Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Druids Essay -- essays research papers fc
DRUIDS Who were the Druids? The stereotypical image of a Druid is one of a thoughtful philosopher and magician, schooled in the lore of the traditions, and in charge of the education of the chieftains as well as those who sought to obtain knowledge considered obscure by the rest of society. They were knowers of truth, able to manipulate that truth as well as inform others of it. Druids not only influenced society religiously, they also influenced it socially i.e. they took on the parts of teachers, judges, magicians, craftsmen, advisors, priests, and masters of ceremonies, and in doing so, were greatly respected in society. The Role of Druids Teachers Caesar remarked that Druidism originated in Britain and that students would travel there for instruction, information and advice on astronomy, the ‘essential nature of things’, and the power and authority of the Gods- both local and pan-Celtic deities. Their religion forbade them to write down what was being taught, as stated by Athelia Nihtscada: Druids of the past sought to preserve knowledge through passing their traditions to their students. Unfortunately, they did not feel it prudent to write any of this knowledge down lest the knowledge fall into the wrong hands or lose power, leaving us having to piece together what little we do know from other writers through the ages. Because Nihtscada is a woman born with Celtic roots, and was initiated into the Druidic tradition herself, this modern source is quite reliable. She is also a public speaker with a deep interest in her Celtic heritage. Her aim therefore, was to provide readers with accurate information about the Celts, much of which corresponds with information provided by the Romans. Instead of writing, information was communicated and learnt through verse. In fact, there were so many verses that the druids spent about 20 years studying them, learning about oral literature of sacred songs, prayers, incantations, divination and magic. Despite this however, not one verse has survived, nor are there any pure Druidic legends as all of them have been subjected to Christian or Roman interpretation. Master of Ceremonies Druids, as masters of ceremonies, are renowned for administering animal, and sometimes even human sacrifices, as told by the Romans. Pliny the Elder describes one Druidic ceremony in his Naturalis Historia (XVI, 95): "Anything growing... ...ltic lifestyle. Bibliography - The Early History of Rome (Books I-V), Titus Livy, Penguin Library of History (Books XVI.66-XVII), Diodorus Siculus, Loeb Classical Library - The Gallic War, Julius Caesar, Loeb Classical Library - Natural History, Pliny the Elder, Oxford University Press - The Tain Translated from the Irish Epic Tain Bo Cuailnge, Oxford Paperbacks à ³ Tuathail, Seà ¡n. The Excellence of the Ancient Word. Available via internet at: ftp://bronze.coil.com/pub/nemeton/lore/eaw.cnl Geography, Strabo, Loeb Classical Library - http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/d/druidism.html - http://www.religioustolerance.org/druid.htm - http://witcombe.sbc.edu/earthmysteries/EMDruids.html - http://celt.net/Celtic/History/d_overview.html - http://www.britannia.com/wonder/michell2.html - "Story of Druids†, Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopedia 2001.  © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation.
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