2004) was used on 100 women, selected through multi-stage sampling method. The paper reveals that there is no significant differences between married and unmarried women regarding their decision making power. However, highly significant differences are observed, between married and unmarried women, related to their empowerment. Women generally possess low decision making power and are mainly dependent on masculine and/or familial decision making. Women play a crucial role in the economic welfare of the family. Women perform different tasks depending on their Socio-economic structure, number of people in the family, the nature of professions they are involved in and many other factors (Reddy and Narayan 1987). Decisions made in home management ranges in importance from major once in a lifetime. For example, choice of a marriage partner is indeed an important decision and not to be taken lightly, but it is only in fairy tales that they live happily ever after (Knoll 1973). We will write a custom essay sample on Decision Making Power Among Married and Unmarried Women or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the upper income groups, the type of home and the duties of women may vary greatly in the conservative or traditional home and in the modern home (Megha 1990). The authoritarian character of the traditional joint family entails decision making powers concentrated, in the position of the eldest male members (Rao 1982). Women are traditionally less involved in decision making at all levels. Their important role is not recognised and, therefore, still not accepted in decision-making. The share of women in community decision-making structure is still very low and their participation is mostly stressed by political parties, more as elements of their own publicity and proof of democratisation, than as a real interest and need. For example, only 3 per cent women are members of political parties. They are also less active in professional associations and bodies (Slovenia 1998). Without the active participation of women and incorporation of women’s perspectives at all levels of decision making, the goals of equality development and peace cannot be achieved (Karl 1995). Review of Literature Lancuster (1965) conducted study on ten wives who had not attended college. Several women expressed or gave evidence of uncertainty in relation to their decision making. Families are more likely to report satisfactory than unsatisfactory decisions. This may be due to pride to accepting the consequences with good grace, to rationalization of the alternative chosen or to the fact that people frequently make new decisions to offset the unpleasant consequences of the unsatisfactory decision. According to Mumtaz (1982) there are various family matters on which men generally take decisions. Women are quite often not even consulted. This is because of the feeling among men that women are incapable of expressing their decisions, due to illiteracy among them. It would mean if women are educated they would acquire the capacity to participate in decision making. Singh (1992) conducted a study on modernity and decision making in upbringing of the children, and the study revealed that 69. 5 per cent of the respondents of all categories expressed that both husband and wife should take decisions on this matter. No respondent perceived that wife only should be a decision maker in giving education to the children. It 44 was found that 90. 8 per cent of the respondents were in high level of modernity, 74. 0 per cent of the respondents in the medium level of modernity and only 20. 3 per cent of the respondents were in low level of modernity considered that husband and wife both have to take decisions regarding the education of the children. Malkit (1998) conducted study on decision making power among women, related to social obligations, which include decisions regarding age at marriage, mate selection, dowry. Expenditure on marriage and education of children also showed relatively high role of women. Dowry was more or less a female domain with 78. 3 per cent, women having high role in it, followed by decisions related to age at marriage of son or daughter. Roth (2001) in his study found that wives tend to under-report their household decision-making power. In couples with both partners educated and in couples in which women work for pay, both partners were significantly more likely to report that both of them participate in the final decisions than was the case in couples without education or in which the wife did not work for pay. Decision-making power of women as measured in this study was significantly related to the household having a plan for what to do in case of a maternal emergency, but was not associated with place of childbirth or with having a postpartum checkup. Lait and Rehmat (2001) in their study examined whether men’s and women’s retirement have a differential impact on several aspects of marital life, i. e. power relations (as reflected in decision-making), spousal resources, division of household tasks, and quality of marriage. There was evidence of change in decision-making patterns about spending time and carrying out feminine and general tasks. It was also found that men’s retirement has a different impact than women’s retirement on decisions about household affairs and performance of feminine tasks. Marieke (2001) argued in his study that perception of social support were based in part in the structural conditions of individual marital arrangements, specifically household decision of labour and decision making. Objectives of the Study The study is undertaken with following objectives: -To study the decision making power among women as per their marital status. -To assess women’s control on their fertility. -To evaluate the level of decision making process among women in the maters concerning their children. -To observe women’s empowerment through their decision making power. Rationale of Study Women play a great role in over all development and progress of the nation. But their participation in different fields either directly or indirectly are still behind in many aspects. In most cases, women are considered inferior to men, and their life is restricted within the four walls of the house. For taking any decision, less power is given to women, as they have the right to take decisions regarding various items, as that of the men. So, in order to make women aware about their influence on society, nation and for attaining their respectable status within the family, the present study was undertaken. Rights should be given to women, to make decisions regarding various aspects in the family and society. Thus, the present study is under taken to highlight the areas where women lag behind in their decision making power. The study was conducted in 2007, on 100 women in Jammu and Kashmir. Among these women, 50 were married and 50 were unmarried. Among married women, 25 were illiterate and 25 women were literate. Same was the case among unmarried women. The study was based on primary data. Multistage sampling method was used for the study.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Conflict management in aviation Example For Students
Conflict management in aviation Contentss Subject DiscussedStandardsPage Number ( s ) Undertaking 03 Conflict resolutionP4-5 Conflict TransformationM6 Reasons for a conflictD7 Undertaking 04 ICAO and conventionsP8-9 Different facets of conflictsM10-11 Policy sing boisterous passengersD12-13 Mention Page14 Undertaking 03 Conflict Resolution Conflicts occur when there are dissensions between an person or groups. When an single strongly oppose each other’s ideas a struggle may get down. Conflict can get down anytime and at any topographic point between anyone. A struggle consequences in verbal statements, maltreatments and besides spoils relationships. What should be noted is no affair how good you manage your organisation struggles may originate no affair what. Conflicts are ever non bad for an organisation. If managed decently struggles can bring forth a positive result to the organisation. Different accomplishments are used by the governments to work out struggles. Discussed below are few schemes used to pull off struggles. Accommodating- this scheme basically gives the opposing side what it wants. The usage of adjustment frequently occurs when one of the parties wishes to maintain the peace or treats the issue as minor. Avoiding- The turning away scheme tries to set off struggle before it happens. By detaining or disregarding the struggle, the avoider hopes the job resolves itself without a statement. Those who actively avoid struggle often have low esteem or hold a place of low power. In some fortunes, avoiding can function as a profitable struggle direction scheme Collaborating- This works by fall ining thoughts set out by multiple people. The chief aim of this scheme is to happen a originative solution acceptable to everyone. Collaboration, though utile, takes important clip to be solved Compromising- This scheme typically calls for both sides of a struggle to give up in order to set up an acceptable solution. This scheme prevails most frequently in struggles where the parties hold about tantamount power. Competing- This scheme normally consequences in which one side wins and other loses. Highly self-asserting personalities frequently fall back on competition as a struggle direction scheme. Although this is non the best solution for a struggle it is widely used by the direction to work out struggles. On the subject of struggle direction George Kohlrieser states that, ‘Conflict direction plays a really of import function at workplaces to forestall struggles and for the employees to concentrate on their work. The squad leaders must guarantee that the functions and duties of each and every employee are clearly passed on to them.’ Pull offing struggles is really critical for the organisation because if non handled decently they can impact the productiveness of the company end product. Training the staff of such state of affairs can be advantageous to the organisation by many ways. If the necessary preparation is given to the staff the struggles can be prevented and be handled in a more professional mode. The employer would besides experience the importance of struggle direction and besides would do certain to lend to forestall it at any cost. Merit 02 Conflict Transformation One perceptual experience of a struggle is that it can be good for the organisation. If a struggle has come up it is verily due to one of the failing within the organisation. Once this failing is identified the organisation or concern is able to rectify it and run better. Conflicts are classified into two as long term and short term. Short-run struggles can be comparatively easy resolved while long-run struggles involve non-negotiable issues that tend to defy resolution.Conflict may be a load to the organisation if it goes long term. As we have discussed earlier, an unsolved struggle may impact the productiveness of the company and would ensue in the ruin of the organisation. The undermentioned texts are taken from Challenges of negociating long term concerns ( 2010 ) , ‘to protect the hereafter involvements of their organisation, negotiants sometimes must accept fewer benefits or absorb greater loads in the short tally to maximise the value to all relevant parties – including future employees and stockholders – over time.’ If the struggle is non resolved the organisation would take every possible step to work out it. Negotiators are brought in by the company if there is no short term solution for the struggle. This step is taken by the organisation to forestall the struggle to be a long term one because it would so go a more complex job. The negotiants would seek to accept the demands put up by the parties who are affected even if it’s non extremely good for the organisation. If a struggle does go a long term issue it would be a extremely complex job for the organisation to work out. Then the organisation would hold to do certain to hold changeless interaction with the parties who are involved so that the struggle can be solved without any farther due. Differentiation 02 Reasons for a struggle Reason for conflict- The subsidiary of the air hose feels ignored by the superior and complains that the company is non bothered about the physical public assistance of the person and besides feels that he is non satisfied with the return he gets on all the difficult work he puts in. Solution- The best solution the higher-ups can come up with is to foremost hold a meeting with the bomber ordinate to discourse the issue. Here they can discourse all the jobs the person is traveling through and a solution for it. Since the subsidiary feels that he’s presence is non felt by the air hose, the higher-up should acquire them involved during any determination doing procedure of the company. Airlines should besides hold meetings and dockets to discourse the jobs of the company and its employees. In this manner the concern is able to construct a resonance between the higher-ups and its bomber ordinates. This would do the employees that their thought is looked into and they feel that they excessively are of import assets of the company. Kurt Cobain (770 words) EssayIn this manner a struggle would neer be resolved. A simple struggle may unite with other struggles and turn into a really complex state of affairs where the solution can be perplexing, On the subject of struggle transmutation Johan Galtung states that, ‘a struggle may about acquire ageless life, annoying and declining, vanishing and re-emerging, the original, root, struggle recedes into the background like when cold war attending focused largely on such agencies of devastation as atomic missiles. Conflicts have both life-affirming and life-destroying facets. Once formed, conflicts undergo a assortment of transformational procedures. .Conflict transmutation is concerned with five specific types of transmutation, concentrating upon the structural, behavioural and attitudinal facets of struggle: a. Actors– modifying actors’ ends and their attack to prosecuting these ends, including by beef uping understanding as to the causes and effects of their several actions ; b. Contexts– disputing the significance and perceptual experiences of struggle itself, peculiarly the several attitudes and apprehensions of specific histrions towards one another ; c. Issues– redefining the issues that are cardinal to the prevailing struggle, and redeveloping the place of cardinal histrions on those really issues ; d. Rules– altering the norms and regulations regulating decision-making at all degrees in order to guarantee that struggles are dealt with constructively through institutional channels ; e. Structures– seting the prevailing construction of relationships, power distributions and socio-economic conditions that are embedded in and inform the struggle, thereby impacting the really cloth of interaction between antecedently incompatible histrions, issues and ends. For struggle transmutation to go on, tensenesss between parties to the struggle must be overcome by guaranting that all histrions recognize their involvements non through force. Conflict transmutation looks beyond clear issues and is characterized by originative problem-solving. Conflict transmutation involves a 3rd party, in order to assist histrions modify their emotional positions on the ‘Other’ , thereby assisting to interrupt down divisions between the two parties involved in the struggle. Differentiation 03 Policy Sing Unruly Passenger Unruly and riotous riders are common sight which occurs in airdromes and besides during flights. Passengers normally become boisterous when they are intoxicated. Flight holds and or hapless client service are few other contributory factors for riotous riders. Airlines normally try their best to avoid such state of affairss because it could impact the good will of the air hose. Therefore air hoses handle these instances with much safeguard because they are extremely sensitive. The undermentioned texts are taken from Disruptive rider behaviour, ‘The job of boisterous riders is invariably increasing within the air hose industry. Although boisterous riders represent merely a infinitesimal proportion of our riders as a whole, we must neer bury that one aggressive rider can endanger safety on board.’ Airlines try to take immediate step when managing unruly and riotous riders since they could endanger the safety of the aircraft. When it comes to managing these instances air hoses normally follow the guidelines provided by IATA sing managing boisterous and riotous riders. If the pilot in bid feels that that the rider has done or is about to make anything which may endanger the safety of the aircraft the pilot is entitled to take sensible steps To protect the safety of the aircraft. Protect individuals on board Disembark unruly or violent riders. Such step could include physically keeping the violent riders. Every sensible attempt to protect riders against any offenses by boisterous and riotous riders should be made. Passengers who are likely to be boisterous and riotous must be carefully monitored, and if necessary, refused boarding. The flight crew is besides trained to manage violent riders. Alcohol is considered to be one of the root causes for boisterous riders therefore the crew makes certain to supervise the behaviour of the riders who consume intoxicant. They besides make certain to halt functioning intoxicant to riders whom they feel will travel to a province of inebriation. Airlines make certain to manage riotous and boisterous riders in an appropriate mode so that the passenger’s feelings are non hurt because in fact the client is king when it comes to any concern. Mention Page Diaries Conflict Management ( 2005 ) by George Kohlrieserpg5 Available at: lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // MRK_ CMPG_SOURCE=webletter-july-07 gt ; Managing riotous riders ( 1998 ) by Martin Pittpg9 Available at: lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // % 20Briefings % 20_ % 20Presentations/Cabin % 20Safety % 20- % 20Disruptive % 20Passenger % 20Guide.pdf gt ; Conflict transmutation ( 2000 ) by Johan Galtungpg10 Available at: lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; Web sites Challenges of negociating long term concerns ( 2010 ) by Pon Staffpg 6 Available at: lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; Disruptive rider behaviour ( 1998 ) by Tim Chealpg 12 Available at: lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; Distruptive rider behaviour Pg 12 Available at: lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // gt ; 1
Friday, April 10, 2020
AP Biology Essay Questions - How to Ace It
AP Biology Essay Questions - How to Ace ItIf you are looking for an AP Biology essay questions, then you will want to read this article. This article will tell you the secrets to making sure that you get the right answer to the question. You will also learn how to tailor your essay to a specific question.There are many different kind of Biology tests out there. The things that you need to do in order to get the best result from them is to figure out which questions you will be asked and then formulate a response. Remember, these are not just biology tests but also practice tests. So, it is important that you know how to construct your own responses to the practice tests.The first thing that you need to do is to pick a sample or source material that you can use to structure your response. You should write down the name of the source material and then use the form of the question as a guideline. You will have the free information on the website of the biology test. All you need to do i s to find the questions that you like and the subject that you are studying. After that, you can put your answer in the form of a question.It is best if you can find a good example of a problem. However, if you cannot find an example of a problem then you can try to look for the most common problems and write them down. But be sure that your answer fits the information that you have in your hand. Also, you have to make sure that the information that you have in your hand is correct.One of the questions that you can be asked on the Bio Lab test is the one that asks you to find the median. This is a bit tricky because the first two answers are wrong. This is why you need to follow up your answers with a question that has different answers. If you area student who wants to write a good answer then you need to consider how you will be able to use a median as an answer. And remember, it is better to go with the one that seems to be the most correct.Once you have decided on what you will write, you will have to know about the specific way to solve this problem. In this question, you need to find the difference between two numbers and then calculate the difference in the formula. Just make sure that you understand the formulas that are used in this problem. This is the only problem that you will face on the Bio Lab. This is a very hard problem and most of the students who take this test will not be able to solve it. Even so, your score can only increase if you are able to understand the formula used in this problem.So, if you want to take the Biology test, then you should know how to ace it. Also, you should know how to write a good essay that includes the topics you have studied. These are important because they will make you a good writer. Also, they will make you a good student.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Losing The War On Drugs Essays - Drug Control Law, War On Drugs
Losing The War On Drugs Losing the War on Drugs America is spending millions of dollars to run ad campaigns with teenage waifs smashing up the kitchen with frying pans, brain fried egg commercials, and other inaccurate and misleading ads put fear into our nations youth and adults alike. One such ad showed a flat line brain scan purportedly hooked up to a drug user. It was later proven that it was hooked up to nothing and most of our nations kids now know it. Seeing the Land of the Free turn into a nation that imprisons more of its citizens than any other industrialized nation on earth is neither effective or a good message to send our children. We are building 9 new prisons for every one new university( ). Which do you want built for your children? In this country, we are locked in war we simply cannot win. We strive to protect over 10,000 miles of border, against enemies who are driven by the lure of an obscene really resulted from this war is the overcrowding of prisons, the expansion of law and distrust. If its not obvious already, I am referring to the war on drugs. As time goes on, it becomes more and more evident that the war on drugs is as useless as officials, who use the war as a reelection tool. To study this problem, I visited government web pages for statistics and facts dealing with the war, and was surprised what I found. To most people the fiscal reasons for ending the war are the most convincing. For example, it costs over $30,000 per year to house a prisoner - this does not include processing and legal fees, only the actual prison costs - food, water, electricity and guards ( ). There are over 1.5 million non-violent drug law offenders in prison right now, and this number is increasing daily( ). That means we are spending a minimum of $45 billion per year keeping former tax-paying citizens, most of whom had jobs and were contributing to the economy in some way, locked up with murderers and rapists. When these people get out of jail, they will have criminal records, which will make it nearly impossible to get a decent job, and a grudge against the government and society in general. In addition, we spend $37 billion per year funding the police efforts and interdiction, and recent evidence suggests the CIA has been involved in drug-trafficking to fund its own private wars ().Currently there is over $150 billion worth of drug traffic that remains untaxed ( ).If you figure a tax rate of 15%, that is a total of $22.5 billion of taxes that America doesn't see. The bottom line? The US Treasury estimates America wastes a minimum of $104.5 billion per year fighting a war that can not be won ( ), while crime rates continue to rise (because of the huge profits made possible by the risks involved in the drug trade as drugs remain illegal), and the quality of education, medical care and environmental protection falls due to lack of money in the budget. There are also moral dilemmas in declaring war on drugs and their users. Firstly, drug use or abuse is a medical and social problem not a criminal problem, yet we think we're solving the problem by throwing people in jail. The logic seems to be, maybe if we just take their life away, confiscate all of their personal property, ruin their reputation and self-respect, put them in jail with the worst elements of society - murderers, thieves and rapists, where they will most likely be beaten and/or raped repeatedly they will see the error of their ways. Not a very enlightened sentiment. Also bear in mind, nicotine, caffeine and alcohol are all drugs. Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs known to man, behind substances like heroin. Cigarettes kill over 300,000 people every year. Alcohol kills over 120,000 people every year ( ).Alcohol has been linked to men beating their wives and children. In contrast, marijuana has a recorded history that dates back over 4000 years, and has never killed anyone in the direct way alcohol does ( ). The DEA's own Administrative Law Judge, after reviewing the evidence, called marijuana of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man... ( ). It's been said that the first casualty in any war is truth. That sentiment is seen nowhere as clearly as in the
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