Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Briefing Essay
The purpose of this brief is to educate the newly elected board members on government accounting. Because the new board members are businesspeople from the community, they need to understand why government accounting is not the same as for-profit financial accounting. The brief will compare government accounting to for-profit financial accounting, describe the basic government reporting entity, and evaluate the Management Discussion and Analysis section of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the State of Alabama. The State of Alabama’s fiscal year ended September 30, 2011 will be used in the evaluation of the MD&A section (Office of the State Comptroller, 2011). Governmental Accounting vs. For-Profit Financial Accounting Governmental accounting is not the same as for-profit financial accounting. Therefore, it is necessary that individuals employed in government entities have a good understanding of budgeting and accounting. Governments and for-profits have different purposes, activities that generate revenues, stakeholders, financial objectives, and desire to survive. Separate accounting and financial reporting standards are necessary because users of financial reports of governments and for-profits do not have the same needs (GASB, 2012). Governments are required to be accountable for the use of resources in their operating environment, unlike for-profit businesses. Governmental resources are acquired from the guaranteed payment of taxes paid by individual taxpayers. The taxes paid have no direct relationship to the services the taxpayer received. Therefore, taxpayers assess the value received from the resources they have provided to government. As a result, governmental accounting and financial reporting standards strive to help stakeholders evaluate if public resources are properly expensed and if the capacity of services improved or worsened from the previous year (GASB, 2012). Government Reporting Entity Identifying the accounting entity is one of the most important accounting issues. The financial reporting entity is the primary government and its component units. The primary government can be either a state, local, or special government. Component units are official separate organizations in which elected officials of the primary government are held financially accountable. A component unit and a primary government are dependent to one another. Their relationship is necessary to ensure that the reporting entity’s financial statements are not misleading or incomplete (Copley & Engstrom, 2011). State and local governments are advised to prepare a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). A CAFR should cover all funds and activities of the primary government and its component units. The CAFR consists of three parts: introductory, financial, and statistical. The Introductory Section of the CAFR includes the table of contents, letter of transmittal from the government’s Finance Director, list of government officials, and an organizational chart (Copley & Engstrom, 2011). The financial section includes an independent auditor’s report, management’s discussion and analysis, government-wide financial statements, fund financial statements, financial statements notes, and any other required supplementary financial information. Last, the statistical section includes additional financial, economic, and demographic information (Office of Financial Management, 2012). By combining all three sections into one comprehensive report, the CAFR reveals the state government’s financial and operating activities that define its financial condition. Management’s Discussion and Analysis In June 1999, the GASB issued a statement requiring government entities to include the Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) within the CAFR. The MD&A discusses issues related to government entities, such as financial performance, capital resources, and budget trends, in regard to its financial position. The MD&A gives the government an opportunity to present an overview of its financial activities. This section contains most of the basic financial statements. Auditors are responsible for reviewing the financial material to verify that the information is correct (Copley & Engstrom, 2011). The State of Alabama’s MD&A provides useful financial highlights to CAFR users and the public. At the end of September 30, 2011, Alabama’s net assets increased by $335 million and exceeded liabilities by $24.1 billion at the end of the fiscal year. By reviewing the financial highlights, a user can gather information about the state’s six major funds that operate the government for Alabama. The General Fund and Education Trust fund were prorated by 15 and 3 percent, respectively because collection did not meet the projections outlined in the budget. Users also can access the state’s basic financial statements, which consist of government-wide financial statements, fund financial statements, and notes to the financial statements. Because the MD&A performs its analysis using financial conditions based on the balance sheet, statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in the funds balance, the CAFR is more understandable to its users (Department of Finance: Office of the State Comptroller, 2011). Conclusion The CAFR is an annual financial statement issued by a state or local government to represent its financial position. There are noteworthy differences between for-profit and governmental accounting. Understanding these differences is fundamental when measuring management’s performance and the financial success or failure of the entity. The organization is accountable for its success or failures because of the information presented in the organization’s CFAR. Furthermore, the MD&A provides a more comprehensible outline of management’s breakdown and impacts of governmental activities on the financial situation of the organization. References Copley, P., & Engstrom, J. (2011). Essentials of accounting for governmental and not-for-profit organizations (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Department of Finance: Office of the State Comptroller. (2011). Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year ended September 30, 2011. Retrieved from GASB. (2012). Why Government Accounting and Financial Reporting is – and should be- Different. Retrieved from Granof, M. H., & Wardlow, P. S. (2011). Core Concepts of Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Wiley & Sons. Office of Financial Management. (2012). Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Retrieved from
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Organizational psychology Essay
I’m likely to be motivated most by personal growth factors. This is understandable for a person who seeks personal fulfillment and development. I’m achievement oriented and have a preference for an interesting and challenging job. However, all other factors pertinent to work environment are also important to me. There are several formal theories of motivation that help me to increase my own productivity and motivate my colleagues. The two-factor theory divides factors that affect employee performance and productivity into two broad categories, namely motivation factors (encompassing factors related to satisfaction and work content) and hygiene factors (those related to dissatisfaction and work conditions). The focus in the organization should be on enhancing employee motivation to the extent that it provides opportunities for (a) achievement, (b) recognition, (c) responsibility, (d) advancement, and (e) growth in competence. According to the two-factor model, both ‘satisfiers’ and ‘dissatisfiers’ are of value to a person that ranks factors related to the content of work (e. g. recognition and chances to advance) as high as factors related to work conditions (e. g. friendly co-workers and flexible schedule). For me, reward and recognition are less important than the nature of a job. Material needs are less important for me than personal satisfaction or clients’ approval. The most applicable theory in my case is Goal Setting Theory. Goal Setting Theory is the most critically acclaimed theory of motivation. It argues that individuals are motivated to achieve goals they set, and the strength of their motivation depends on goal specificity, goal difficulty, and commitment and feedback. Other moderating factors include self-efficacy of an employee and task complexity. My perception of difficulty of achieving a goal might be too subjective and my reliance on feedback might be less than by other employees, yet I’m very result-driven and challenged by complex yet interesting tasks. My motivation is influenced by the difficulty of goals (such as ensuring high customer satisfaction ratings on big projects were there are many stakeholders), yet goals’ value (excitement from working on a specific type of project delivering good results rather than cash influx) is more important. My superiors have recognized that it is important to give me freedom in choosing projects I’m motivated to work on and allow me to set my own objectives and performance measures. My high appreciation of autonomy and power also suggest that I am more effective as an individual worker than a team player. This is yet another reason why Goal Setting Theory is appropriate for my motivation: it has been argued that workers with higher self-efficacy are more effective in personal goal setting and fulfillment. However, this does not mean that I don’t value team spirit as a means of motivating my co-workers. Our company’s motto is ‘Let’s Build Something Together. ’ Therefore, encouraging teamwork is one of the ways to increase motivation and productivity. Our management succeeded in gathering and developing an outstanding crew by applying several important principles of group work management which I also follow. I foster group cohesion by a variety of methods and believed that sound preparation, ego less teamwork, and original strategizing are the inherent components of success. In my view, the emphasis should have been on team performance rather than individual performance. People, management, and psychology are three important aspects of teamwork. The emphasis on continuous learning makes it possible to stay ahead. When skills and knowledge of all group members combine in a way that exceeds the sum of knowledge of all individual members, the synergy effect can be observed, i. . the system as a whole has certain qualities its elements do not have. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to pay attentive to group cohesion so that exceptional results can be achieved with limited human resources available in each organization. Group decision making means not only working to achieve better solutions but also promote growth of community and trust. Group decision making ensures much higher level of member satisfaction and motivation. Greater commitment is also among important advantages of group decision making. Open, collaborative atmosphere ensures contribution from all levels and no domination, intimidation or judgment from the boss. Participation in problem solving increases acceptance; some even argue that a lower-quality solution that has wide acceptance can be more effective than a higher-quality solution that lacks acceptance. It’s possible to conclude that I’m motivated by complex yet interesting tasks, while teamwork and group decision making are the tools I use to motivate others.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Bartleby The Scrivener A Strange Rlationship
Essay, Research Paper The Webster # 8217 ; s New World Dictionary defines # 8220 ; folie a deux # 8221 ; as # 8220 ; A status in which symptoms of a mental upset, such as false beliefs or thoughts, occur at the same time in two persons who portion a stopping point relationship or association. # 8221 ; ( 231 ) In Melville # 8217 ; s # 8220 ; Bartleby, the Scrivener # 8221 ; this construct of co-occuring distinctive feature, or compulsion is demonstrated rather vividly throughout three different phases. The first, Bartleby # 8217 ; s firm preoccupation with his employment, followed by his determination to make no work whatsoever, and eventually Bartleby # 8217 ; s finding to carry through nil at all, non even partaking of the basic maps required to prolong life. During each of these stages, Bartleby # 8217 ; s actions are met with limited attempts on the portion of the narrating attorney, who endeavors to # 8216 ; aid # 8217 ; his uneven employee. It is this interaction which poses the inquiry of how much duty a homo should hold for his or her fellow adult male. Bartleby # 8217 ; s focal point base on ballss through three chief phases before his decease, the first of which is his compulsion with executing a individual action to the exclusion of everything else. Initially, Bartleby works twenty-four hours and dark, # 8220 ; as if famished for something to copy. # 8221 ; ( Melville paragraph 18 ) His end, it seems, is to single-mindedly to carry through every bit much copying as is humanly possible. The first few efforts on the portion of the storyteller to state Bartleby to make something else, no affair how moderate the undertaking, are met with the simple refusal, # 8220 ; I # 8217 ; d prefer non to. # 8221 ; ( Melville paragraph 21 ) The storyteller moderately chooses non to penalize this insubordination because of both the quality, and the measure of Bartleby # 8217 ; s regular work. After a series of petitions from the storyteller that all terminal in disobedience, Bartleby shifts his focal point from the intensive copying of paperss to merely making nil at all. This, of class, is a sort of compulsion that is non acceptable in the modern work force, and can non practicably be tolerated by the storyteller. As the agent of penalty, the storyteller is at this point stuck with doing the determination to either sympathize with Bartleby, or lose his professional reputati on. In a concluding effort to unclutter his scruples, the attorney suggestions both alternate employment options, and impermanent lodging agreements. Once once more, all attempts on the portion of the storyteller to offer echt aid are rebuffed, and the storyteller at last â€Å"proposes to take his offices next week†¦.†( Melville paragraph173 ) In this move he attempts to free himself of the nuisance that Bartleby has become. The concluding phase in Bartleby # 8217 ; s life begins when the character is shipped off to prison. When he is placed in parturiency, Bartleby takes his former inactive life to the following extreme. Despite the excess attention supplied by the storyteller # 8217 ; s money, Bartleby is found, starved to decease, # 8220 ; queerly huddled at the base of the wall, his articulatio genuss drawn up, and lying on his side, his caput touching the cold rocks # 8230 ; . # 8221 ; ( Melville paragraph 245 ) While the storyteller # 8217 ; s restricted efforts could be viewed as a echt attempt to demo compassion to Bartleby, as the storyteller most likely assured himself, they were for the most portion half hearted efforts offered, unhappily, excessively tardily. Throughout the narrative, when Bartleby refuses to proofread his work, or simply stands for hours on terminal looking blankly at the brick wall, the storyteller does nil except seek statements from his other employees that Bartleby # 8217 ; s behaviour is neither normal, nor even tolerable. The storyteller takes no effectual action, but alternatively participates in a few long-winded conversations and so moves his office in an attempt to avoid the job wholly. The interplay between the two chief characters of Bartleby and the storyteller serves to exemplify the point that one # 8217 ; s single duty to one # 8217 ; s equals can non be undertaken lightly or merely when convenient. The three phases of Bartleby # 8217 ; s curious behaviour are matched by the storyteller # 8217 ; s assorted tepid offers of aid, which in regular society would be besides regarded as selfish, bizarre indulgences, and chiefly function to pacify the attorney # 8217 ; s scruples. The thought of # 8220 ; folie a deux # 8221 ; is good displayed within the oddnesss of these two work forces, and provides a alone position from which to understand Melville # 8217 ; s authoritative short narrative.
Macbeth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4
Macbeth - Essay Example The previous success on the battlefield and the fulfillment of the first prophecy make the once skeptical Macbeth attach seriousness to the witches’ words. Macbeth, through the assistance of Lady Macbeth, struggles to make the prophecy true in all ways possible. Throughout the play, Macbeth’s actions are motivated by the existence of supernatural elements, from the witches to Banquo’s ghost to the nightmares and the Apparitions among others. A critical analysis of supernaturalism in the tragedy in connection to Macbeth’s life reveals the influence of the elements of his actions. The trio of witches that Macbeth encounters at the onset of the play influences almost all his actions henceforth. After the defeat of two different armies (from Ireland and Norway) invading Scotland, Macbeth and Banquo meet the witches who give them the prophecy that shapes their life entirely. The witches’ prophecy seems of great influence on Macbeth as it triggers the quest for the attainment of power. To Macbeth, the First Witch, the Second Witch, and the Third Witch say, â€Å"All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!†and â€Å"All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter!†respectively (Shakespeare 8). Even though Macbeth holds their words with skepticism at first, they influence his life and actions to entirety. The fulfillment of the first prophecy made by the Second Witch, terming Macbeth as the Thane of Cawdor motivates most of his actions thereafter. This is a clear indication that supernaturalism plays an extensive role in the development of the character of Macbeth. Concerning his leadership as the Thane of Cawdor, the Second Witch says, â€Å"All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!†(Shakespeare 8).Macbeth disdains the witches at first. The prophecy comes to pass after King Duncan expresses gratitude towards Macbeth and Banquo for the success on the battlefield. Macbeth is named
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Strategic Review based on Zara Case Study Essay
Strategic Review based on Zara Case Study - Essay Example The report presents a brief introduction to the capabilities and competence of the organization which leads to the competitive advantage of Zara over its rivals. Resource audit of Zara briefly highlights the physical, financial, and intellectual resources of the company. It also puts some light on human resource and then critically evaluates the intangible assets of the company. The report clearly mentions that vertical integration is the hallmark of Zara which is well supported by its value chain. The paper critically discusses how Zara adds value to its products to gain a competitive advantage to dominate the fashion industry. Zara is one of the most recognized global brands in the world, but it was badly affected due to the allegations of slave-labour. The incident is stated briefly in the middle of the paper. In the end, the case study configures that Zara is practicing a hybrid strategy which is combination of cost leadership strategy and product differentiation strategy. The pa per recommends few steps and target markets where Zara should venture. No doubt, due to globally changing scenario, Zara must take few innovative steps with respect to its online retailing network and expansion strategy. Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 1.0Introduction (203 words) 4 1.1 Aims and Objectives 4 1.2 Methodology 4 2.0The External Environment (1201 words) 5 2.1 PESTEL-DG (All information extracted from Appendix-1) 5 2.2 Porter’s 5 Forces 7 3.0The Internal Strategic Audit (1192 words) 9 3.1 Resource Based View (RBV) 9 3.1.1 Resource Audit 9 3.2 Value Chain 11 4.0The Company Reputation and Brand Image (486 words) 13 5.0Zara’s Strategy and Recommendations (1308 words) 15 6.0REFERENCES 20 7.0 Appendices 23 7.1 – Appendix 1 – PESTEL-DG 23 7.2 – Appendix 2 – Porter’s 5 forces 24 7.3 – Appendix 3 – Resource Audit 25 7.4 – Appendix 4 – VRIO Model 26 7.5 – Appendix 5 – Value Chain 27 1. 0 Introduction (203 words) Zara apparel has become the flagship brand of the ?2.5 billion holding group Inditex (Zara Case Study, 2013), Zara has 1,751 stores around the world with 65 in the UK alone (Inditex Group, 2013). The company’s founder, Amancio Ortea Gaona, began retailing clothes in 1963 with the first Zara store opening in 1975. He is current the third richest man in the world with a net worth of ?38 billion (Forbes, 2013). Zara’s strategy has been instrumental to its success, hence why it is so important to analyse it. This report is a strategic report which will review Zara and the industry it is in. It will primarily focus on the UK market but will also include global aspects. 1.1 Aims and Objectives This report has four main aims and objectives: To analyse the external environment To carry out an internal strategic audit To review the company’s reputation and brand image To identify the company’s current strategy and give recommendations on how they should continue in the future. 1.2 Methodology This report took an analytical approach grounded in existing literature and evidence from reliable journalistic, practitioner and government sources. All the research is secondary research based mostly upon qualitative data but also including quantitative information were needed. 2.0 The External Environment (1201 words) This section is focused to looking at the external envi
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Computer Systems Fundamentals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Computer Systems Fundamentals - Essay Example released their RSA algorithm into the public domain, in advance of the US patent (#4,405,829) expiring on the 20th Sept. of the same year. Following the relaxation of the US government restrictions earlier in the year (Jan. 14) this removed one of the last barriers to the world-wide distribution of much software based on cryptographic systems. It should be noted that the IDEA algorithm is still under patent and also that government restrictions still apply in some places. 11. [Year:2004, Month: Apr 14]nVidia releases GeForce 6800, claiming it is the biggest leap in graphics technology the company ever made. Independent reviews show more than 100% increase in productivity compared with the fastest card on the market. Continuing the tradition, nVidia demonstrates Nalu, a mermaid with extremely realistic hair. A few weeks later nVidia's main rival ATi announces X800 with nearly the same level of performance and feature support. The card is showcased by the Ruby demo, delivering a smooth real-time rendering of what was previously in the exclusive realm of prerendered cinematics. Memory speeds are written in different formats depending on the type of memory technology your computer uses. FPM and EDO speeds are written in nanoseconds (ns). SDRAM, DDR, and DDR2 speeds are written in megahertz (MHz) Here is a rough guide to relative memory speeds: i. Memory Speed Technology Speed Module Bandwidth SDR PC100 0.8 GB/sec SDR PC133 1.0 GB/sec DDR PC1600 1.6 GB/sec DDR PC2100 2.1 GB/sec DDR PC2700 2.7 GB/sec DDR PC3200 3.2 GB/sec DDR PC4000 4.0GB/sec DDR2 PC2-3200 3.2GB/sec DDR2 PC2-4200 4.2GB/sec DDR2 PC2-5300 5.3GB/sec DDR2 PC2-6400 6.4GB/sec Source: See /memorytype.aspmodel=&memtype=CHOOSE The costs of the
Friday, July 26, 2019
Socrates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Socrates - Essay Example Socrates was a Greek philosopher, whereas Cicero was a Roman rhetor. Socrates was born in 469 BC, while Cicero was born in 106 BC, so these philosophers expressed their wisdom in different epochs. They both used dialogues as a narrative and a polemical form to develop the state of mind of their students. Socratic dialogues criticized practices of the society, and it appeared that Socrates pretended to undermine undoubtful opinions of his students. On the other hand, Socrates and Cicero imposed different arguments to provide an understanding on the subject of justice. Therefore, 'Crito' implicated a hypothesis on a problem whether philosophers' escapes from jails would have been defined as an act of justice. Furthermore, Cicero analyzed the duties of justice from two relevant perspectives. According to him, justice must have been treated with only a respect for humanity. At the same time, he defined justice as not causing harm to any individual; analogically, Cicero forbade to lay a c laim on property that belonged to another person. Socrates and Cicero both stated that justice was a key virtue in the society. These philosophers had a clear opinion that justice dealt with matters relating to an idea of fairness (Cicero, 20; Jowett, 4). For instance, Cicero stated that righteous behaviour was a key ingredient of justice. According to the rhetor, meritocracy deserved to be extremely important for a justice' hegemony in the society. In order to achieve meritocracy, people needed to abide the laws that were issued in their community. From the other perspective, Socrates refused to escape from prison stating that this possible action of him must have been regarded as being totally unjust. He assumed that escaping from prison was equal to injuring the laws of Athens (Jowett, 5). Philosopher believed that escaping from prison would have been a case of returning an injustice for an injustice. Socrates and Cicero both believed that justice dealt with an idea of fairness. Therefore, Cicero argued that abiding the rule of law ensured equal distribution of rights in the society (Cicero, 21). Similarly, just law promoted fairness. In fact, these philosophers stated that justice demanded that people got what they truly deserved (Cicero, 20; Jowett, 2). Socrates always explained that emotions could alter one's judgement when deciding between a just decision and an unjust decision, because emotions could force an individual to commit an act of injustice. So, Socrates denied Crito’s plan to help him in a form of escaping from the gail. But, Crito forced a thesis that the philosopher's escape would have been just because the sentence he faced in Athens was injust. Socrates answered that justice at all time involved facing a fair trial and getting a fair sentence afterwards. He stated that although his sentence was unjust he had an obligation to obey the laws of Athens (Jowett, 12). He argued that his duty to Athens was to accept the sentence. Generall y, Socrates and Cicero acknowledged that the laws served interests of the people and they did not subjugate to desires of the prominent leaders of demos or populi Roma (Cicero, 35; Jowett, 15). Then, Socrates said that justice was all about fulfilling one's obligation; for example, when an individual had a debt the just thing to do was to return the debt in time. He strongly discouraged people from viewing justice as a punishment or a revenge. According to the philosopher, retaliation was unacceptable. Analogically, philosopher considered retaliation as a wrong way of justifying his escape from the gail; according to Socrates, act of retaliation, as a rule, resulted in harming another individual. He argued that if in the process of seeking justice one ended up harming another person, then the person seeking justice was committing an injustice (Jowett, 13). From Crito’s view (when planning Socrates' escape), every philosopher was supposed to fight against the unjust sentence. Then, Socrates stated that retaliation against the unjust
Thursday, July 25, 2019
History-Assess the short and long term impact of Iran's 1979 Essay
History-Assess the short and long term impact of Iran's 1979 Revolution - Essay Example The causes of the Iranian Revolution, despite a seeming absence of general crisis so characteristic of previous revolutions of such magnitude1, were manifold. The twentieth century history of Iran was characterized by aggravation of social contradictions. The modernizing policies of the Pahlavi dynasty (1926-1979) were at best inconclusive: the political and civic reforms of the first Shah of the dynasty, Reza Shah Pahlavi, were accompanied by ruthless suppression of both clerical and left-wing oppositional movements2. After his abdication in 1941, the country found itself mired in instability caused by the effect of the WW II and foreign occupation4. After the failure of the attempt of the secular nationalist government of Mohammad Mosaddeq to nationalize oil industry, which led to the coup d’etat against Mosaddeq on August 19, 19534, Mohammad Reza Shah re-assumed the dictatorial powers of his father. At that time, the clerical forces of Iran sided with the Shah, fearing left -wing secularist regime5. The government of Mohammad Reza Shah embarked on the ambitious program of the so-called ‘White Revolution’ in the 1960s, which was to facilitate the development of modern industries in Iran. Despite Mohammad Reza Shah’s populist pretenses, his modernization strategy privileged large, modern enterprises and the oil sector, which served the needs of international market, to the detriment of small businesses traditionally united into the network of bazaar 6. The state developmentalist policies led to the uncontrollable inflation7. The Shah’s land reform actually contributed to the crisis, as the new peasant cultivators were unable to tend the land as efficiently as large-scale farms would, thus leading to massive increases in imports of food stuffs and accordingly in their prices8. The attempts of the Shah’s government to control soaring inflation in the mid-1970s only aggravated the situation9. The revolutionary movement, whi ch sprang from the clashes between the religious students and the Shah’s SAVAK security forces in the late 1977, eventually turned in the country-wide disturbances with the general strike of October 197810. The government of the Pahlavis was swiftly disintegrating, and on January 16, 1979 Mohammad Reza Shah left Iran. From then on, the victory of the Iranian Revolution was guaranteed. The signs of the general crisis in the Iranian economy were much pronounced in the immediate aftermath of the Revolution. As a result of wide-scale strike movement of 1978-1979, the country stood on the brink of economic collapse. As of 1980, the industrial output fell by almost 20%11 in comparison with the 1977 level, while total GNP of Iran in 1981 fell to 81 percent of that in 197712. The Revolution heralded the beginning of spontaneous campaign of occupations and confiscations; the workers’ committees were formed in many sectors, first of all, in oil industry13. Even though the govern ment did not actually contemplate total nationalization of private sector, the complicity of large banking institutions in massive capital flight forced it to bow to the pressures of popular movements and demands of Khomeini-led Revolutionary Council (RC), and in summer 1979 the nationalization of banks, insurance companies and major branches of industries was carried out14. Nevertheless, the PRG policy remained cautious in such important economic spheres as land
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Classics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Classics - Essay Example When the Athenians reached Melos they sent envoys to offer a proposition to the Melians. During the dialogue this proposition becomes clear. The Melians, instead of allowing the Athenian envoys to make their proposition in front of all the people of Melos, brought them before the Magistrate and the Few, giving the reason that if the Athenians come as judges in their own right, then they should be brought before those who themselves hold a judging position of what is right. However, the Athenians state that they believe the Melians to have requested a quiet audience so that they may not influence the inhabitants of Melos, this they do not mind and go about setting out their proposition. Here, we see the subtleties of politics during this era and how important the masses were in determining what happens during the war. The Melians afraid that their people would choose submission has employed a more covertness means of debate; thus, denying the people of Melos to choose their fate. The Melians see only two ways either they submit to Athenian rule and become slaves or they go to war and hope to win. However, the Athenians declare that the Melians are not completely right in their assumptions; for, the most important thing is to preserve the island of Melos. The only way to do this is to submit to Athenian rule, becoming a tributary of the Athenian empire but being left alone to carry on as before, preserving their culture and ways of living. They indicate that this would be an advantage to both parties; for, the Melians retain the safety and preservation of their country and the Athenians need not make war against them. The Melians state that they do not comprehend why they cannot remain neutral, taking neither side but being friends to Athens. The Athenians explain that if they leave Melos to remain neutral the people of the Athenian empire will either believe Melos to be very powerful or the Athenians
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Airline Deregulation as it relates to Competion and Unions Essay
Airline Deregulation as it relates to Competion and Unions - Essay Example The airline deregulation provides significant benefits to an average traveler. This Act removed many of the airline restrictions and thus totally altered the concept of civil aviation in the US. Subsequent to the integration of jets into the market, the air travel industry experienced incredible growth rate. As a result of steady increase in air travel, the federal regulators were forced to deregulate the industry to meet the increasing needs of the air travelers. The airline deregulation process augmented market competition once the marketers got the freedom to determine their own prices. It also persuaded the airline providers to enter in price competition in order to dominate the air travel market. Reports point out the notable effects of deregulation; â€Å"the inflation adjusted 1982 constant dollar yield for airlines has fallen from 12.3 cents in 1978 to 7.9 cents in 1997. This means that airline ticket prices are almost 40% lower today than they were in 1978 when the airlines were deregulated†(Thierer, 1998). Since this trend offered fruitful economic benefits to passengers, the passenger miles flown tremendously grew. For instance, in 2005, there were 750 million passenger miles whereas this figure was only 250 million in 1978. The magnitude of market competition was more in Europe as compared to US.
Analyse an Advert and Prequel to it in Depth Essay Example for Free
Analyse an Advert and Prequel to it in Depth Essay Advertising is one of the worlds foremost businesses. Companies use this media to communicate their ideas, products and messages to the general public. This is one type of advert, which is used to draw people to donate to a cause. It is called an appeal. This appeal is from Help The Aged, a fairly large charity, dedicated to helping the older and less able people. This particular advert is for the SeniorLink pendant, a small telephone pendant that helps people when they get into trouble where they cant reach the phone, because they are immobilised. I will analyse this form of the appeal and elaborate the techniques and tricks used to convince people to part with their money. This form of the appeal is a leaflet. Leaflets can be specially designed to appeal to a particular audience or aspect of society; this leaflet is aimed at anyone who has money. The purpose of it is to convince these people that their product is: reliable; fast acting; state-of-the-art; easy-to-use and most of all, lifesaving. If it succeeds than Help The Aged will get their reward of a donation that, in theory, should then be spent on the pensioners. The advert uses several conventions to convey their tricks and tactics to the target audience. I will elaborate these as I examine the advert. On the first part of the leaflet (The Front) we see Vera alive and well, along with a caption to the picture that, arguably, could be seen as the title to the leaflet. The photograph of Vera depicts her as smiling, cheerful and in good health. From this, empathy is drawn from the audience, giving the advert a good note from which to begin with. It can also be seen as a pointer to what the outcome of the event is, in a similar way to the introduction to Romeo and Juliet. The caption or title of the leaflet is in large, white, bold, capitalised text, which is mapped on a black background. This is to make the text stand out considerably, as there is no bigger contrast than black and white. At the end of the text is an ellipsis. This adds to the beckoning feel of the text that makes the audience want to read on. The second part of the advert or Middle of the leaflet is a transcript of the conversation between Lyn, a SeniorLink operator, and Vera Smith, an old woman in distress. The sheet is in four parts: A quotation, used as a title An introduction to the transcript The telephone conversation, recorded as a transcript And an epilogue to the piece. The quotation to the page is in a similar style to the original caption, in the first part. It shares the same bold, white on black style, however it is not all in capitals. This is because it is a quotation from Vera, presumably from after her ordeal. This is to show again that she recovered and that she owes her life to the SeniorLink pendant. Next is an introduction to the transcript. It starts with an introductory sentence that uses simple adjectives and sentence structure to describe the characters. Next comes the setting of the scene, where Veras predicament takes shape. One sentence is underlined, this sentence: To her horror is highlighted to make it stand out more, as it is shocking and important. The intro ends with another ellipsis, opening the way for the transcript. Just before the transcript is a picture of both Lyn and Vera, depicted as happy, this is showing: how good the receiving staff is and how pleased Vera is to be alive. The transcript itself is 16 lines long, combining playscript style speech and bold typed event explanations. The playscript reads like normal speech, Vera pauses and the text is punctuated appropriately, Please Help me! The language is different for Vera and Lyn, Vera sounds helpless and afraid, while Lyn sounds calm and efficient. At three intervals the scripting cuts into a short explanatory line, distinguished by its bold enhancement. These explain what is happening, like directors notes. We are expected to give the appeal some trust and believe that the conversation really happened. Finally there is an epilogue where, using reassuring text, they bring this ordeal to an end. They finish this section by emphasising that the SeniorLink saves lives. The final part of the advert, the back, is the possibly the most important. It is the advert in full, the appeal or the explanation section. It is nine paragraphs that encompass all of the emotion, drawn from before and add to it, then channel it into giving a donation. The title of the piece is large, bold and eye-catching. It is presumably a joke to suggest that she could, hear voices as some old people develop insanity. Otherwise the comment that she is alive because she could hear voices is a stupid one and not thought out. The first paragraph is an assurance that Vera made a full recovery, thanks to the SeniorLink system. This is to put worried minds at rest. Then in clear bold text it says: But many other elderly people arent so lucky, This shows that next the appeal will give information, possibly facts on old people that didnt make it through their ordeals. Paragraph 2 is apparently a factual one, where they give you shocking statistics on how many people dont survive each week. This is supposed to appeal to your human nature and lull you into wanting to help decrease this statistic. Next comes another single line of text that prepares you for upcoming information. It is underlined and utilises an emphasising adverb, which is describing an adjective, tragic. This is used to change it from being tragic to really tragic, emphasis. The next two paragraphs are two cases, which are utilised to shock you further, and again to appeal to your Human side. The fifth paragraph is in bold text and is designed to be reliving after the heavy emotion carrying paragraphs. It is positive and righteous. It opens with a statement of good, Yet tragedy can be avoided This is showing the gold horizon, while saying that our cause is the most important cause. Then in the second sentence it uses the mysterious inference again: Hearing Voices In the sixth paragraph the appeal itself surfaces and they make their quick request for money, while surrounding it with ideas of stopping unnecessary deaths and the strange voice inference again. The donation request itself is only five words long, out of the whole advert. It is short and enveloped to try to mask their intentions, while making it stand out in your mind. Also in this paragraph two words are underlined to add emphasis on their aims. The next paragraph is a short direct paragraph and adds a little more emphasis on the pendant itself. Paragraph eight is the technical element, it explains exactly what the pendant is, wrapped in technical terms to show that this is cutting edge technology and is really effective. The text ends with a warm climax ands shows one last time that the pendant is an amazing thing. The logo of Help The Aged is a rising sun, symbolising that there is dawning hope and always a light for old people. In conclusion, the advert uses most of the persuasive techniques in the handbook, from simple adjectives and bold text to psychological hints and shocking facts. However I would say that the advert has been worked at: psychologically wise, everything is in the right place, and the things that should stand out do stand out. At every step of the way they have used persuasive writing, showing that: Vera survived because of the pendant, The pendant is efficient and will always work, Pensioners without a pendant die frequently, Preventing the deaths is easy: donate money. On a personal level I wasnt convinced, I saw the IT tricks and psychological hints as insults, and saw right through them. Perhaps Im wrong, and I just am not human enough to see that they really are doing good in the world. But, most people would or should give money as it is fairly well thought through and has pretty shocking facts, if theyre true. I have learned that advertising is a crooked business and has many ways of persuasion. It does take a lot of thought.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Metaphysics Essay 3 Essay Example for Free
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Sources Of Finance For A Public Limited Company Finance Essay
Sources Of Finance For A Public Limited Company Finance Essay Finance is the basic ingredient of a business. Insufficiency or absence of cash can pose a threat for a business. Without cash a business is unable to survive. Various sources of finance help to fulfill the needs of wages, advertising, expansion, payment of interests etc (Pride, 2009). Different sources of finance are used depending upon their maturity period. Each source has its advantages and disadvantages. Sources of finance The sources of finance are broad classified into the following: Long term Finance Medium term finance Short term finance Long Term Sources of Finance Long term sources of finance are those methods that are adopted to provide finance for a long period of time. This period of time must be of one year and above. Long term sources are generally complex and are usually adopted to fund activities like going for acquisitions, product extensions, or buying up of new premises etc. Example of long term financing includes a 40 year mortgage or a 10 year treasury note. The sources of long term finance are: Debentures Debentures are the long term loans raised from public by a Public limited company. These debentures are usually ranged from 0.01$ to 100$ with varied interest rates. Debentures are floated with certain terms and conditions and are generally secured against the assets of a company (Chakraborty, 2004). Advantages of debentures Debentures are a well suited mode of long term financing as the interest payable on debentures is made before taxation. Another advantage of debenture is that they are payable even when the company does not produce profit. Issue cost of debenture is low as compared to that of preference capital and equity. Disadvantages of debentures As mentioned above, certain terms and conditions are set out for debentures. Failure to meet those conditions, like interest and principal repayment requirement, can result in not only financial and social humiliation but can also lead to bankruptcy. Debentures are influenced by the inflation rates. If, by chance the inflation rate significantly drops down, then the real cost of the debt will become higher than what was initially set (Chandra, 2008). Convertible debentures Convertible debentures offer the advantage of quick conversion of debt into equity. Convertible debentures are similar to the normal debentures in terms of interest rates specification and the principal payment, except that in convertible debentures the buyer has the option of converting them into companys issuing share at a pre decided ratio. Convertible debentures are used by the companies to attract investors. Like the Essar steel, India issued convertible debentures coupled with warranty and loyal coupons as well as optionally fully convertible debentures to attract investors (Nidheesh, 2009). Advantages of convertible debentures Convertible debentures are favorable for the issuing company as they offer low interest payments as compared to the traditional debt. For investors they offer a secure means of investment through participation in the stock options and guaranteed coupon payments. There will be no capital gains tax for the holders of convertible debenture. Disadvantages of convertible debentures In case of bankruptcy, the debenture holder has a low priority claim on the companys asset as compares to the straight debt holders. The Valuation techniques for convertible debentures are a bit tricky and may require additional scrutiny (Hanif, 2001) Common Stock Common stock is a long term security that is issued to the owners of the company. Advantages of common stock Common stock offer several advantages. Common stocks are liquid i.e. they can be easily and readily bought and sold. The risk associated with common stock is very less as it is only limited to the initial cash investment made. They are labeled to be high returners as compared to the other sources of investment. Disadvantages of common stock The owners of common stock are last to be paid in the business after payments to employees, suppliers, creditors etc. The stock prices are usually unstable, that is they rise and fall quickly. So the investors are required to be vigilant in this regard. Preference shares Preference shares refer to those shares that offer a fixed percentage of dividends that is paid in preference to the common shares to the stock holders. Advantages of preference shares There advantages are: In preference shares the company is not forced to pay the dividends in the period when the profits are poor. Preferred shareholders receive their payments first as compared to the common stock holders in event of bankruptcy. Disadvantages of preference shares They are riskier, as unlike other instruments, they are not secured against the assets of the company. The interest yield on preference stock is low as compared to the loan stock In case of non-payment the preferred stock holders, unlike debenture holders cannot call for a receiver for the claims (Carter, 1997). Mortgage A mortgage is a long term source of finance that is given by the borrower to the lender in exchange for the security of the real estate property. One can choose between a fixed rate and adjustable rate mortgage depending upon ones risk bearing capacity, financial health and other requirements. Advantages of mortgage The mortgage financing makes the borrowing flexible and affordable as it provides ownership of real estate along with the provision of financial aid. The interest rate on mortgage is tax free. The fixed schedule of mortgage payments allows you to plan up your cash flux and plan your needs and requirements accordingly. Disadvantages of mortgage The default risk is high in case of mortgage. The mortgage terms and conditions requires for collateral to be penned as security. The lender has a right to claim on the security in case of default payments. Finance Strategy: Finance simplified for you Government grants/loans Government grants are of great assistance to the entrepreneurs in terms of providing the financial hold up. Many of the government organizations are able enough to finance the young entrepreneurs to help them develop the right strategy for their business. The government organizations grant is not only limited to the strategic thinking phase, they also help the entrepreneurs in putting the plan to reality and also supporting the stat up costs (Gruber, 2009). Advantages of Government grants The government grants are easily and readily available for a business idea. Although a lengthy application process is involved, yet the process is much quicker than the other lenders. Like SBA (Small Business Association) approves a loan in 3-5 business days. The interest rate is lower for government grants especially in case of student loans. Disadvantages of Government grants The element of bureaucracy is usually involved to approach for the grants The government organization giving the money, try to exert influence on the business management. The grantee is subjected to tougher terms and conditions in order to be eligible fot the grant. Retained Profit Retained profit involves allocation of profit from an existing business to be reinvested in to the same business for the purpose of financing. This money can be used to buy new equipment, machinery, raw material and other such type of investments. Advantages of retained profit This type of self financing helps the company to withstand any contingency requirements and uncertainties or even a calamity. The cost of raising finance from outside source is saved through the retained profit move. There are no lengthy legal formalities involved in this type of financing. Disadvantages of retained profit Some companies falsely use the retained profit as a means of manipulating the value of shares and dividends. Improper use of retained profit in risky adventures may result in a loss.(Rajni and Hiro, 2008) Medium term sources of finance: Medium term financing or intermediate financing is done for a period intermediate between 1 to 10 years. Medium term financing is generally done for the purpose of maintenance or up gradation of the business like making improvements in the plant, buying up of raw material, assets and equipment. The sources of medium term finance are: Loans Loans are a means of providing long term financing for activities such as buying of fixed assets like plant and equipment, funding up of working capital and or covering losses. Advantages of loans Through loan, the financing is secured for the life of a loan. You can purchase a loan for almost everything now. Loan helps you to make things affordable. You can match the term of your loan to the life of an asset you want to purchase. For example you can take a loan of three years for a machine whose working life is three years. Disadvantages of loans If you miss a monthly payment, things might get difficult for you that may include penalties or even your property possession. It is a long term commitment. Some banks offer repayment facility but they charge extra fees for repayments. Venture Capital Trust Venture capital trust refers to those companies that are listed on the London stock exchange, and are in search of investors to raise an equity capital of about 10 to 30 million pounds. The VCT managers are given three years to invest cash, glitz and bonds into different companies. Advantages of venture capital trust VCTs are particularly famous for providing tax efficient investment. They provide tax free dividends Offer Tax free capital growth Disadvantages of venture capital trust The VCT investment mode has higher risk associations as compared to life insurance fund, collectives and other modes. The major risks are: The Unquoted companies (UK Smaller Companies) Liquidity issues (ability to sell shares) Market timing risk Leasing A lease in agreement of purpose signed for a specific time frame, conveying the use of a particular resource. Leasing is preferable when the cost of purchasing equipment is higher than the cost of leasing. The lessee gets the rights to use the equipment in exchange of rental payments to the lessor. For example in the golf industry, the golf operators make use of leased golf cars, leased golf aeration equipment, mowing machines etc. Advantages of leasing In lease financing the interest rate is fixed throughout the course of payment Leasing helps in the conservation of capital as it does not outline any requirements of deposition of cash at the beginning. Leasing a property is much simpler as compared to mortgage financing. (Schmidgall, 2004) Disadvantages of leasing In lease you have to bear the cost of equipment maintenance as specified, when you are not even the owner of the equipment. Lease payments are to be paid till the termination of the original term period. So even if a lessor is facing a downturn he is still supposed to make the payments that can be troublesome. Hire Purchase Nowadays, machines transport vehicle, equipment etc are bought through hire purchase. Possession of the good is transferred to the hirer but the ownership is only given after the last installment has been paid. Hirer can also choose to pay off all the installments in one go. Advantages of hire purchase The hirer is not bound in case of hire purchase. How can either wait for the full payment term or can go for the purchase by paying the amount at once. The cost of equipment under hire purchase is less as compared to leasing. They have little statutory control Disadvantages of hire purchase The cost of maintenance is to be burnt by the hirer thus reducing his profit margin. 20 to 25 percent advance payment has to be paid to the vendor at the time of hire purchase contract.( Maheshwari, 2003) Business Angels Business angels refer to those people that have a lot of money that they are looking to invest somewhere. They are one step ahead of friends, family founders etc. Venture Capitalists Business Angels Friends Founders and family High Risk Lower (But still somewhat high risk) (Source: Sources of funding for Australias Entrepreneurs by Howard Frederick, Siri Terjesen, pp.30) Advantages of business angels As compared to the financial institutions, raising funds through business angels is beneficial as it does not involve high fees. Business angels offer different investment criteria from other instruments, offer longer investment opportunities, convenient investment processes and lower targeted rate of returns. Disadvantages of business angels Business angels try to make there say in operations of the business, and can also affect the business expertise, their value and their contribution. There is a history of a small proportion of business angels turning out be devils, fulfilling their own motives rather than contributing into the good of the business Business angels, unlike the venture capitalist are less like to re investment in the same business (Frederick and Terjesen, 2007). Short term sources of finance: The money needs for less than a year are fulfilled through short term financing. They provide a cash influx or the fulfillment of short term inventory needs and repairs as well as short term investments. For example retailers like Wal-mart make use of short term financing to build up their inventories before peak selling periods. The sources of short term finance are: Bank Over drafts Bank overdrafts are a short term medium of financing that fulfills the contingency needs of the business especially for the adjustments in the fluctuations of cash flow and sudden demands. Advantages of bank overdrafts Over draft is a simple and supple means of financing The interest is chargeable on the everyday overdrawn amount. Disadvantages of bank overdraft The bank can call for repayment at any time. Cannot be borrowed for larger amounts The rate of interest for bank draft is higher than that for loans. Trade credit Trade credit is the easiest source of financing, where the suppliers of a business enable you to take up the material with the flexibility of making the payment later on. So whenever material equipments etc are taken without on-spot cash payment, trade crediting is involved. There are certain terms and conditions involved in trade crediting and depending on those terms the crediting can be costly. For example the terms involved in purchasing supplies from a supplier on trade credit is 3 percent cash discount within 12 days and a net date of 30 days. By this the supplier is lending you two percent discount on purchase price within those 12 days. However, by using the trade credit benefit you are conserving your money for 18 more days. If we calculate on an annual basis the 3 percent discount missed may cost you more. Advantages of trade credit Trade credit is readily and conveniently available, since the suppliers are up for a business easily If the company is facing any financial flops, Trade credit sourcing may be beneficial as the suppliers are lenient in giving finances. Usually no or minimal security or guarantees are required in case of trade credit Disadvantages of trade credit The giving up of the cash discount offered by the suppliers, in case of early payment, can be the biggest drawback for taking up trade credit, The firms credit rating may get affected through trade crediting (Shim and seigel, 2007) Factoring Factoring is a source of financing that is based upon the business outstanding invoices. It works in the way that the business sends a copy of the invoice received from the customer to the factor. The factor pays a set amount of the invoice value that usually makes 80 to 85 percent of the total amount to be paid. This payment is readily done usually within twenty four hours. However, a small number of invoices make the factoring uneconomical. Companies that have a turnover rate of 200,000 pounds and above can make use of the factoring. For example in India, several measures have been taken for factor development. Like the State bank of India formed SBI Factors and commercial services limited in various states of India to help the small scale businesses who were suffering the shortage of capital.(Page 81) Advantages of factoring Factoring helps in the improvement of the firms credit management Factoring enables a continuous inflow of funds Factoring can be of great benefit particularly in case of need. Disadvantages of factoring Among the different forms of short term financing, the cost of factoring is higher than others Factoring may damage the good will of the firm from clients point of view, as he may see it as a sign of financial weakness (Banjerjee, 2005) Invoice Discounting Invoice discounting is very similar to factoring except for a minor difference. In factoring the third party approaches the customer for the settlement of invoices and manages the other business details. But in invoice discounting the customers are totally unaware of your financing relationships. The company itself maintains responsibility for the ledgers and invoice processing. Advantages of invoice discounting As the customers are unaware, so the companys goodwill is not much affected As the cash is readily available it can be used for future investments and fund other orders The management no longer need to spend time on unpaid accounts and can utilize their time in planning elsewhere Disadvantages of invoice discounting Terminating the agreement can be difficult in case of invoice discounting Disputed invoices can sometimes pose a problem and should be carefully dealt with. Conclusion So whether you are thinking of setting up a new business or extending the existing one, money will always be the first and the foremost requirement. One should always properly assess the business resources for financing, as some sources may be suitable for business finance and other might not be. For example setting up a road side coffee stall requires different type of financing than setting up a garment industry business. But for many business the issue is not only to identify the right source of finance but also to find where to get the funds for setting up, expansion purpose and likewise. Therefore it is imperative to analyze the various source of financing available to a business and to assess thoroughly the appropriation of the resources in relation to the business. Investment readiness is always needed. A wealthy and beneficial financial package should, therefore, be selected as it is not only the question of money, but also the question of the whole of the life cycle of the business.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Juvenile Justice :: essays research papers fc
Juvenile Justice Though crime, in general, is on the decline there are specific crimes and group offenders that are actually increasing. Specific crimes such as hate crimes, those crimes motivated by hostility to the victim as a member of a group, based on color, creed, gender, or sexual orientation, and juvenile crimes have become escalating debates. Lionel Tate, a 12-year-old boy at the time of his actions, is a suitable case to investigate. Using his case, I will address the increase in juvenile delinquency, the contributions to the malice acts, the severity of the crimes being committed by youth, and possible, yet reasonable repercussions. Lionel Tate, now 14, was charged with first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole on March 9, 2001. This harsh conviction was founded on the basis of the beating and death of 6-year-old Tiffany Eunick. Tate defense lied in the hands of his television heroes, professional wrestlers, whom he claimed he was simply imitating. This argument was not enough to convince the jurors that his actions were an accident. If a defense team was not able to convince a select group of individual that violence on television is becoming more of an issue with youth violence, then how is a nation of parents going to be convinced that television, video games and other public violence is affecting their children. Is every parent going to have to experience what Lionel Tate or Tiffany Eunick's parents experienced to see the effects of a violent society in which children are being raised? Understand that there are more than one cause to juvenile violence. Media and television related violence is only one of the factors. Addressing and trying to correct one issue at a time is going to be the most productive. Take television for example. Lionel Tate was obviously influenced by actions he saw from people, adults, on television. Though not all blame can be put in the hands of the entertainment industry. Other factors including parent control and limitation, and previous behavioral patterns could have prevented Tiffany's death. In the book, Children in a Violent Society, Joy Osofsky makes a strong case about kids and the negative effects of witnessing violence. "Children learn what they see†¦and they do not learn that violence is bad. Too often, they learn that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflict†¦"(Osofsky, 4). Take a hypothetical situation about Johnny.
Essay --
1. (Table A & B) A 1 turn loop is pulled out of a 2.0 T field at a velocity of 1.5 m/s to the right. A. Compute the induced emf in the loop and find the direction of the induced current. 75 points 15 points 15 points 10 points 15 points ï ¿ ¼B. A 25 turn loop extends 0.1 m into a uniform field that is decreasing at -3 T/s. Compute the induced emf in the loop and find the direction of the induced current. 2. (Tables C & D) A rod with a mass of 0.720 kg and a radius of 6.00 cm rests on two parallel rails (see the figure below) that are d = 12.0 cm apart and L=45.0 cm long. The rod carries a current of I = 48.0 A in the direction shown and slides along the rail. If it starts from rest, what is the speed of the rod as it leaves the rails if a uniform magnetic of 0.240 T is directed perpendicular to the rod and the rails? 3. (Tables E & F) A proton enters a region with a uniform magnetic field after being accelerated across a potential of 5000 Volts. The proton moves in a circle due to the magnetic force. If the ï ¿ ¼Ã¯ ¿ ¼ strength of the magnetic field is 2.5 T, what is the period of the proton's ci...
Friday, July 19, 2019
Political Campaign: The Crusade Against Asian Americans Essay -- Econo
As most developed nations around the world continue to be plunged into the economic crisis that began in 2008, any major country that continues to strive during the depression immediately becomes the attention of the citizens of affected countries. While major global powers began to suffer from a loss in international prominence, several foreign countries continued to experience economic growth. The countries that go through this growthâ€â€such as Chinaâ€â€easily become despised by politicians and even became the targets of office candidates’ campaigns in the recent nation-wide elections. Although seemingly benevolent to the American public, the campaigns also indirectly create unfairness for the Asian Americansâ€â€Chinese in particularâ€â€who reside in the equality-based country. In this paper, I will show how political campaigns against China demonstrate sentiments and stereotypes against Asian Americans at work, and thus illuminate unfair treatments and ineq uality against Asian Americans. Before examining how the negative characteristics of political campaigns’ against China negative characteristics and how they harmfully promote inequality against Asian American citizens, it is important to first understand the nature of the advertisements as well as their origins. As with most political elections, candidates of the 2010 elections attempt to debunk their opponents’ credibility by the use of propaganda and advertising campaigns. However, as the United States continue to lose its former prominence in the global economic market, desperate politicians who wish to address the loss of jobs within the country and the economic decline did so by baselessly citing the outsourcing of jobs to other countries, mainly China, as a problem, and argue t... ...ment To Restrict Outsourcing To Asian Countries. Retrieved on November 28, 2010 from Thaindian News: Chen, D. W. (2010). China Emerges as a Scapegoat in Campaign Ads. Retrieved on November 25, 2010 from The New York Times: Kuo, K. (n.d.). Early Images of Asians in the U.S. [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved on November 27, 2010 from the Arizona State University website: Sue, D. W., Bucceri, J., Lin, A. I., Nadal, K. L.,& Torino, G. C. (2007). Racial Microaggressions and the Asian American Experience. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 13(1), 72-81. Retrieved on November 27, 2010 from the Arizona State University website: Timmons, H. (2010). Outsourcing to India Draws Western Lawyers. Retrieved on November 25, 2010 from The New York Times:
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Negative Effects of Genetically Modified Food/Crops Essay
Genetically modified organisms refer to organisms whose genetic components have been changed to produce an unnatural occurrence. Genetic engineering refers to the technology employed in the alteration of the genetic elements, which also facilitates the transfer of genes between related and non-related species. This technology is applied in the production of Genetically Modified (GM) crops/foods in order to meet the desired objectives of the industry operators. The 1980 US Supreme Court pronouncement on the legal patentability of biological life in the Diamond vs. Chakrabartyn case opened the gateway to genetic engineering (Lex Orbis). There are some perceived benefits of the GM foods industry, both to the producer and consumer, especially in regard to increased food productivity and nutrition. Conversely, there have been reported cases on potential risks to human health and the environment due to GM foods/crops. The harmful effects of GM foods production and consumption cannot be overlooked, due to their impact on human health, the environment and socio-economic operation of a society. The introduction and widespread use of Genetically Modified (GM) foods has been met with uncertainties in regard to public acceptability due to the confirmed and potential harmful effects of this technology. GM foods are disputable for various reasons, one of them being the adverse effects of these foods to human health. There are concerns over deaths, near-deaths and diseases such as cancer and bacterial infections arising out of GM foods. Human beings need food for survival but it is incongruous to consume potentially harmful food for one’s existence just for survival. Studies indicate that there have been recorded deaths attributable to Genetic Engineering in foods. In 1989, a genetic modification of the food supplement known as L-tryptophan produced a devastating disease known as the Eosinophilia Myalgia syndrome (EMS). There were about 37 people who died from the ailment, as well as around 1500 who were physically impaired. The GM food supplement was manufactured by a Japan’s chemical company known as Showa Denko, which offered a $2 billion settlement to the victims, but investigations into the product were not carried out. In addition, initial GM tested products such as Flavr Savr have been reported as harmful to animals, evidenced by the premature deaths of the animals used in these lab tests. Further, in 1996, a company known as Pioneer Hi-Bred, the largest seed company in the US, produced soybeans with the added protein methionine, through splicing Brazil nut DNA into the conventional soybeans (Cummins, Lilliston and Lappe 36). Researchers from the University of Nebraska reported that the use of the GM soybeans may result in fatal allergies to individuals allergic to Brazilian nuts. Fortunately, the company withdrew the product from the market before any fatalities occurred. Allergenic reactions to GM foods are another area of concern to the consumer public. There has been an increasing rate of food-allergenic individuals in the nation, especially among children, which was confirmed by the Center for Disease Control. The increased alteration of diets contributes to the rising rate of food sensitivity, since GM foods are not comparable to regular foods (Nestle). Other indications of the allergenic quality of GM foods include the following: A study on GM potatoes with cod genes indicated they were allergenic; two independent studies indicated that GM Bt corn produced allergenic effects, even on the farmers who used genetically engineered Bt sprays to produce such corn; in 1999, York Laboratory researchers discovered a connection between the rise in allergic reactions to soy and the consumption of GM soy. The potential risks of GM foods extend to disease causality and bacterial infections. Scientists have established a connection between a protein hormone known as GH and a chemical hormone called IGH-1 associated with breast cancer, and in some instances, prostate cancer. The protein hormone GH is injected in dairy cows to facilitate the production of more milk, thus it has been used to boost the productivity of dairy corporations. Genetically modified versions of the hormone have been approved to enhance milk productivity despite warnings by scientists that this GM hormone increases the IGF-1 hormone in consumers, from about 70 to 1000%. Dr. Samuel Epstein, a University of Chicago doctor and the Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition explained the connection between GH and IGF-1; that the GH induces the malignant conversion of human breast epithelial cell types that eventually leads to cancerous growths. However, the US Food and Drugs Administration rejected the importance of such findings. The proponents of GM foods point to some science reviews which claim that GM crops in the market pose limited risks to human health. GM foods undergo protocol tests to determine their effects on human health as well as their allergenic quality. These tests have been evaluated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the result is that the GM foods currently in circulation pose no allergic effects to people. The World Health Organization further maintains that all GM foods in the global market have been approved after passing the necessary risk assessment tests; hence they are not harmful to human health. Additionally, the organization claims that adverse effects of these foods have not been proved among the general public where the GM foods have been permitted thus there should be no reason for alarm (World Health Organization). However, this position falls short of completely meeting the concerns of consumers, since various scientific studies have reflected negative health effects of GM foods, contradicting WHO’s position. Despite the observation of harmful effects on a minority, GM foods cannot be ruled as completely safe for human consumption. In consideration of all the evidence presented, it is certain that genetic engineering technology presents certain dangers and health hazards that need to be thoroughly assessed before GM foods are absorbed into the global market. The assessment criteria for these products should also be revised with reference to case studies and reports highlighting potential harms of genetic modification (The Economist 19). Consumers should also be fully aware of the type of products displayed in the market in order to make informed choices. Genetic modified foods and crops have also been frowned upon for their potential negative effects to the environment. There are concerns over the toxicity levels in the soil due to genetic engineered farming, leading to soil pollution and destruction of plant and animal life. Despite the positive effects of genetic engineering technology in boosting food supply to the public, the application of this technology raises the use of chemicals and bio-engineered products in farms, hence the environmental degradation. It is essential to support a food crop production system that maintains environmental standards rather than ruin them, thus maintaining the spirit of environmental conservation. The GM crop industry advocates for this technology on the grounds that genetic engineered seeds and plants are helpful to the environment by decreasing the amount of chemicals used in farms. However, most of the GM agricultural products have a high chemical resistance, which in turn increases rather than decreases the use of herbicides or pesticides with toxic effects to the farms. The GM crop industry seeks to profit from the sale of more products, and these include seeds as well as pesticides and herbicides. In light of this issue, it is conceivable that the industry intends to sell more genetic engineered agricultural products as well as chemicals; hence environmental safety is a challenge if farmers rely on these products, since they go hand in hand with great use of herbicides/pesticides. According to environmental scientist, R. J. Goldburg, scientists expect that the use of herbicides will triple due to GM agricultural products (Goldburg 647). An example of a company in this industry is Monsanto, which is a world leading corporation in the production of genetic engineered seeds as well as the herbicide known as Roundup. The herbicide glyphosate, also called Roundup, has damaging effects to plant and animal life. The US Fish and Wildlife Service indicated that Roundup poses a threat to 74 endangered species; it affects natural processes in plant life such as photosynthesis. Further, the herbicide decays in the soil but it leaves deposits on the crops harvested for the consumer. Glyphosate, which is the main component in Roundup, is harmful to humans, and has led to numerous cases of illness among farmers. Various scientific research projects also indicate the harmful effects of GM products to the soil; these include the research carried out by Oregon scientists which indicates the GM microorganism, klebsiella planticola killed vila soil nutrients and rendered it sterile. Similarly, in 1997, it was established that Rhizobium melitoli, a GM bacterium, released toxins in the soil that caused pollution. The Environmental Protection Agency also expressed its concerns over the matter, but these microorganisms are still in operation. The Oregon research also indicated that some of these microbes killed wheat plants when introduced into the soil. Other indicators of the environmental effects of GM products include the creation of super weeds and super pests; plant and animal invasions; destruction of forests; the death of beneficial insects and genetic pollution. GM elements such as Bt endotoxin have been reported to stay in the soil for about 18 months and could be transported to other wild plants, thus forming super weeds, resistant to beetles and butterflies, and this process affects the balance of nature. Super pests are created when common pests like budworms and cottonboll worms develop immunity from toxins due to repeated exposure. Research indicates that cottonboll worms have developed immunity from Bt sprays used in organic farming (Tabashnik, Gassmann and Crowder 199-202). Plant and animal invasions threaten the existing species and result to the imbalance of nature. Emerging GM strains can induce bio-invasions into plant or animal life, such as the invasion of the kudzu vine, which is an exotic plant from Japan with rapid growth. The damage to forest life is yet another justification for the claims against the production of GM foods/crops. GM trees have developed a resistance towards chemical sprays thus when spraying is carried out in a forest with GM trees, they survive but the plant life around them are killed. Unlike rainforests or tropical trees that support animal life such as fungi, insects and birds, GM trees are flowerless and sterile; hence they cannot support forest life in its entirety. Research further demonstrates that GM components destroy beneficial insects in plant life such as the monarch butterfly larvae which feeds on milkweed. In 1997, New Scientist reported that the proteins found in genetically modified canola flowers could potentially harm honeybees (Pain) Additionally, genetic pollution is another negative effect of GM production on the environment. Genetic pollution is facilitated by the transfer of GM pollen through rain, wind, birds or insects, and it becomes difficult to contain since unlike chemical pollution, it does not decay. The government of Thailand terminated field assessments for Bt cotton from Monsanto after the Institute of Traditional Thai Medicine established genetic pollution of nearby plants (GRAIN 1-7). In the face of the controversy around GM technology and its effects on the environment, the supporters of the technology advocate that it offers a solution to environmental strain caused by overpopulation. The proponents of genetic engineering argue that the technology is beneficial to the environment since it presents a solution that prevents further depletion of the environment as the world population rises. It is evident that overpopulation has caused negative effects on the environment, due to the constant struggle for land, water, fuels and other resources necessary for human existence. For this reason, supporters of this technology view it as the means to support the food requirements of the world as a whole while maintaining the status of the environment. GM food production has the potential to support the growing need of food supplies in the present world, but its damaging effects to the environment cannot be ignored since they pose long-term risks, that impact on future generations. These destructive effects on the environment, plant and animal life have been scientifically proven, thus they are not negligible GM crop production definitely introduces harmful effects to the environment and its inhabitants, making it an unsafe means to support food demands. The collaboration of core organizations in the environmental sector should be established in order to forge a way that incorporates stringent environmental standards in the GM food industry. Such organizations include the US Food and Drug Administration and the United Nations Environment Programme. There are a lot of concerns in the GM food industry, with some risks already identified while some remain to be discovered, hence there should be more emphasis on safe food production strategies rather than a technology filled with uncertainties (Krech 580). The other argument against genetically modified foods arises out of the negative political, social and economic implications of the industry to modern society. The extensive application of biotechnology in food production will change established farming drastically, the strongest effect being on the indigenous farmers, and eventually the consumers. GM food production requires patenting, and the large corporations in this sector will eventually push the indigenous farmers out of their farms, while they control food products and prices. Advocates against GM crop production argue that his industry will displace farmers out of their livelihoods, since they face the risk of being bought out by large multinational companies that can pursue genetic engineering from a large-scale level. The control of the GM food production industry by large corporations amounts to bio-colonization, which by extension refers to the power that bio-technology controllers possess in the current and future market. The ability to control genetic components as well as agricultural resources is the source of so much power, for its food production. Indigenous farmers in the U. S. are currently self-sufficient in food production, but with the advancements in the GM food industry, more and more people will be dependent upon these industry controllers for food. These industry controllers may be referred to as the bio-colonizing companies, which will possess a lot of decisive power in the world economy due to their control of genetic and agricultural resources. Agricultural workers will also be greatly afflicted with the transfer of control in the industry from individuals to corporations or governments. The result will be displacement of farmers from their economic activity by more powerful forces, leading to a high rate of food dependency from companies and the government (Committee on the Impact of Biotechnology on Farm-Level Economics and Sustainability 206). Unfortunately, the WTO, World Bank and GATT provide regulations that facilitate large-scale and foreign interests at the expense of local economies, which further impede self-sufficiency in those countries. Another socio-political issue of concern is the debate on the labeling of GM foods. Proponents of GM foods argue that these foods are similar to regular foods thus the need for labeling is unnecessary, but a counterargument is that with the potential risks of GM foods, consumers should be fully aware of the contents of their foods in order to make informed choices. The consumer has the right to be informed of the ingredients in his/her food, irrespective of the safety or harmful levels of the food. Some parties argue for genetic engineering in food production as the solution to world hunger and other economic problems that arise out of food shortages. The proposition is that GM foods can be produced even under harsh soil and climatic conditions since they can be engineered to withstand such conditions. For this reason, most lands that have previously not been utilized for farming can now be made useful, and eventually solve the problem of overcrowding on the fertile lands. According to the proponents, this move is expected to increase food productivity, thus solving two problems at the same time; the scramble for resources and food security. However, such an argument fails to consider the bigger picture in regard to autonomy in food production among local farmers and regions. It is clear that the GM food industry is controlled by large corporations and governments, hence they would in turn control productivity and supply on the international front. In this regard, indigenous farmers as well as small economies do not achieve food security; rather they become more dependent on multinational companies. In summary, genetically engineered foods raise a lot of questions and concerns among the public due to the insufficient information regarding the sector and the potential harm it presents to the people and the environment. There are proponents with valid perspectives who argue for and against the concept, but it is important that the benefits of this technology are weighed against the risks, in order to determine the true value of the industry to consumers (Ackerman). Positive effects include increased food supply and control of overpopulation in fertile lands, but these benefits are overshadowed by the numerous reported and unreported harmful effects of genetic science in food production. From health complications to environmental degradation and negative socio-economic impacts, the GM food production industry is potentially catastrophic in the present time and in the future ahead. Works Cited Ackerman, Jennifer. â€Å"FOOD: How Altered? †National Geographic Magazine. (2002). Web. 18 March 2011. Committee on the Impact of Biotechnology on Farm-Level Economics and Sustainability. Impact of Genetically Engineered Crops on Farm Sustainability in the United States. Washington, D. C. : National Academies Press, 2010: 206-207. Print. Cummins, Ronnie, Ben Lilliston and Frances Moore Lappe. Genetically Engineered Food: A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 2004: 36-38. Print. Goldburg, R. J. â€Å"Environmental Concerns with the Development of Herbicide-tolerant Crops. †Weed Technology 6. 3 (1992): 647-652. Print. GRAIN. â€Å"Bt Cotton through the Back Door. †Seedling (2001): 1-7. Print. Krech, Shepard. Encyclopedia of World Environmental History: F-N. London: Routledge, 2004: 580-581. Print. Lex Orbis. â€Å"Patenting Microorganisms. †Lex Orbis: Intellectual Property Practice. (30 April 2005). Web. 18 March 2011. Nestle, Marion. â€Å"Agricultural Biotechnology, Policy, and Nutrition. †The New England Journal of Medicine (2002). Print. Pain, Stephanie. â€Å"War in the Woods – Dutch Elm Disease is back with a Vengeance. But this time Biotechnology. †New Scientist. (1997). Web. 18 March 2011. Tabashnik, BE, et al. â€Å"Insect Resistance to Bt Crops: Evidence versus Theory. †Nature Biotechnology (2008): 199-202. Print. The Economist. â€Å"Who’s Afraid of Genetically Modified Foods? †The Economist. (19 June 1999): 19-21. Print. World Health Organization. WHO: 20 Questions on Genetically Modified Foods. 2011. Web. 18 March 2011.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Aquinas on Conscience Essay
For Aquinas, conscience is the act of applying our knowledge of corking and malefic to what we do (or might do). So in order to (naturally) know what is a reas wizardd action or large wholeness, star necessitate to understand how affaires argon naturally ordered by divinity primarily what human nature is and what occasions it needs and deserves. This order which dictates what is good or evil behaviour is called the Natural Law by Aquinas. God can and does also preternaturally reveal what is and is not in congruity with his will, e.g. the Ten Commandments and Christs deuce Great Commandments. One also needs to apply this knowledge to what one does, and so one needs to be liberate to act in accordance with what one knows to be the Divine order of issues, or not.Our conscience is our realization that what we might do or have do is good or not, but it is not the unfeigned doing or the choosing. On a skilful note, for Aquinas conscience is the act of spirit what is sk illful and wrong, though the name whitethorn be applied by telephone extension to a habit or designer of performing this act of understanding. The virtue of fashioning correct judgments about accountability or wrong, i.e. appropriate exercises of conscience is called prudence. The reason that this is definitive is that one cannot do the right thing if one does not know what the right thing is. So, if someone has problems with their conscience, it does not come along appropriate to blame them.Children do not have fully formed consciences, and do not always understand what the right thing to do is. If a chela does wrong because he or she didnt know any better, or because he or she thought it was the right thing to do, we do not (or should not) blame and penalize him or her. Aquinas therefore believes that not only is one excused from fault if ones conscience is in error, one also is bound to do the wrong thing if ones conscience tells one that it is the RIGHT thing to do. He al so believes that one has a duty to have a well-formed conscience, one that knows what the right thing to do is. Even though an earring conscious excuses one from doing wrong, one may have done wrong in letting ones conscience fall into error.
Institutional Affiliation
Terrorism inside our borders was non something that people thought of daily if ever. radio set advertisements that instructed us on how to talk to our children ab pop terrorist claps, as though it were similar to a tornado warning, is non something that I anticipated in my lifetime. The atrocity that occurred on 9/11 is not something that is supposed to observe here, but it did. We ar ch all in allenged by the infiltration of immigrants to our rural atomic number 18a, whether healthy or illegal. Our citizens are fearful of the future attacks that are threatened and at times the very carriage of the Arab population deep d experience our communities.Inter commonwealthal terrorism threatens the unify States, its allies, and the instauration community. Defeating the terrorist enemy requires sound policies, united governance effort, and worldwide cooperation. In light of that, it is difficult to consider as you board an airplane with six Arab passengers, that we live in the melting pot. America was founded on freedoms, freedom of public lecture and freedom of religion, to name a few. How do we, as a earth, admonisher and measure our safety, while ensuring the freedoms that are afforded our citizens? How do we deal with the threat of terrorism deep down our own borders?Can we provide safety by simply following the laws of our country? As a senior counter-terrorism official, it is my responsibility to ensure the safety of our communities. topical anaesthetic law enforcement plays a critical role in enhancing the safety in communities. Communication links amongst local law enforcement and accede and federal government will further the effectiveness of this program. It will be my responsibility to encourage local law enforcement in their fight a get intost terrorism. We do not cook the chastise to intrude on the religious activities of Arabs or anyone else within our communities without respectable cause.Defining terrorism in a country based on freedoms is a difficult task. Our countrys downfall is we stick still not attempted to deal with or identify the causes of terrorism. We mustiness identify the cause and the potential activities which threaten our society. The conundrum of terrorismthe problem of a relatively slender number of violent lawbreakers who have set out to undermine our representative way of life and strain either to blackmail the government through force play or the threat of violence to comply with their demands, or to overthrow the government entirely. We should all think close what kind of country we want to live in.To be truly patriotic means recognizing our responsibilities to uphold the democratic principles which make this the freest nation on Earth. It is important to remember that the opening words of the Constitution are We the People not I the People. Being a citizen in a democracy means that you cant organize your own snobby army because you disagree with the actions of the democ ratically elected government. We hire to focus on restorative legal expert. Restorative referee is grounded in the focus on the maltreat created, not simply on the breach of law. This means that the prototypal priority isunderstanding and responding to the needs of victims and the healing of victims. The direct victims are the primary focus, but everyone else who has been touched by the abomination is also involved, including the community as a whole. To handle the terms to victims, restorative justice believes that we must adduce moral responsibility and the need for account qualification on the part of those who have done the harm. Restorative justice sees the past in the context of the present and the future, looking at * what accountability is required to address the harm to the victims * what accountability would provide the offender the opportunity to dorestitution or reparation or whatever needs to be done to address the harm created and * what accountability is ne eded for the restoration of community, including the restoration of the victim and the offender into community. such accountability assumes the need for safety. This involves the whole community winning responsibility for the victims as well up as the offender, including perceive everyone in a human context that is broader than just the moment of the crime. Finally, restorative justice is about the amour of all parties, including the larger community, in working towards healingthe harm and the creation of community, a community that includes both the victims and the offenders. at bottom our communities, it is critical that we appropriately monitor the business of individuals who have been associated or are believed to be associated with cognize terrorists. in that location are already procedures in place to monitor the actions of these individuals. It would not be appropriate to infiltrate communities on the basis of race, unless there are specific ties to known terrorists. Ethically, homeland security is responsible for the safety of all individuals within ourborders and cannot pick and choose based on race. Known terrorists, whether American born or a foreign national, once captured should all receive the equivalent treatment and rights. Recent actions of military in Iraq and elsewhere, if construe by the Iraki people, may give evolve to the belief that Americans are in fact the terrorists. The torment of Iraqi captives and the outright murder of innocent Iraqi civilians could lead one to believe that we are no better than Al Queda. We do not have the right to torture terrorists in order to gain information. Effective counterterrorism should take the form of pr as yettion.We need to offset the terrorist organization by weakening it or do potential targets more difficult to attack. After the attacks of 9/11, an important distinction was drawn between the U. S. principle that an attack on Afghan soil was true(a) because of the Talibans close a nd supportive relationship with al foot and the more extended claim, that one nation could first appearance an attack within another nations sovereign territory, even if there was no state support for terrorists performing within the borders.If evidence is present that a extra state has intentionally supported global terrorism and continues to do so, the case can be make for armed force to avoid future terrorist attacks within the framework of the just war tradition. A state linked to support of terrorism against another nation is engaged in a war of aggression. any country that is the object of terrorist attacks has a right to bear itself. In effect, the case against the Taliban was not intervention for government change but a war of self-protection against a government that was directly complicit in terrorist attacks. (Himes, 2004) The attack on Iraq does not meet the criteria of Just War.President provide and his advisors presented a case for armed intervention in order t o stop the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Concern that enemies top executive use such weapons has fueled the new debate. The United States declared its willingness to initiate attacks upon adversaries it considers to be threatening. Anti-Americanism is alive and well in all parts of the world. Within our own borders, Anti-Americanism is not as widespread as is the disenchantment with our own government. It is not the foundations of America that are at issue, but the interpretation and thus application of our ability to affect the rest of the world.
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